Chapter 17

A rumor has already spread around the school talking about the situation that happened between me and Felix. That's why people look at us so carefully when we cross the school gate holding hands. I feel like an intruder, I'm dumbfounded, especially as I walk past the girls from the older class and hear them mention Mike.

- It was solely her fault that Felix quarreled with his best friend. She ruffled feathers when she heard that Mike also adored her.

I want to ignore it and just move on, but my boyfriend is in a belligerent mood and decides to attack them.

- And explain to me, why do you put your nose into things that are not your own? - The girls look surprised when Felix stops in mid-step and addresses them directly. - This is our fucking business. What I hate most in the world are gossiping witches who, through lack of classes, take pleasure in taking an interest in the lives of others.

- Felix, let's go inside," I say to him in a calm voice, pulling him by the hand to let go. - Let them gossip all they want. Ignore it, and so do I.

- No. I will not ignore it. I will deal with anyone who says a bad word about you. - His gaze betrays how furious he is. - I will swat like flies. And they will be the first to get under your paw. - He points his finger at the nosy girls.

- Felix, please.

It seems to me that lately he is perpetually filled with bad energy. He gets angry rapidly and has no control over his anger.

- Let me just hear one more word out of your mouth.... - he warns them, threatening them with his finger.

Eventually, I manage to pull Felix towards the school entrance.

- By threatening them, you will only make trouble for yourself. Do it for me and just ignore all these people. You won't stop the rumors.

He doesn't answer me. His furious expression betrays that he will not let go so easily.

When we are in the main hall, he unexpectedly pulls me close to him. With his hands, he embraces my face and kisses me in front of everyone. I know he does this deliberately to further the rumors and take revenge on the people who spread them.

- See you at the long break. I'll take our seats for us. - His face is adorable when he smiles at me, but it changes rather quickly when his gaze finds the other students.

I really don't know what's going on with him lately. He totally does not resemble my dear Felix.

- Selena! - A friend jumps to me, putting her arm around me. - As a precaution, let me escort you to the classroom door. Now you have too many enemies for you to walk alone. The girls hate you for breaking up the best friendship in school and for being adored by Mike.

I am like a helpless puppy as I walk by Eve's side, even hiding in her arms. I don't need to hear, however, I can see that everyone is gossiping about me. I try to ignore it, but I feel sad nonetheless.

- People will always find a reason to poison someone's life. - The blonde strokes my hair. - Don't worry. You have a powerful pit bull at your side. I will rip everyone to shreds.

It is fortunate that my boyfriend and friend are not people who will allow me to be hurt. I have support in them.


I'm too nervous to laugh this time at the exchanges that occur between Eve and Hannah. The girls are arguing about the upcoming contest, as each of them has their own suitable candidate. They outline personal views, trying to present them in the best way.

- I think you must be joking, claiming that Ian is creative. Somehow I haven't noticed that. - Eve snorts under her breath, and I stare at the blackboard in front of me, waiting for the teacher to come in. I play with my pen, completely drifting my thoughts back to the situation with Felix and Mike.

How could I help repair their relationship? It really hurts me that best friends are bickering, and I am the reason.

I shift my gaze to Sebastian, who sits down across from me. I'm surprised that he wants to talk to me and not to his girlfriend, who is so absorbed in the discussion that she doesn't even notice him.

- I can see that you are overwhelmed by the whole situation, but I have an idea how you can reconcile them. - His sentence interrupts the bickering of the girls, who only now notice him.

- Clue, what are you doing here? - asks the surprised blonde.

-I'm trying to help your friend," he replies, then turns to me. - Let Mike tell him that he is gay. He should lie that he was afraid to confess the name of the man he likes, so in order not to be prompted that he was so secretive, he dragged it into you.

We sit in silence, just looking at him. Suddenly, Eve rises from her chair and slaps him on the head with her hand.

- Are you crazy? Are we supposed to make this poor guy gay according to his best friend? What if Felix thinks it's all about him?

- Let Mike lie that it's about me. It doesn't bother me," confesses Sebastian.

I've been thinking about his idea for a while, and I think it's not so bad not to try it. It could actually erase the misunderstanding and mend their relationship, because I suspect that Felix will not so quickly forgive him for falling in love with me.

- And what will you do if Felix is not tolerant? - Hannah asks.

- Then I will consider that he is an asshole and doesn't deserve to be with Selena. If he is a true friend, he will accept Mike as he is, don't you think?

