
Raze got dressed, he wore his uniform and walked out of his room. Students were rushing up and down, trying to get ready and to head to the assembly hall.

Raze walked past them, he headed down the stairs and left the dorm building, but even outside, there were tens of students running around trying to get to the assembly hall.

The total amount of first years that would probably be a part of this preliminary would be above two hundred, and only ten would be the ones that were chosen.

Raze already knew who and who would get most of the spots. Alex and his crew of three would already get four, Raze would most definitely get one, and he was securing one for Joel.

That made six, but that was not all, because Raze knew the first years had a good roster, and the competition would be tough for any spot.

There was also Jade, who Raze was most certain would secure the seventh spot, and then the remaining three would become a matter of skill.