What happened in the kitchen lasted mere seconds, when excitement was replaced by a feeling of panic, and I pushed the surprised crush away from me. Jumping off the countertop and fleeing to the living room, where I blended in among the people.
So far, my heart is beating like crazy. I can't calm down from both the excitement and the strange feeling of dread that overpowered my body as the nightmarish memories of the past returned.
The hands in which I hold the bottle of alcohol tremble restlessly, and I sit hunched over by the closet, hiding from people. I can't control the feeling of panic that grows in me more and more every moment.
Until now, I thought it had passed and wouldn't be an obstacle to approaching the crush I've adored for a long time. But Felix's kiss triggered a feeling of dread in me that shouldn't have happened after so many years.
- Where is Eve? I want to go home," I whisper. I take another sip of the strong drink, believing that it will help me get rid of dark feelings.
I limp even further, hiding behind people's legs when I spot Felix. The boy is pacing around the house, looking for me. He is concerned, looking seriously worried. A girl comes up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder, and he pushes her away, piercing her with furious eyes.
- Selena! - calls out to me, and I put the bottle to my lips again, taking a bigger sip. - Have you seen Selene? - turns to Mike, who only shrugs his shoulders in response.
Felix disappears from my sight, and I put down the bottle, feeling my head start to spin.
I want to go home. I need Eve to take care of me.
Leaning on my hands, I struggle to rise from the floor. I wobble from side to side, feeling that the alcohol has only now begun to hit my head decently. Pouncing on people, I walk ahead hoping to see my friend somewhere, but I seem to have sunk to the ground.
My first thought: this rogue woman is probably partying with somebody in the room.
I am already at the exit door with my purse and jacket in my hands when someone opens it too impulsively, causing me to fall into the arms of the person behind me. I lift my face and half-consciously look at Mike, who is holding me tightly, smiling cockily.
- Where have you been hiding, princess? Your little prince is sowing panic, unable to find you.
- Help me go home. I want to go home, please.
Mike looks at me suspiciously, but says nothing. He lifts me upright and helps me put on my jacket. Holding me by the shoulders, we walk outside.
- Should I order you a cab? - I nod, closing my eyelids. - Where is your friend anyway?
- I don't know. I don't have the strength to look for it.
- Did something happen between you and Felix? - I swallow my saliva harder, not answering this question. - You don't have to say anything. Looking at you, I think I know the answer.
Putting his arm around me so that I don't fall, he pulls his phone out of his pants pocket, intending to order a cab for me. My heart freezes as Felix appears out of nowhere, snatching the cell phone from his hand and angrily throwing it to the ground. He pierces his friend with furious eyes, then takes me from his embrace.
- You lied to me that you don't know where Selena is so that you can take care of her yourself? - he jumps on him, pressing me tighter to him. I'm so drunk that I don't even have the strength to move in his arms. - Such a friend of yours!
- Calm down, Felix. You're exaggerating a little at this point. - Mike looks reproachfully at his buddy. - Selena ran into me a while ago and asked me to help her get home. I noticed that she was drunk, so I wanted to see her off and order a cab for her.
- But you weren't going to inform me that already? I was looking for it all over the house, going out of my mind!
My head is spinning so much that my knees are bending under me.
- What do you mean, man? You should be grateful to me for taking care of her!
Felix is so impulsive that he lets go of me and walks over to his friend, grabbing him by the collar of his blouse.
- When I'm not around, you just wait for the moment to hit on her. Admit it, she caught your eye...
I don't understand what my crush's problem is at this point, but I lose control of my body and fall to the ground. I lie like a pancake, half-conscious, looking up at the starry sky. It's cold as hell outside. Puffs of steam rise from my mouth, but I don't feel the low temperature at all.
- Selena! - Felix immediately responds, crouching down beside me. He lifts my face, embracing it in his hands. - Are you okay? - He asks in a caring voice, and I mutter unintelligible words under my breath.
- Keep acting like that, you bastard, and you'll lose it faster than you can get it," Mike announces, looking at his friend with offended eyes. He picks up his cell phone from the ground, wiping the screen with the sleeve of his blouse, then orders a cab for me. - Since you are so possessive towards her, take good care of her.
Mike crosses his arms over his chest and goes back inside. He looks frozen.
- I'm sorry, Selena," Felix turns to me, helping me up from the ground. He holds my shoulders, fearing that I might fall again. - Forgive me if I frightened you with my behavior. I kissed you because I made no secret of the fact that I couldn't help myself.
