Chapter 30

Days go by, and it seems to me that it is too quiet. It is so quiet and monotonous that I feel inside that it is a harbinger of the coming storm.

Something is wrong...

Things are going amazingly well between me and Felix. His change is visible and I finally feel happy. I hope this is not a temporary thing to pull the wool over my eyes, that he will cherish our relationship to the end and care for me in the same way he does now.

Everything seems perfect, but I'm curious why Felix's parents haven't shown up in town so far. Shouldn't this be the first place they would come to find their son?

I feel that he is hiding something from me though....

We sit on the couch, eating strawberry ice cream. Felix's roommate is gone in the afternoon, as he works until nine o'clock every day except weekends.

I lean my back against the pillow, my legs holding on to the boy, who looks thoughtful. For a moment, I think he is cut off from reality, as he looks at one point, not paying attention to how much ice cream he is scooping onto his spoon.

- Are you all right? You seem to be thoughtful today," I say to him after a long silence, breaking him out of his amok.

- What," he asks, looking at me with a semi-conscious eye.

- What's going on? I can see that something is bothering you. You're acting strangely, Felix.

He doesn't answer me right away. He looks at me, pondering an answer.

- I didn't get much sleep, maybe that's why.

- Don't cheat me. We promised each other not to keep any secrets. We tell each other everything that's on our hearts. Evidently, I can see that something is bothering you.

Felix sets the ice cream cup down on the table and combed his hand through his short blond hair. He leans his back against a pillow and closes his eyelids.

- I contacted my parents today. What gave me no peace was why they were not interested in me, why they were not looking for me. - He pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath. - I don't know what's happening to me, I should be relieved that I have peace of mind, but somehow my heart hurts after hearing from them. Perhaps because I realized that I was never really loved as their child? Did they treat me objectively? With coercion because I was born? They wanted to have control over me, to arrange my life, especially my mother. - I move closer to him as I notice the tears in his eyes. I take his hand, and then he breaks. Tears run down his cheeks, and he says in a pained voice. - I was born only because my grandparents pressed for a grandchild. My parents didn't show me the warmth I needed because I was unnecessary to them. I was something of a nuisance to them, completely unnecessary. This is a terrible thing, Selena. Until I met you, I didn't know what real love was, because from my parents I never received it. I am able to say that I hate them, especially after they locked me up in this hell...

I embrace him, and he puts his head on my chest.

- What did they tell you during today's conversation? - I ask in a whisper, stroking his hair.

- That they are giving me the freedom I wanted, that I no longer exist for them. They will live as if they never had a son, so I am never to contact them again.

My heart breaks when I hear these words. I can't imagine that my parents could say something like that to me. They always say that I am their greatest treasure, the joy of life, and they are happy that I was born.

What kind of monsters are parents who say such merciless words to their child?

- I am not in a position to comment on this subject because it is devastating to me. I am of the thought that not every person is fit to become a parent.

- I'm sad, but I should be happy to have my freedom back, right? I guess it's better not to have parents at all than to live with them in suffering. I'm already an adult, I don't need them by my side," he announces, then lifts his face and looks me in the eyes. - The most important thing is that I have you, Selena. You are enough for me to fully live happily.

- You have me and your friends. You can always count on us," I say, stroking his cheek. - Mike got you a job at his place, so you'll be fine. You'll be fine.

- Now that I know I'm free, I'm considering renting an apartment with him. With a best friend, life is different. As long as you don't finish studying....

- I know, I would also love to live with you. At this point, I would be ready for it, but let's wait.

- I love you, Selena," he says, smiling slightly.

- I love you too," I reply, looking at him with tenderness in my eyes. - Now it will only get better. I believe that the worst period is behind us.


On a Saturday afternoon, we are sitting in the park with friends, eating snacks. It's a beautiful sunny day, and lazing around on a blanket with great people is something really wonderful when we don't have any worries on our minds.

Mike tells such silly things that my stomach hurts from laughing. This man would be suitable as a comedian.

