It's late in the evening. The hands of the clock show a few minutes past midnight as I shakily leave the bathroom, making sure no one sees me. My legs are like cotton wool as I walk past the security guard and fall outside. The cool air hits my heated face, yet I'm still running amok. I look around to the side, wondering which way I should go to get home. Just then, I realize that I don't have my purse with me. I left all my stuff at the club.
I'm not going back there, no way. Not after what Felix told me. He got me to the point where I'm now panic-stricken about him.
At this hour, the streets are practically empty. You can only see drunk people returning from clubs, bars, or karaoke.
I look around in all directions and pull my hair back, wondering which way I should go. I am completely unfamiliar with the place.
Furthermore, I look over my shoulder, and my eyes widen in horror when I spot my buddy Felix, who is lighting up a cigarette in front of the entrance. His gaze finds me and he looks puzzled.
- Selena Wasley? Why are you here? - he asks, and then I panic and go where my legs carry me. At this point, I probably look insane, but I'm terrified to the point that I have no idea what I'm actually doing. I don't know where I'm going, where I'm going to get to, but I just want to get away from this place.
I want to get away from my boyfriend.
Furthermore, I jump away from the man, who grabs my hand. I look at him with frightened eyes, realizing that he has wicked intentions towards me.
- Beautiful, why are you wandering around here alone? Are you seeking company?
- Selena Wasley! - I hear a loud shout that makes my body shudder. I shift my terrified gaze to the silhouette ten meters away.
That's Felix. He's standing there in that semi-darkness looking like the devil, not my boyfriend.
That damned bastard, his buddy, must have pointed out to him the way I escaped.
My breathing accelerates, and I begin to slowly move backward as he walks toward me. The men let go of me, muttering something under their breath about a lovers' quarrel.
My heart beats restlessly fast as his steps become faster and faster. I turn my back on him and start running ahead. I don't know where I'm going, but I can't let him catch me.
This will be my end.
Tears stream down my cheeks as I rush ahead, in my mind begging anyone to help me. I know I'm without a chance, because he's an athlete who will easily get me, so I need anyone to help me.
- Selena Wasley! - he howls again, and I turn into a side street, hitting a dead end.
I am without a chance. I can't escape anymore.
Furthermore, I move backwards, and like a lurking beast, he walks towards me with a quick step. It is dark, but despite this, I can see his angry face.
- Felix, I beg you, just leave me alone," I say quietly, trying to catch my breath. I stick my back to the wall, and he stands in front of me and tugs on my arm.
- Why are you doing this to me! Why are you behaving like this, on a night that is special to me?
I look at him with wide-open eyes, wondering if he no longer remembers what he told me in the bathroom?
- Because I'm getting more and more afraid of you.... - I whisper, and then he crinkles his eyebrows. He grabs my shoulders and presses me against the wall, and his eyes become wild again.
- Are you afraid of me? Are you crazy?
- Do you see what you are doing, Felix? I'm acting like this for a reason!
- No, you are the one who gives me a reason for such behavior! - he shouts at me, and I close my eyelids.
All these emotions hit me too hard, as I get weak. My knees bend under me, but Felix grabs me before I fall to the ground.
Then darkness comes.
I feel that I am lying on a soft mattress. I open my eyes and look around with panicked eyes at a place I don't know. This is the first time I've been here, and I think it's a hotel room.
It is still dark outside. The clock indicates three o'clock in the morning.
From the bathroom, I hear water. Someone is taking a shower, and I'm 100 percent sure it's Felix.
I get up from the bed and look around the interior, searching for my shoes and purse. The ballerinas lie under a chair, on which is a clutch bag with a chain. I put on my shoes and, holding the purse in my hand, hurriedly head toward the door.
Who would have thought that it would come to a situation where I was secretly running away from my boyfriend?
I'm already holding my hand on the doorknob when his voice comes from behind me:
- Where are you going, dear reader?
I know that I no longer have a chance to escape. He's going to get me anyway, so I turn to face him. He is wearing a bathrobe and is rubbing his wet hair with a towel.
- Why did you take me here? I want to go home.
- I could not take myself to my house. My parents are in it.
