There is a break between classes. I'm sitting in class, unable to stop laughing at Sebastian, who takes advantage of my friend's lack of presence and even begs me to help him get away from her. People have been feeling sorry for him for a while now that he has fallen victim to a hungry vixen, so they don't even pay attention to him when he kneels in front of me with his arms folded. His gaze now reminds me of the famous cat scene from "Shrek," and it makes him seem so sweet and vulnerable.
- You are my only hope. I beg you Selena, persuade this madwoman to give me a holy peace.
I am not at all amused by his helplessness, but by the fact that my friend has already given up on him after she clung to Hannah, telling herself that our classmate was going for her. Still, I can't tell him the truth when he looks so innocent.
- You should be happy that someone is coming at you. Isn't Eve a cool chick?
- As I mentioned before: she's a vulgar girl, not a cool chick.
I am so fascinated by Sebastian's torment that I don't notice that my boyfriend is standing in the entrance to the classroom in the presence of Mike. He stares at me for a long moment and only the whispers of my classmates make me realize that I am being watched.
I turn toward the entrance and do not hide my surprise when I notice Felix's sour face. He forces a smile, however, as I rise from my chair and approach him.
My peer looks confused. He is probably troubled by the sight of a school star.
- Flirt with other boys, and no doubt I'll be visiting my best friend in prison," Mike says.
I send him an offended look.
- Don't add from yourself. I'm not flirting with anyone. A colleague asked me for help because Eve is not giving him a break.
- Is that why he doesn't give you a break? - The cool tone in Felix's question troubles me for a moment. I look into his eyes and seem angry.
- It's just a joke. Sebastian didn't do anything wrong. - I don't understand why I'm explaining myself, but I'm afraid Felix will be mad at me for the scene he witnessed. I feel the curious stares of my classmates on me. Their gaze even burns a hole in my back.
I shift my gaze to Mike, who is rubbing his neck with his hand and looking somewhere to the side. It seems to me that he is purposely running away with his eyes, as if he is afraid to make eye contact with me.
What is it about?
Felix grabs my hand and leads me out into the hallway. He is probably annoyed by the curious glances of my classmates. He leans against the wall and embraces my hands.
- I would like you to go somewhere with me after class. - I do not take my eyes off him, silently. - The people from my team have prepared a special musical performance, with which they want to donate the cost of the "ticket" to a sick child. The younger brother of one of our buddies is seriously ill, and the operation is expensive.
I rub my boyfriend's face with worried eyes.
- Of course I will go. I would like to help if possible. Can I tell people in my class about it?
Felix nods.
- We are trying to quickly communicate this to as many people as possible. We only got the permission today. Before that, we would rather not blow it out of proportion without being sure. We have already hung flyers in the display case and on the gates of the playground. We hope that we can raise at least part of the amount, that people from the school will want to help this child.
- What time should it be?
- At 5 pm in the gymnasium. The management and also the teachers already know about everything and will also participate.
I just need to inform my parents of my plans, and that I will return later, and everything will be fine.
- I will pass this information on to the people in my class.
The 18-year-old leans over me and kisses my cheek, making me blush. I don't know how much longer I'll be so intimidated in his company, but I finally have to break through. Since we are officially in a relationship, I should be a little more open with him.
Before he walks away, his hand strokes the cheek he just kissed.
- See you after class," he says.
- So long, sister-in-law. - Mike raises his hand, looking happy.
I watch Felix's back, and my heart is pounding like crazy. It still feels like an illusion to me. I can't believe that my crush adored me much earlier than I adored him, and now he is my boyfriend.
It's so unreal, yet so true.
It's nice that people from our school took it to hear that the child needed surgery and showed up at the gym, buying a ticket from the school president before entering. I thought there were more heartless people here, but as you can see, I was wrong. No one regrets the money spent, it reached me that people who were without cash that day borrowed from their colleagues.
This is really great on their part.
I'm standing in the middle of the room alongside my best friend, trying to find Felix, who disappeared without a trace some time ago. I have no idea where he's gone, but I'm guessing he must be with his teammates, who are preparing for a performance.
