With sad eyes, I look at the boy who was my first love. It is with him that I associate memories that are both happy and sad. It's hard for me to look at him, seeing someone different, different from the man I secretly crush and dream about every night before bed.
Before we fell in love with each other, I saw him very differently. In my eyes, he was a popular, amazing athlete that all the girls at school wanted. At the time, I thought he was a trouble-free kid who enjoyed every day, but the reality turned out to be entirely different.
I became his problem. If I had never appeared in his life, he would not have ended up like this.
Certainly not.
The sight of Felix, staring at one point outside the window, makes my heart break. He's lifeless, on drugs for a long time, locked up in a mental hospital.
This is the only rescue for him after he confessed that he thoughtlessly killed his parents. He has a serious health issue and is a danger to others as well as himself.
It hurts my heart to watch him for an hour, but he completely pays no attention to me. He doesn't recognize me, doesn't know who I am.
I come to see him once a week because I miss him. However, I don't know if I'm any lighter seeing him like this. I wonder if it might not be better to give up visiting him. I think that might be the best way to save us both.
I get up from the chair and approach him with a slow step. In order not to frighten him, I gently put my hand on his head and stroke his hair. He continues to pay no attention to me, looking at one point.
- I'm sorry, Felix. I destroyed your life. This is my fault. I should never have appeared before you," I whisper, feeling tears coming to my eyes. I press my lips together, trying not to cry. - I hope that one day you will be healthy again and get a chance for a happy life. I love you," I add, then kiss the top of his head.
At this point, tears flow from the corners of my eyes and I hastily turn my back on him, heading for the door. I know that if I don't leave now, I will never make this decision.
We have to live separately so we can be happy again.
Five years later
I walk with a three-year-old girl, holding her hand. Mia, who has two ponytails and big brown eyes, looks like a doll. She gives the impression of being sweet and innocent, but she is a little devil incarnate who shows her pinks at the least opportune moment.
She is the same as her parents.
- Mom! - she shouts, pulling herself out of my grasp. She runs over to the blonde girl who is waiting for us at the café. She hugs Eve's leg, which looks adorable.
- Did she give you a hard time?
- I've been worse," I reply to my friend, smiling broadly. - Did you manage to get all your business done?
- Yes, again, thank you very much for your help over Mia.
- You can always count on me. That's what friends are for," I state, entering the café. We sit down at a vacant table and order coffee, as well as ice cream for the little urchin.
Eve glances at her cell phone.
- Mike finishes work at sixteen, so he'll pick us up on the way. - I nod my head. - So brag about how your romance with the sexy department manager who gave you a hard time during your internship is developing?
I smile at these words and glance at Mia, who is fascinated by strawberry ice cream.
- He is very caring. He is the opposite of the man I created in my head. He admitted to me that by teasing me, he was showing special affection towards me. I think he wanted to be someone he wasn't. In fact, he's a kind, resourceful and caring man who I feel safe around. I think this is heading in the right direction.
Eve looks happy.
- I'm glad that life is finally working out for you. You've picked up quite a hunk, plus he's ten years older than you. Mature guys are mega sexy.
- I just hope that I can finally be happy.
- This is your time, Selena. You have to leave the past behind. We are adults and we need to move on.
I bite my lip and nod in agreement.
The rest of the conversation passes in amusing chatter as Eve begins to complain about her husband, but points out that despite his flaws she loves him very much, and that thanks to him, she has a wonderful daughter.
When Mike shows up, he insists on giving me a ride home, but I see that Mia is tired, and I live on the opposite side of town.
- Come back, I can handle it," I announce as they both look at me with reproach in their eyes.
- You'll have to come by on the weekend. When Mia is asleep, bring that department manager with you. I want to meet him and see if he is honest with you," Mike declares.
- Sure, I'll ask him if he has any plans. Have a safe trip, see you there.
They leave, and I head toward the bus stop. I immediately text Jack, asking if he would like to meet my friends.
I jump up and look over my shoulder when a noise sounds not far from me. With frightened eyes, I look at the metal ladder that was previously leaning against the wall, now lying on the sidewalk. There is no one by it, so I feel a strange uneasiness.
- It could have been the wind," I explain to myself, although I don't feel any breeze. - Or a cat. It's probably a cat.
I don't know if I'm getting paranoid, but I get the impression that someone is following me. I'm afraid to turn around, so I speed up my step. I take a shortcut where there aren't many people.
- Selena - I hear a voice that chills me from head to toe. I energetically turn over my shoulder, but I don't see anyone around.
Leave the past behind, just like Eve said, or you'll go crazy, I whisper.
Almost running, I walk out onto the main street. I reach the bus stop and sit down on a bench. I still feel chills all over my body, and the worst part is that I feel like I'm being watched the whole time.
This is just a figment of your imagination, I whisper.