- I'm talking about my house, Felix," I whisper.
I notice a smile on his face. That dangerous smile that turns him into a devil.
- I'm not a fool to do that. I know you plan to run away from me. My mother told you stupid things and you believed her.
I feel like killing Eve and Mike, who told him everything.
- My behavior has nothing to do with your parents. It's about you, Felix.
The 19-year-old walks up to me and looks closely into my eyes, as if trying to read the truth from them.
- You want to run away from me, you want to leave me, but I won't let you. My life without you has no meaning, Selena," he announces, putting his hand to my cheek.
- No, Felix. You need help. I am not your medicine, but your disease.
This sentence unleashes the madness in him. He reaches my lips and kisses me aggressively, overpowering my hands. I try to break away from him, to free myself from him, but I can't. He is stronger.
- Since you contributed to my illness, take responsibility for it. You can't leave me. - His breath tickles my face as he says these words, being too close to me. - There is no cure for this, and your leaving will cause my death.
My heart breaks into a million pieces. I close my eyelids from under which tears flow.
- Felix, I want to help you.
- No, with your departure you would like to kill me. You don't love me anymore.
- I love you! - I shout in his face. - That's why I want the best for you!
- No, you want to leave me to die longing for you! You want to get rid of me! Admit that you already have someone else in mind! - he screams in my face.
- What are you talking about? There is no one else. I just worry about you and want to save you.
- This is just a stupid excuse to leave me! - He turns his back to me and takes a deep breath. - You don't love me anymore, you want to abandon me. You want to leave for another.... But I will never let you do that! You are mine, Selena! You will always be again, and I will gouge out the eyes of anyone who looks at you!
- Felix, can you hear what you are saying? You are crazy.
He turns to face me, his eyes still shining with madness.
- Crazy? Do you want to know my crazy side? I can show it to you," he declares, grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up. I scream as he throws me down on the bed and sits on top of me with his arms around me. At first, I defend myself, I want to get away from him and escape, but something inside me dies as he kisses my face, neck, and cleavage.
I don't have the strength to fight. I give up, knowing that I am without a chance. I still love the bastard, so I just let him do it. At this point, everything is the same to me.
Let him do whatever he wants with me.
Tears flow from the outer corners of my eyes, and then he lifts his face and looks at me for a moment. I look somewhere to the side, but I feel his intense gaze. He gets off me and sits down under the bed, and his eyes go blank. I see this when I float to a sitting position.
- Go away, Selena, before I do something crazy and hurt you.
These words make something inside me snap once again tonight. It's as if he has snapped out of some sort of cupid and come back to his right mind. It's as if there is still a chance for him.
- Felix... - I say in a hoarse voice.
- Please, Selena, leave now. Leave this room as long as I am patient," he says in a weak voice.
I look at his face for a moment, then jump off the bed. I grab the purse lying on the floor and run to the door. I take one last look over my shoulder and look at his suffering face.
He'll be fine, right?
Closing the door behind me and walking down the hotel corridor, I pull out my phone to call Eve. I nervously bite my nail when she doesn't answer. However, I breathe a sigh of relief when, after the second beep, she greets me in a drunken voice.
- Where are you, Eve? - I ask, hearing the noise of loud music and shouting youths.
- What do you mean where? The birthday party is going on at its best, although you and the birthday boy are missing. Where are you guys?
I realize that Felix did not return to the club. He took me here immediately after I passed out, not caring that he was leaving guests.
- It's my fault and I think that unfortunately we will not return there.
- Did something happen? Any serious quarrel arose between the two of you? - she asks, walking out in front of the club, as the music has noticeably quieted down.
- This is much more complicated than an argument. We have serious problems in the relationship. It's not likely that anything good will come out of this. We shouldn't be together.
I press the button and wait for the elevator, and then I hear footsteps. I look to the side and open my eyes wider as Felix grabs my hand and ends the connection with Eve. He embraces me tightly and prevents me from entering the elevator.
- I don't want you to leave me. I can't let that happen. That brief moment made my heart hurt too much. You must stay with me, Selena. Forever.
I'm in a web that I can't get out of.