In a world where reality bends and powerful factions vie for control, Aman, a seemingly ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary conflict. Having always distanced himself from others, avoiding the intricacies of friendships and responsibilities, Aman is suddenly faced with forces beyond his understanding. He is approached by Kazik, a dangerous figure, who reveals that Aman’s life has been intricately linked to ancient powers and a powerful god who has marked him since birth.
As Aman grapples with the weight of his world flipping upside down, he discovers the existence of another faction—the Keepers—whose ideals clash violently with Kazik’s group. Torn between these two opposing forces, Aman is forced to confront his own feelings of inadequacy and isolation, struggling to find purpose in a life he’s long felt was hollow. Yet, the more he uncovers, the more he realizes that his involvement in this war may be inevitable—his destiny already chosen for him by forces he cannot control.
Faced with mystery, danger and unimaginable power, Aman must navigate a world where reality is fluid and his every choice could tip the scales between chaos and order. As the lines between good and evil blur, Aman will be forced to decide where his true allegiance lies, and what kind of future he is willing to fight for—if he can survive the darkness that threatens to consume him.