141. Wonders of alcohol, 1



B - Your eyes are getting better.

R - They are. It's been a little complicated walking blind.

B - Was it worth it to you, all these efforts to see so little of the city?

R - Oh yes, it was worth it. Definitely...


We're leaving the yellowish area of what was previously the capital of a great country. Nowadays they are only the home of a new flora.


No, I definitely do not regret making that journey, even though I was saddened at first seeing what a majestic had become.


R - Life goes on. Lives like you... I would have been happier to see more of the city I once visited, but what I had was already good.

B - The others may not hold the same memories, but the land is still glittering with other cities lying abandoned. There are still an infinite number of things left to uncover.

R - You're quite right. Let us see what the next place will hold and offer.


The new world is ours to discover. Mostly similar to the previous one I've known for a while, though now deserted and tinted with a hint of madness here and there; curiosities and new species running wild. The main difference is that humans left this world for the next, almost entirely.


We're leaving our cities to become new wilderness. And over the years, our ruins will surely erode and vanish under very common nature. Except for a few ones that host new forms of life like London from now on.


R - I remember the forest you were at first, in that red basin. You said it was a large body because it was difficult to create an efficient one. But what about the toxic gas?

B - I thought I told you before? It was a defence mechanism against the monsters. It eased their decay and dissolution.

R - I see.

B - It was more alcohol of energy I kept lying around more than a cloud of spores like the mushrooms did there.

R - Alcohol... I've never been fond of liquors. I wonder what it would do to me nowadays?

B - Probably the same effects as usual. Since my brain isn't fully bound to your biology, you can get as drunk as you want, I won't, and will keep you safe.

R - Are you trying to get me to drink?

B - Oh no, heavens no. Though I admit, I am a tidy tad curious about how you'd behave when drinking a little.

R- Why is that?

B - I'm curious to see your reactions in these differents, and not too dangerous metabolic states. I would like to learn about you in different contexts, and alcohol drinking could be... An interesting one.

R - Don't you mean a funny one? Especially to you if you cannot suffer the same effects.

B - Well, I wouldn't deny that an opportunity to tease you afterward is an appealing thought.

R - You are evil... You only want me to drink so you can make fun of me afterward!

B - No, no. The curiosity is also true.


I'm pouting. Yeah, she can also make fun of me while that happens, not only after.


R - I won't make a fool of myself just to amuse you. It's embarrassing and unfair to me.

B - So you wouldn't mind as much if it was fair and share with me?

R - Maybe. But you said alcohol wouldn't affect you. I would be curious about how you'd behave too with one sip too many actually.

B - I wonder about that too... We can make a vow then if you agree. By the time you find an alcohol good enough for you, I'll spend the nights finding a way to share the same effects as you would get.

R - So, you'd want us to drink together, just to have fun at seeing how we behave?

B - I would like that indeed.


I'm thinking about it. Drinking with someone you like is definitely merrier than alone. And if we can get drunk a few times, we certainly won't find anywhere a place to become fully alcoholics anyway nowadays.


R - Well, if you share the drink with me... I could agree on trying to drink myself merry.

B - That way we'll be able to laugh at the both of us.

R - It does sound more fair. And you did tickle my curiosity. Now I wonder what a drunken flower looks like.

B - I might sing again. Though not these German songs you hate of course.

R - Singing... I now many tales, but not many songs.

B - I enjoyed the tales you made out from the book you used to carry around.


This makes me smile gently. In a way, that book was the cause of our meeting. I don't carry it anymore though.


R - Stories where you love me were so much better than the various sides of tragedies it spoke about.


I stretch and sigh.


R - Plus, it was a testimony from another world entirely, a sad one we've stepped aside and afar...

B - Our story is ours to write as you once said.

R - Did I? Well, that is the good think I like about tales and creations. They evolve upon your wishes and imagination, whether you remember it or not. We make true what we want, what we like, what we hate, what we think or want others to think.

B - And you made what we enjoyed both, an introduction and understanding of my love for you.

R - And it made me happy too...


I left the old book at my friends' house, because I don't need it anymore.


B - So tell me, what would be the tale of you and me, getting a little merry? Now that your ability to imagine grew a little, what would it look like?

R - Hm...


I do wonder... Say, what would I look like if I had a sip of wine? And rather than you since you're gone, what would she look like?

I think about it for a while as I walk toward a city in the distance.

Summer arrived and the weather is nice. So nice. I wonder about a meal in a park where I could drink with my.... My friend? My lover would be a little too much, but friend isn't enough to describe her. My... Flower, let's say.

I try my best to imagine what could happen if such a thing were to happen.


R - I think I would laugh a lot, about everything and nothing... You, I can't really picture it... Maybe you'd play more music? Oh no, I know...

B - What would I do?

R - You would act like an enamoured young maiden, overwhelmed with your love and how to express it. You would endlessly repeat that you love me, and cuddle me as you slowly enter a lull and then sleep.

B - But I don't sleep.

R - In this tale you would. And you would have your sweetest dreams, being with me now and forever...

B - I like this story.


I laugh a little.


R - You're not picky when it revolves around your love for me.

B - I do like it. What once was only a nameless instinct, I chose to build it into that enchanting feeling and reason to me.

R - How romantic can you be... I'm not even that charming, not that you would care anyway.

B - Indeed. No matter how gross, mean spirited, rude and lacking in every kind of quality or charming aspect you are; it's too late. I already love you! Nothing you are will change that.

R - Well, that was quite insulting for a word of love...

B - Oh but Rose, you do have lots of charming aspects I learn to love and enjoy.


I'm embarrassed sometimes when I hear her say flatteries with the most sincere tone in her voice.


B - I like learning to love more about you.

R - Being where you are, one would presume you already know everything about me.

B - Well, I know a lot about your body from the inside, but it's not what you truly experience, and I want to share the same existence as you. I'm enjoying learning about you on aspects and scales I cannot grasp on my own. Plus there is the culture to learn as you say. Culture is important to you and humans in general.

R - This makes me wonder. Would you have loved me similarly had I been an animal?

B - Well my first guess would be certainly. But the truth is I wonder. I enjoy intelligent talks with you. If you had been just a beast unable to acknowledge my existence, I would certainly have felt lonely...


I can feel her remaining loneliness and anxiety toward that feeling. It's a feeling she fought mightily against, trying to reach for me. I caress softly one of the roses on my arm.


R - You're with me; And I'm glad that you're mine...

B - Thank you.


I'm learning to love her. And I enjoy it too truly... One day we'll celebrate our life together.

