Chapter 2

I open my eyes, and then I am overwhelmed with terror. First, because I feel terrible, I feel like my head is going to burst shortly, and second, I find myself in a strange place, remembering only that I lost consciousness during the races.

What happened? Where is my friend? What am I doing here?

I rise on the bed, putting my hand to my forehead. I get the impression that I have a hangover, and I can swear that I haven't even taken a sip of alcohol into my mouth.

Furthermore, I look around the room, which is in beige and navy-blue colors. The wall opposite me is dark, and the others are sand-colored. The carpet is navy blue, and the furniture is white.

It's already dawn outside, the sun's rays streaming in through the open window, beyond which sits a balcony.

I get off the bed and grab my purse. I check my phone, which has several missed calls and a message from my friend.

"Selena, please let me know you're okay, because I'm going out of my mind. I will never forgive myself if something happened to you. I hope you met someone who just dragged you to bed."

All of my friends. Even such a situation makes her able to joke. I could be kidnapped, and she....


Have I not been kidnapped? Where am I? Who took me to this place?

I run toward the door and stand as if I've been caught off guard when someone warns me and opens it, standing in front of me with a mug of steaming tea.

I open my eyes wide when I spot Sebastian. The once pretty boy has turned into a handsome man.

And I'm swallowing my saliva hard, and I don't know if it's out of nerves or if I'm just impressed by how well age has affected him.

- Sebastian... - I whisper.

- I'm sorry if I scared you, Selena," he says, in a nervous voice. - I just wanted to help you.

- What happened?

- Sit down, please, on the bed and have some warm tea before you go back to your place. I will explain the situation to you.

I trust him. After all, this is Sebastian, my friend's ex-boyfriend and a classmate with whom I was in the same class for several years.

I take a mug of warm tea from him and sit down on the bed, while he walks to the window and stands with his back to me.

- I don't know what you are doing in New York, but you should return to Los Angeles as soon as possible.

I furrow my eyebrows, wondering if this is some kind of joke.

- Excuse me? I'm here on vacation, resting together with.... - I bite my tongue before saying my friend's name. Apparently they were kids at the time, they shared a momentary affection, but I can't mention her in his company.

- With Eve?

- Yes, with Eve and her daughter.

I can't see Sebastian's face, though I'm curious about his reaction.

- Does she get along well with Mike?

- Yes, they form a successful relationship," I reply.

- All the best, may they prosper. I wish them the best," he says, although I can hear a slight nervousness in his voice.

- Will you explain to me what I am doing at your place, and what happened during the races?

- Someone tried to hurt you. The bartender, on someone's orders, added something to your water, which is why you lost consciousness. It's a good thing I was there and could protect you. - He turns to face me. - New York is not a safe place, not for you.

- Why not for me? After all, I haven't fallen for anyone. I have no enemies here.

- Are you sure?

I feel like I'm in some fucking movie. I don't understand anything.

- I only had a small conflict with a certain guy, but he was the one who attached himself to me for no reason.... - I break off in mid-sentence, seeing the eloquent gaze of a former classmate.

- That's what I'm talking about, Selena. I know Hero, I think everyone in this country has heard of him. I know what he is capable of. He has set his sights on you as a victim, that's why you are not safe. Go back to Los Angeles, please.

- Sebastian, but...

- There is no "but," Selena. Listen to me and go home.

- Could you, at least order me a cab? - I ask.

- I'll drive you back myself. That's the safest way.

- Thank you.


On the way, I call a friend and promise to explain everything to her at home. I assure her that I'm fine, and when she asks who I'm with, I reply that she'll see for herself.

Sebastian drives the car in silence until I start the topic.

- What happened to make you settle in New York?

He responds only after some time.

- In Los Angeles, I only had my mother. After her death, I was distraught and lost. I was afraid of the future because I was left alone. I had no support from anyone. Furthermore, I started drinking alcohol. Over time, I got to such a state that I didn't have the strength to leave the bar. One day, I fell and bumped somebody with my shoulder. He kicked me in the street, but a man helped me. To this day, I don't understand why he did it, but meeting him changed my life by a hundred and eighty degrees. He is my former boss, thanks to whom I found myself in New York. I owe everything to him, because if it wasn't for him, I don't know what would have happened to me...

- You've been through a lot, but it's fortunate that you met a good man who put you on the right track.

- He may not exactly be a good person, but I owe him everything.

The man pulls over as we find ourselves in front of Aunt Eve's house. The blonde girl runs toward me as I get out of the car and throws herself into my arms. She squeezes me so tightly that I can't breathe.

- I will never leave you again. I was going out of my mind. In my head, I saw the worst scenarios. I'm sorry, Selena.

- Come on, it's not your fault that I ran into some chump.

- But I was the one who took you to the races....

- Hi, Eve. - The blonde girl moves away from me and looks at Sebastian with shocked eyes.

She looks as if she has seen a ghost. She just looks at him with big eyes, unable to get a word out. Furthermore, she points her finger at him and shifts her gaze to me, as if demanding an explanation.

- He helped me when I lost consciousness. He took me to his place.

- So he couldn't pick up your fucking phone to calm me down and assure me that you're okay! - she howls unexpectedly, as if all her emotions had just flowed out of her.

- I come to the conclusion that you have not changed at all," says the man, scratching his head and looking somewhere to the side.

- You, on the other hand, have changed amazingly. You look good," she says, putting her arms over her chest.

Sebastian smiles at the corner of his mouth.

