As they headed deeper into the forest, Raze kept his ears open for any movements. He didn't want to be attacked unexpectedly by any beast.
"So what do we do during the night?" Joel, who had been silent for a while now, finally spoke.
"Hmmm, good question, and there is a simple answer. The night is filled with all sorts of beasts, more beasts than we can handle.
We don't want to be taken unaware in our sleep, so we will be taking sleep shifts," Raze said and kept walking.
"You mean one of us will be awake and the other person will be sleeping?" Joel asked.
"I didn't stutter when I said that, so yes, that's what I meant. We can decide about the sleeping time later when we get to the stream, but for now, let's just keep moving," Raze said and kept walking. Then he thought about something and spoke.