At some point, I look around and start to observe other people. I see happy families with children, people in love, and people hanging out with friends. Dogs are running around the park, children are shouting loudly, and I don't mind at all. I really feel fantastic.

I put the strawberry in my mouth and opened my eyes wider when I spot a familiar face. At first, I think I'm delusional, but on one of the blankets, I actually see our schoolmate Hannah tenderly spending time with someone I don't know.

I decide to keep it to myself, because I guess that my wild friend would not sit quietly and would have to retaliate something. As long as she doesn't see it herself, let this girl spend quiet time with her boyfriend.

- Bunny, can I come over to your place tonight? - Eve speaks up, directly addressing Mike.

I'm not much shorter of choking on a strawberry.

- Blondie, have you no shame? On such topics, talk to my friend when you are alone," says Felix, looking at her with furrowed brows.

- Don't pretend to be innocent, because I know you guys tell each other everything.

- Eve! - I admonish her to bite her tongue before she says two words too many.

- Girls like to tell each other what happens in their relationships, but guys are not like that. From him...- Mike points his finger at Felix - you can't get anything out. No relationships of any kind.

- You, on the other hand, probably tell every detail, knowing your long tongue. - Eve attacks her boyfriend, to which I smile.

- Even if he did, I would clog my ears with something, so I wouldn't hear it," mutters Felix. - Also quietly...

- And you, darling, why don't you disavow telling your best friend about our amorous exploits? - bites off Mike, and I blush up to my ears.

- She once tried, but I would rather not hear it," I interjected quickly.

- Well, that's right... - confirms Eve, then realizes she just talked herself out of it. - No, wait, stop. What are you talking about Selena? I never even started this topic, because I know you wouldn't want to hear about it.

I start laughing when she and Mike start arguing. I look at Felix, who embraces my hand.

- Shall we take a walk and leave these lunatics alone for a while? They bring us shame, people are watching," says Felix.

- Yes, let's take a walk.

They don't even pay attention as we walk away. Holding hands, we follow along the sidewalk, enjoying each other's company.

I glance sideways when I see Felix playing with his phone.

- Should we update our relationship status? - he asks, showing me that he is waiting for my confirmation on Facebook. When he returned to the city, he set up a new profile, as the previous one had been deleted by his mother while he sat locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

I nod and do so without thinking, being sure that many people will be surprised that we are together again.

Notifications are coming in like crazy, but my attention is caught by Sebastian's post, which is on a black background.

"We soak up hope, and when it evaporates, we wither from nonfulfillment. There are some people who will never stop being important to us. You only miss one person, and it feels like there is no one."

It makes me sad when I go into the comments and see people who sympathize with him. My guess is that they are referring to his mother, who has been battling the disease.

- What happened? - Felix asks, noticing the despondency on my face.

- Sebastian's mother passed away. I feel truly sorry for him. I can't imagine how much he must be suffering right now.

I glance at Felix and see that he is swallowing his saliva nervously.

- I'm able to understand his suffering a little, because I feel like my parents died too. It hurts a hell of a lot.

- Do you really think that they never want to appear in your life again? That they meant it and not in nerves?

- This time I am one hundred percent sure, because they indicated that I should act as if they had died.

Felix looks somewhere in the distance, and I squeeze his hand tighter.

- So let's never talk about them again. I would rather not look at your sad face. Their topic makes all the life escape from you.

The boy nods as he looks at me again.

- You're right. Let's never talk about them again. - He tucks my hair behind my ear, looking at me with caring eyes. - Let's enjoy every day, being together. As I said, I have you, and that is fully enough for me to lead a happy life.

How many cases are there in real life when it turns out that the man who is your crush actually started crushing you? Add to that a certain obsession on his part and the problem with your parents passes, and you can finally lead a happy life?

Doesn't this seem too fairytale-like and unrealistic? Because I can fully admit that I am just creating my fairy tale in real life, and my prince is someone I could only dream about before.

I'm happy.