- Auntie! - shouts Lily, who runs out of the house. She cuddles into my leg, and the man looks at the girl.

- In appearance, a pure father.

- But the character is mommy's," Eve claims, forcing a smile.

- It was nice to see you after quite a long time. Take care, girls. And Selena, think about what I told you.

A young man gets into a car and drives away. Eve looks at me as if I have committed some crime.

- Really? Of all people, you had to run into him exactly, and in New York?

- He helped me. Some strange type attached himself to me. Sebastian warned me to watch out for him because I was in danger, that it would be best if I went back to Los Angeles.

- What type?

- He got in my way at the races when you went forward. I also saw him in the restaurant. It was because of him that we ended up in that place. He wanted you to hear about the races. I don't know who it is and how much he knows about me, but I'm starting to get scared.

- Do you want to return to Los Angeles? For me, it's not a problem. The most important thing is your safety.

- No, Eve. Some idiot won't spoil my vacation. We stay and enjoy every day. He would have to follow me to run into him again....


For the next three days, we quietly spend time in New York. Nothing bad happens. Fortunately, I no longer meet the man who caused shivers on my body.

We sight sees, ate delicious meals, even went to an amusement park with Lily. We make the most of this time, as best we can.

And today, two days before returning to Los Angeles, we decide to have fun in a nightclub.

Dressed in a white lace mini dress, I look at myself in the mirror, correcting my red lipstick. I look great, this time I match my friend, who is wearing a black mid-thigh dress, highlighting the cleavage in the interlacing.

We are in the club, but the first thing I asked Eve to do was to come with me right away to the bathroom, also only now I am able to look around thoroughly.

The venue is huge. It has two floors with balconies from which people watch the people playing on the dance floor. Various lights flash alternately, music is ringing in my ears, and I feel excited to be here.

We walk up to the bar and order shots for us, which we drink in one round. The alcohol makes us feel better, making us want to go wild even more that night.

We get on the dance floor and move to the rhythm of the music, not paying attention to anything or anyone. It's a great feeling when you can get all your emotions out instantly, partying like there's no tomorrow.

I close my eyelids and feel someone put his hands on my hips. I look over my shoulder and notice a man not much taller than me with shoulder-length red hair.

It suits him, such a hairstyle. He looks good.

- What is your name? - turns to my ear.

- Selena," I reply.

- Are you from New York?

I shake my head in response, and a smile is painted on his face.

I look at Eve and see that my friend is viciously knocking somebody's hands off her. Finally, she points her finger at him, shouting to him to back off.

The man lets go, and she dances on.

The red-haired man grabs my hand and pulls me somewhere to the side. I look at him with anxiety in my eyes, but calm down when he tells me he wants to talk outside and smoke a cigarette.

This time it is I who leaves Eve alone.

My head is rustling as my back is leaning against the wall of the building. A man is standing in front of me, letting smoke out of his mouth.

- Are you a student, Selena? - starts the conversation.

I shake my head in response.

- No, I'm so old that my studies are long behind me, and I'm just hanging out in New York, relaxing on vacation.

- Wow, because I would even say you look like a high school girl," he claims, wanting to grab my chin. I tilt my head back and laugh, feeling that alcohol is only now hitting my head properly.

- It's just good makeup," I reply, waving my hand in front of my face. He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes.

- I like older girls... - he announces and brings his face closer to mine, as if he is about to kiss me. I tilt my head to the side and feel someone standing by us. I see a hand with silver rings on its fingers holding the hand of a newly met guy.

- Touch it and I'll kill you.

That voice makes me shiver. I don't know if I'm so drunk that I'm delusional, but I see Felix next to me. His black hair is shoulder-length and he's wearing a leather jacket.

Even in my imaginations, he appears to be the sexiest and most handsome guy on earth.

The frightened stranger walks away, and I extend my hand toward him, ignoring my hallucinations.

- Hey, the type with red hair! - I shout. - Where are you going? Why do you leave me here alone?

- I hate it when you're drunk," Felix says in an angry voice.

My imagination is still standing next to me, scanning me with its eyes. It amuses me to be so drunk that I see imaginary people.

- My first love, my perfect, dangerous guy is here to protect me from bad men," I say in a joking voice, touching his cheek. I realize that the people around me must be having a good laugh, seeing that I am talking to myself.

- Felix!

I looked over his shoulder at the man shouting his name. I start laughing as my illusion becomes so complicated that I can even see the Hero that Sebastian warned me about.

- Oo, Felix, he is the biggest threat to me. This idiot tried to hurt me. You have to protect me from him," I say in a solemn voice, then puff out my lips and crinkle my eyebrows as I look at Hero. - You are unearthly handsome, but I am afraid of you.

- Felix, leave her alone! - he shouts again.

- Give me a chance, Lucas. I promise that she will not make my condition return again.

- Somehow I don't believe it! - Hero sends me a hateful look, but I'm so drunk that I know it's a hallucination, so I don't do anything about it.

Like a child, I show him my tongue.

- Screw this sick destiny.... - mutters the handsome man, then furiously enters the club.

I lift my face and look at my perfect illusion.

- Can I be forever drunk so that I never wake up from this dream? Please don't let me out of your embrace, Felix," I say in a sweet voice, resting my head on his torso.

He squeezes me so tightly, as if he is afraid that if he lets me go, I will escape him.

- I have waited too long to meet you to just let you go now. You are safe with me, you are in no danger," he says in a gentle voice, stroking my hair.