- What if this causes even more confusion? - Eve scratches her head, looking confused. - We could destroy this friendship forever.

- Eve, you need to talk to Mike about this. You two get along well, so you can talk him into it, while I will focus on Felix.

- Clue, I didn't think you could be so imaginative. - The blonde looks delighted as she turns to her boyfriend.

- You haven't had an opportunity to get to know me well yet. The best is ahead of you.


I'm chugging my food with a spoon, wondering how I should start the topic that Sebastian suggested to me. I'm also waiting for a text message from Eve, who was supposed to talk to Mike about it. It's up to him whether the idea will work. If he doesn't agree, then nothing.

- Why are you so silent and not eating anything? Is something wrong? - I lift my face from above my plate and look Felix in the eyes.

- The whole situation makes me have no appetite.

I am surprised when Felix throws the cutlery against the table, crossing his arms over his chest. He stares at me intensely, looking furious again.

- After all, you yourself have been saying all along that I should pay no attention to people gossiping about us, and now you say you feel bad about the situation?

- That's not what I mean, Felix.

He is worse than a woman during menstruation. His mood swings are very disturbing.

- So you're sad that you can't spend time in Mike's company?

- You start the same thing again... - I warn him, reminding him that he recently assured me that starting an argument for this reason would not happen again. Apparently, he has already forgotten his promise to me.

The 18-year-old rubs his face, then combs his hair with his hand.

- I, too, am devastated by it all.

- So do something to fix it.

- Are you serious, Selena? - Felix starts to get angry again. - Just like that, I'm supposed to forget about the fact that my best friend is flying to my girlfriend? I'm supposed to continue to be friends with him as if nothing happened?

- What if it's a lie to hide the truth, and it's not really on me?

I can see the surprise in his eyes. I'm putting off self-promotion now, but I can no longer watch their friendship fall apart. I'll do my best to fix it.

- What do you have in mind?

- I don't like Mike at all. He has an entirely different taste.

- You are screwing me now because you want to reconcile us. I am not an idiot.

- Yes, I would like to reconcile with you because I am sick of this crib.

Felix squints his eyes, and his gaze becomes even more intense.

- So who is the person he was hiding from me? Who is it when he was even able to lie that it was you?

- It's someone.... Mike likes men. That's the whole secret he was afraid to confess to you.

Now I'm a terrible liar, and it hurts my heart that I have to cheat on my boyfriend, but if this is the only salvation to reconcile them, I'm able to sacrifice myself. As long as he accepts it, and everything will go as smoothly as possible.

- Don't listen to her. It's a lie made up by Eve's boyfriend. They want to reconcile us at all costs. I'm not gay. I won't be tricked into this. - I hear Mike's voice behind me. I press my lips together, feeling like shooting myself and him in the head. After all, Felix won't forgive me for just trying to trick him. Is Mike frivolous? - I don't know how they imagined putting this plan into action, but I certainly wouldn't get involved with someone to cheat on you.

I turn to face Mike, feeling like killing him. At this point, he is too direct.

- I'm saving your ass, and you're plunging me," I mutter under my breath.

- Are you all making fun of me? - Felix's voice sounds like it's breaking down. - Selena, seriously? You're the last person I would think of like that.

- Don't be angry with her. She's just tired of feeling guilty that it's because of her that this unpleasant situation happened. She wants to reconcile us at all costs, so I am able to understand the lies she is making up," Mike announces, out of the corner of his eye glancing at Eve and her boyfriend, who are standing to the side. - The truth is that I actually liked Selena even before you two started being in a relationship. You have no right to be angry with me about this, because I did nothing to harm your relationship. I supported you all the time. The heart is no servant, right? - he turns to his friend. Felix looks devastated. - Just think it over. I, for a long time now, have been trying to change the object of my sighs. I want things to be good between you and Selena. I support you and that will never change. Taking a girl back to her best friend is the last thing I would do.

I stare at Felix's face and see that he is confused. He doesn't take his eyes off Mike until the latter walks away.

I put my hand on his palm, which surprisingly he does not take. This is a sign that he is not angry with me after all, that I tried to trick him.

- Felix, can you calmly think it all over again? - I ask in a whisper.

He doesn't respond. He stares at one point, with his thoughts completely drifting off somewhere far away.

I hope he will eventually get it all sorted out in his head.