A slot of hand.

Arel finds himself needing to actually prepare and get to work. Those hundred mile thoughts needed to contain itself, and the ex-colonel really has to get it together.

Though, to be frank, running on very minimum 2-hours of sleep did give him necessary adrenaline rush to be pumped up. Eh, well, pumped up enough to walk to his actual job place.

He'd mindlessly worn his socks, shoes, and of course, finely dressed down attire. He won't make a fool out of himself this time. At least, not fashionably.

The eradication of the Neenconesian flag he'd come to know was bugging him, just not enough for him to not notice the red-haired silhouette walking far infront of him. Yusol, Yusol. Hah, not that Arel would actually say the bitch's name, because he hates the punk here.

The general? Perfect, godsent. This.. dude? Stupid.

But, anyways, Yusol seemed to have walked in a different direction, which definitely pleased the now substitute teacher because, let's be real. The Student Body Head obviously does NOT vibe with him.


Someone has GOT to tell him why he's already dealing with some problems on the actual first day of school. Like, seriously.

The classroom he's supposed to homeroom is literally a few feet away, but this dickhead is trying to piss him off. Again, what is it with kids with bright hair and him? What's all this unprecedented beef?

It doesn't help how this blondie was towering over him, with the former's back turned towards the older. The student seems to be texting away.. hey, little fucker, you do know the bell has rung, right?

"Excuse me?"

Arel clears his throat, trying to get the punk's attention, to which he only receives a shrug back.


Just as he was about to reopen his mouth, the tall ass freak turns around. Phone in hand, classic. The bottom lip piercing was stark compared to the dewy skin the kid had, and gee, what are those lights? Eyes? Aliens?

"Hm? What?"

The teen responded, calloused fingers running over that newest line of smartphone like it was nothing.


Ah, wait.

Isn't that online gambling? Those sketchy websites, right? Arel's c230 is infested with those ads, it's really sickening. The black-haired tries to give the kid the benefit of the doubt, considering he's already made bad assumptions for a few people already.

Maybe, just maybe, the little ass made a slip of a finger.

"Uh. Class.. has started."

What is he, a teenager? Arel can't help but realise he's never actually talked with young teenager like this tall ass dude.

"Hm, okay."

That's... that's it? Arel really did have bad preexisting ideas of these kids, didn't he? This blond fuck is super tolerable and reasonable. He's glad.

At least if the kid was actually unreasonable, they didn't have to meet, right? Okay, maybe they might be in the same classroom, but that's all, hopefully.



'Ding'? Wasn't that a fucking 'ding'? In this economy? Shit and balls, dude...

Another 'potential' soldier. Another NIGHTMARE.

But Arel's ignoring slenderman for now, he's really got a class to teach.



The great Lord Aizen pulled him to a hidden area, right before the latter was finally entering his classroom.

What stupid joke is this? The volume was supposed to end when the main cast is introduced! Why is the twink here!


Loud, loud, loud. If you're trying to shush someone, be quiet.

Wait, Arel's literally a teacher, why is he just playing along? Maybe the insanity got to him quick.

"Argh, those stupid kids.."

The blue-haired mumbled, rubbing his temple as if it's been struck by something. It did make the teacher heart of the older worry, but then there was that small reminder that Aizen was literally a rich dude.


"Why are you dragging me into this?"

The red-eyed really had to ask.

"... Because... you're a teacher..?"

Rrrigghttt.... Fair point. 10/10 perfect observation, even the older almost forgot that fact.

"Then why am I hiding with you?"


"Agh, fine."

The older leaves the area and walks up to some 2018 GLMM looking bullies and clears his throat to get their attention.


The black-haired certainly didn't anticipate how much they'd ignore him, because why are they just using their phones. It's literally past the bell for the preparation for homeroom period!

"Stupid kids.."

The ex-colonel grumbles under his breath, bringing his fingers next to a student's ear and flicking air into it, which definitely shocked them. Hah, a strong gust of wind tumbles the unbreakable shield.

"Go to class."

He demanded, already preparing his fingers against another student's forehead, demonstrating the sheer force of it. It was just a small little showcase, but the showcase blew through the bangs of the kid and exposes the large ass forehead.

R.I.P to Arel flick victims, they don't recover. His (dead) ex-coworkers can justify, because their deaths aren't only because of the war, y'know.

Once those guys flocked away, the substitute returns to Aizen.

"Go to the clinic to get it patched up."

The shithead was definitely thrown something hard, considering the fact that he was bruising and even bleeding at some parts.

Yeah, okay, Arel hates Aizen, but it doesn't mean Arel wants the rich stuckup to die from a wound infection.

You do know the basic fever used to kill a lot, right?

"Mhm, okay. Thanks.."

The blue-haired thanks the black-haired. A great thing, by the way. But the former also took out another sticky note that was somehow stuck on the back of the older's shirt.

"Pfft, 'stupid dog'? You got a hater."

Aizen comments, showing the pink sticky note to the older. Who could've.. Oh, fuck, no. Definitely the blondie he initially had high hopes for, but that sleight*, not slot considering the chapter title, of hand was worrisome.

However, completely jumping out of topic, AREL STILL HAS A HOMEROOM TO DEAL WITH.