I'm sitting at the table with my boyfriend. We are eating the dinner I prepared for us. Besides us, there is no one in the house. It is much smaller and more modest than Felix's house, as my family is not as rich as his, but we have enough for everything. My parents take overtime when they can put aside money for vacations, as well as for a "black hour." Things can be different in life, so you should always be prepared for the worst.
I lift my gaze from above the plate, feeling the intense gaze on me. Felix rests his cheek on his hand, staring at me like a picture.
- Why aren't you eating? Don't you like the dinner I prepared? - I ask in a worried voice. He smiles with the corner of his mouth.
- Everything is delicious, but I just like to look at you occasionally. The way you eat, I find extremely charming.
I swallow my food and feel myself blushing because of his words. We've been together for a while, and yet he still manages to embarrass me.
- What do you think? What's between Eve and Mike? They have been getting too close lately," I change the subject, putting food in my mouth.
- I don't want to talk about others. I want to talk about us.
Does he want to talk about us? About what exactly?
- What do you mean? - I ask in a slightly worried voice. He senses this because he smiles charmingly.
- A school trip is coming up soon. All-year groups can participate. I would like us to go together.
Somehow I was relieved. I was afraid he meant our relationship. I thought something was wrong. I start to panic too soon.
- With great pleasure, Felix. But first I will have to talk to my parents about it," I reply, to which he nods. He takes my hand, which I hold on the table-top, and looks at me with such love in his eyes that I have no doubt that I might already be bored with him.
I'm afraid of that. It scares me to think that the day may come when I simply become a pain in the ass for him. He has numerous female fans who are capable of scratching my eyes out to take my place. I am troubled by the thought that a girl may appear who will turn his head so badly that he will leave me.
Every day I fall in love with him more and more, and I can't imagine losing him.
- Let me clean up, and then we can sit in the living room," I announce. Felix nods and helps me gather the dishes from the table. I turn off the water in the faucet and soak my sponge in dishwashing liquid when I feel him come toward me. He embraces me from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder.
- I like you, Selena. - His voice sounds so soft and pleasant that a shiver runs through my body.
Should I be confident now that I won't lose him so easily?
I turn to face him and, leaning with my hips against the kitchen cabinet, look into his eyes.
- I like you too, Felix," I reply.
He embraces my face and leans in, kissing me tenderly. The words he spoke to me first make my hormones buzz inside me. I throw my arms around his shoulders, and he takes advantage of this and kisses me much more boldly.
At this point, I get the impression that I am not myself. I forget about the unwashed dishes and jump on top of him, my legs wrapping around his hips. I am excited and ready for any craziness with him.
We land in the living room. He puts me on the couch and looks deeply into my eyes. I close my eyelids as he leans over and kisses my face, starting with my forehead, nose, cheeks and ending with my lips.
- You are my drug, Selena. Every day I become more and more addicted to you," he whispers, stroking my hair. - I love you madly.
At this point, his words should make me a little anxious, but they don't. I am happy because I know that none will take him away from me.
I can see real feelings in his eyes when he discusses how much he loves me.
This time it is I who kisses him first. I pull his face closer to me, craving more. I realize that I'm excited and hormones are bubbling up inside me, but Felix is everything to me, and I'm ready to go further tonight.
I put my hand under his shirt, and then he moves away from me and shakes his head.
- We will wait for the day until you are really ready. I don't mean to hurt you," he announces in a whisper, then kisses me on the forehead.
I have to admit that I have a damn wonderful and caring boyfriend. He loves me so much that at this point he thinks only of me and not of his desires.
He lies down next to me, snuggling into me tightly.
- Let's lie like this for a while.
- I have to wash the dishes," I say in an amused voice.
- Take it easy. After all, we still have plenty of time until your parents return," he replies with his eyes closed. - Let me be close to you for an hour. I don't need anything else.
I don't need anything else to be happy either. His presence is fairy tale enough for me.
I love everything about it. It's perfect, and supposedly ideals don't exist.
