142. Our body & mind, 3



It suddenly became much warmer. Summers heat makes me sweat a lot. The everlasting flowers on me don't mind the heat. Lucky them.


B - The stems are getting stronger. You're slowly building muscle and nerves within.

R - Do I?

B - You do. In maybe a year, this plant like appearance growing out of your body will probably be gone, and replaced by fleshy tentacles of some sort.

R - That doesn't sound pretty at all.

B - But your body is absorbing the one I called mine. It was the transplant of plant like foreign body, which your body absorbs and makes its own flesh over time.

R - I see... But I don't need tentacles here and there anyway. And what will you become when the flowers are gone?

B - I'll snuggle elsewhere within you as long as you want, no matter what your body becomes. At first my being was focused in the main flowers to allow you... To dispose of me. But since you share my love and keep me dear, you could say that my being has spread within your body. I'm not endangered by the fall of the flowers anymore.

R - Rather than tentacles growing out of my chest and elbow, can you help me regrow my missing fingers? This would be better... As for the flowers, I like the roses you know.

B - Would you like to keep them?

R - Why not? Also it's that part of you that allows us to survive from things I would never have called food before.

B - Well... I can help with that I think. I'll need some time but I'll manage.

R - Thank you... And what about you? What would you like to become?

B - I'm fine with where I am.

R - You're cosy where you are so?

B - Precisely. Being with you is enough for me currently.

R - As you think about creating a way to regenerate my body if I were to die by accident, you could create an empty copy for you to inhabit. Creating your own human body. Or you still don't desire such a thing?

B - Not really yet no. My goal wasn't to become one of you.

R - And what of today? You're not the same as you were when you realised what you wanted. It would surely feel better for you than playing puppets with my body, to be able to move yourself.

B - No... I don't really want to leave your body truly. I feel safe here, and most of all, I'm happy.

R - I see...


I'm getting drenched in sweat under the sun. I sit under the largest tree I find to rest a little.


R - But one day, maybe it'll be better for you if you fly off the next I've become for you physically. It doesn't mean I wouldn't want you anymore by my side.

B - Are you lonely?


The question took me a little by surprise. I look silently around. Why would I lie to her?


R - I guess I am a little... I know you are here with me, but not seeing ever the face of you, it does keep something lonely in me. That, and the rest that remains...

B - I understand. You have your limits as a human. And that's one thing I enjoy. They define your context, they draw a picture of you, as you are, the limits of what your emotions can translate and how they do.


She marks a pause in her diatribe.


B - We... Beings like me, born with only energy and without the boundaries of a body and its chemistry... We grow without limits as far as we can see... That's why we easily turn obsessive, our psychology hits no barrier as it evolves, because no body supports it. We are free to run wild in any find of thought we want, until we're no more... It's as if we tended to use only one hormone in our body. We can become amazing things in the only aspect we focus ourselves on, and soon after, we're gone too far...

R - Hearing you... I can't help but feel that you were scared of your power.

B - As I learned, I grew scared yes. I feared what I could become. Hopefully my wish was reasonable enough.

R - And what would you like to become after that?

B - For now... I just want to stay a part of you sincerely... Even if someday as you said I would be better leaving you, or finding myself my own body to inhabit.

R - Well, you can take your time to think about your desires and options. For now, you're welcome to stay with me. I like having you here close to me.


A flower at the end of a stem comes brushing my cheek softly. She then emits some of those metallic sounds meaning that she's smiling.


B - I love you.

R - I love you too my flower.


I don't want tentacles that would be mine, but I like having flowers on me that are hers, and herself.


I'm thinking about my own options too for the future. And I think the most interesting ones are with her still bound to me. So I sigh and smile.