- Why don't I see my future girlfriend anywhere? - Eve looks despondent as she frantically searches for Hannah among the crowd. I roll my eyes, fed up with her amorous conquests.
- I am not surprised that he is hiding from you.
The blonde throws a cool glance at me.
- It's important to be honest in friendships, but occasionally, it's worth biting your tongue, Selena. Your words are like long and thick pins that you drive straight into my heart.
- Stop with the cheesy texts. - I sigh loudly, looking ahead.
She doesn't respond to me, but I'm sure she's just preening me. I don't have to look at her to know that.
The sound of a guitar resounds, and I look up at the stage in surprise when I see that Felix is also in the band. I am shocked to see the microphone he is holding in his hand. A contented Mike sits at the drums, charming the girls with a smile.
- Will there be two vocalists? Can your guy sing? - Eve asks me.
- I'm as surprised as you are. Felix and I are still getting to know each other. We don't know everything about each other.
The girls squeal like crazy, the guys give a satisfied shout as the first notes ring out, and the lead singer begins to sing. Felix is standing next to him, waiting for his stanza, and right from the start I have to admit that they did an impressive job. No doubt they have been preparing for this performance for a long time, not even knowing if they would get permission.
Felix probably wanted to surprise me, which is why he didn't say that he was also in the team.
My mouth stretches into a wide smile as Felix's stanza comes on, but instead of vocals, he starts rapping. People go wild with delight, and I can feel my heart being doused with a pleasant warmth, especially since I'm standing close to the stage, and he easily finds me with his eyes. All the lyrics he raps address me directly, and one passage in particular hits me:
"But it's a risk I have to take. I will run all day and night, because even if it kills me, I will never let you go, I will never let you go. I will not give up until I see the light. I'm coming. There is no turning back."
I think my friend is jealous. I blush up to my ears, and my heart does pirouettes of happiness.
- You are a lucky girl. All the chicks in this hall feel like scratching their eyes out," she says in my ear.
- You are right. I am a lucky woman - I confirm.
I look sideways in surprise when someone stands next to me. It's Sebastian, who glances nervously in my friend's direction.
- Cover me. Don't let that crazy woman even say a word to me.
Eve notices him and leans through me, smiling cockily at him. It's a sign that he'll be properly taken care of after the show.
Okay, I thought she had already given up on him, but apparently she got the urge to bully the poor guy again.
It seems to me that Felix's face changes when he notices that Sebastian is standing next to me. I hope he's not a morbidly jealous type of guy. It's nice that he's bothered by the presence of other guys in my company, but every woman is entitled to have mates as long as she doesn't do anything wrong.
The song ends, and at the next song, Felix leaves the stage. He walks up to me and wordlessly grabs my hand. He drags me with him, so I leave my friend in the company of a frightened Sebastian.
I prefer not to know what will happen between these two for a while.
We stop at the side of the stage, where we are alone. Felix is still holding my hand, not intending to let go.
- Why did you take me here? - I ask, smiling at him.
- I don't want you to stand in the crowd. I'm worried you'll get hurt," he says, looking into my eyes.
- Harm? After all, no one will kill me there. - He, however, does not answer. - You've given the go-ahead. Your rap brought everyone to their knees. People went crazy. It's wonderful that you have so much talent. How many more are hidden? - I'm changing my mind.
He lifts his hand and strokes my hair, and the corners of his mouth form into a sweet smile.
- Only one," he replies.
- Really? Which one?
- I managed to make my six-year love for you become real. I think it's a talent to make an unattainable girl become exclusively yours.
How does he make my heart speed up every time? A little more and I will become completely addicted to him.
I close my eyelids as he leans over me and tenderly kisses me. Pleasant butterflies overpower my body, and I am so happy that it is an indescribable state.
Is this exactly how a woman in love feels? It is no longer platonic love, but something much deeper, real. It makes my life more beautiful.
I just want it to last as long as possible.