- You surprised me, Felix, that's why I panicked so much," I reply quietly, and my head falls on his chest. I am so tired that I do not have the strength to lift it. - I'm sorry if I'm the one who scared you with my behavior.
The 18-year-old captures my face in his hands and, smiling slightly, looks into my eyes.
- I promise never to do anything to scare you again.
- You did nothing wrong, Felix. I was the one who overreacted.
The boy holds me in his arms until a cab appears. He gets in with me, insisting that he will drive me home, after which he, too, will return to his place. At least I know I'll get there safely.
I am so tired that I rest my head on Felix's shoulder.
- Let me for a moment. My head is spinning terribly," I say.
- So promise me that you will never drink so much again. I'm worried about you," he replies, stroking my hair with his hand.
- Promise.
I believe it's tearing my head open as I open my eyes and look around the interior of the room.
Something is not right. I don't know this place.
I rise to a sitting position. Massaging my temples, with panicked eyes, I observe the place where I am.
I remember everything until I found myself in a cab. I seem to have blacked out at that moment.
- Is this Felix's room?
I am covered with plain gray bedding. Dark colors dominate the whole room. Undoubtedly, black and graphite dominate it. On the walls hang posters of his favorite basketball players and the rock band he listens to.
I'm lucky I told my parents I was going to Eve's for the night.
Exactly... Eve.
I clumsily get off the bed, looking around the room to find my purse. It is located on a chair by the desk, where my jacket is also hung up. I take my phone out of it, but I have no missed calls, but a mass of messages from a friend who is proud of me.
"Selena, keep it up."
"It has come to my attention that you are under the care of Felix."
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'm just sitting on the lap of a handsome third-grader."
"Selena... you rascal. Apparently, you lost consciousness and were taken by Felix to his house. You don't have to thank me. I purposely didn't tell him where you live."
"Come back to me being a woman."
- You will be dead as soon as I meet you," I say through clenched teeth, putting my cell phone in my purse.
I am one hundred percent sure that I look like seven woes right now. I need to find the bathroom quickly to get myself in order, but how can I just leave the room when I'm not at my place?
I pull my dress down and smooth my hair, and literally a moment later Felix appears in the doorway. He sends me a smile, which I shyly reciprocate.
- Allow me to explain why you woke up in my room. Don't be mad at me, please," he explains, and I immediately take his word for it.
- I lost my mind, didn't I? I lost consciousness in a cab?
- I don't know your address. When I called Eve, she announced to me that she was having memory lapses caused by drinking a lot of alcohol. I made no secret of the fact that I was upset with her and raised my voice. She then told me that I could not drive you home because you had informed your parents that you were sleeping at her place. I had no choice, so I took you to my place. Sorry.
- I feel awkward, but I'm not angry. Thank you for taking care of me. - I nervously play with my hands. - Can I use the bathroom?
- I'll show you where it is.
I follow him out of the room, and he points my finger to the end of the hallway.
- The last door opposite.
- Thank you.
I enter the bathroom and the first thing I get is the mirror. Until now, I was sure I looked like a ghoul with smeared makeup that Eve had bluntly applied to my face, but I am surprised when I look at my reflection and notice that my complexion is clear.
- Did I wipe all the wallpaper on his pillow? - I am horrified at the thought.
I use the restroom, rinse my mouth with water, fix my hair one last time, and then return to Felix's room. The boy is sitting in a chair, checking something on his phone and smiling to himself. I glance toward the bed, trying to see what condition his pillow is in.
- Don't worry. I washed off your makeup while you slept like a baby. My mother has plenty of makeup remover oils, so I had no problem finding the right one," he announces.
I look at him with wide-open eyes, not hiding that I am in shock.
- Thank you.
Felix rises from his chair and walks over to me. He turns the phone screen toward me, and the smile doesn't leave his face.
- So as a thank-you let me keep this photo in the gallery. You look incredibly cute in it.
He took a picture of me as I slept like a baby, cuddling my face into my pillow.
- Let it be. Provided no one else sees it," I reply, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. He follows my movements with his eyes and simply nods.
- I promise, and now let me take you to breakfast.
- What about your parents? - I ask in a panicked voice.
- No worries. They have been on assignment for several days. At home, I am completely alone, not counting the servants. - He extends his hand to me, which I tentatively embrace. - Let's eat first, and then I'll make sure you get home safely.
I nod and, smiling slightly, follow him out of the room. No doubt we are becoming closer, but the only thing that worries me is my fear of getting bodily closer.
The dark memories of the past linger behind me despite the years, and I will have to start fighting them to be happy with the boy who is the fulfillment of my dreams.