Well... they don't exist.
I sit in the bench, waiting for the next lesson. I rest my cheek on my hand and watch my best friend, who, without any brakes, sits Sebastian on his lap. The boy looks as if he is about to cry from helplessness.
- Give me a holy rest, perverted woman," he says in an exhausted voice. He's probably fed up with Eve, who doesn't know when to stop.
- I will give you peace of mind if you assure me that you will go on the trip.
- No way, since you will be there. You're going to turn this trip into hell.
- Are you kidding me? A trip aside, a beautiful woman is paradise. I'll make you fly away directly to heaven.
I feel like shooting myself in the forehead with my hand. I'm not surprised by our peer who fakes illness to avoid coming to school.
Eve, she's the most perverted and unabashed girl in our school. And she just happens to be my best friend.
- You are heavy. My legs are suffering. Get off me," he says to her, but she doesn't seem to mind.
- I will not come down until you promise me that you will go on a trip.
- Ok, I promise! - He raises his voice, wanting to get rid of her at all costs. - Now will you leave me alone?
The blonde smiles broadly.
- Remember, if you lie to me and don't go, I will actually turn your life into hell," she warns him, jabbing a finger in front of his nose. - I will eat you against your will. I will lock you in the basement and devour you whole.
People in the class are amused. Everyone is already used to her crazy personality.
- Don't ignore it, Sebastian," I respond, and only my words cause him real concern. - She is capable of kidnapping you.
- If I go missing, all the people in the class can be witnesses! - he shouts in a panicked voice.
- Kitten, by the time they find you, I will have already managed to devour you," she says to him in an amused voice, stroking his chin.
She gets off his lap and returns to her seat. I shake my head, showing her that she is exaggerating.
- How many times do I have to tell you that you won't get it this way?
- I am like a wild animal. I like to capture my prey by force. This sheep is mine and there is no hope of escape.
It seems to me that she is getting crazier as she gets older.
- So what did you and Mike do yesterday? I won't believe that you were just sitting in MC'Donald.
A mysterious smile appears on her face.
- And we were here and there. Your brother-in-law opened up to me, told me a little about a girl he likes, but can't do anything about because she's unattainable to him.
- Does Mike like any girl? Interesting. Felix certainly knows what that person is.
- No one knows, except me. Even Felix has no idea," she replies quickly. - That's why don't mention it to him. It's a secret.
- Mystery? Strange. Felix is his best friend, so I thought they tell each other everything. - I can't hide the fact that I'm surprised. Mike opened up to Eve, but didn't mention anything about it to his buddy? - What's a girl to make such a secret out of it? Wait... or maybe it's a man!
- Oh, don't make it up. You're getting carried away with your imagination," mutters Eve.
- Is it you? Is that why he told you? - I move closer to her, looking into her eyes to read the truth.
She bursts out laughing.
- Are you crazy? I'm a beauty and many guys dream about me, but just not him. I told you that Mike is my soulmate, but we didn't get into sexual attraction.
I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what kind of girl is involved.
- So who is it?
- I won't tell you, because you will repeat it to Felix, and then he will surely kill him.
- So why did you even start the topic? - I attack her.
- Because you asked me! - she replies pretentiously. - Take care of your guy and don't be interested in the sex lives of others. - She opens the notebook, and I do not take my eyes off her. - But you can tell me about your sex life. What did you do yesterday with Felix?
I look at her with indignant eyes.
- You're too snotty to hear about it," I say in an angry voice. - Take care of your sex life.
- Being with an Australian, you grow sharper and sharper claws. The day will come when you scratch me with them.
I grab her head and jerk it playfully until a teacher enters the classroom. Eve is disheveled and looks like she had an encounter with a strong wind.
- Wait until the lesson is over. Your boyfriend won't recognize you.
- I at least have a boyfriend," I answer her, showing my tongue. Eve feels like attacking me, but she is stopped by the presence of the teacher. - Don't worry, at least I love you.
She shows me the middle finger in response.
This is our sisterly love.