Getting into it.

After making sure Aizen was well on his way, the older couldn't help but sigh.

There was a code of conduct that students had to excuse themselves if they ever need to go to the clinic, or if they're late, or absent. In this case, Arel has to inform the teacher in the blue-haired's class to not put him as absent.

What class was the shit in again? 11.. Ah, 11B. A Socials kid.

A super serious sounding stream, but because Aizen's in it, their credibility definitely went down for the substitute. Still, he was able to stand at the classroom door and politely knock, before informing the student's homeroom about why he'd be late.

And what did the teacher fucking say?

"Oh. You don't have to lie for him."

Excuse you? What? That entire thing actually happened out there. Does Lord Aizen pull such stunts so often that everyone's used to it?

But the teen was obviously damaged?


"Okay.. Just- just happy to inform you."

Now, the ex-colonel has got his own classroom to manage.

Thank goodness homeroom period was mixed with independent arts, which means Arel's got extra time to get to know his students.



The black-haired was substituting - as in homerooming, as in advising for - 11D. From the looks of it, they might be manageable.

There's a total of 15 kids here, and they're somewhat the advanced Science streaming students.

Okay, teeny tiny info dump.

11A-11B is for the Social streaming.

11C is for the Science streaming.

11D is for the ADVANCED Science streaming. Dunno why there's an emphasis there, but, well, for convenience sake, let's just say they're super smart.

11E is for students with multiple streams or Arts.

Back to the topic at hand, they're all really cute kids. As in, quiet even before Arel walked into the class.

"Good morning everyone, I'll be your substitute teacher for this semester. I apologise for my tardiness."

Arel introduces himself, and these kids were greeting him back. Oh my gosh, this is so great. The ex-colonel really thought nice people were gone from this world, considering it's not the '60th timeline' or whatever bullshit.

"My name is Farrel Bram, but you can call me Mr. Arel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask along."

He'd continue his speech, eyeing every single pupils inside this room with him. They weren't anything much, just colourful haired kids like in those shounen animes he'd seen back when he was younger. Ever heard of BNHA?

That aside, there is one single hair colour that bothers him. The blonde. The one, single blonde, in this ocean of pinks and greens and.. no black, to the teacher's dismay.

It couldn't have been the kid from earlier, right? It's hard to tell, since the student was blocked by the peers in front.

"Okay then, if there's no questions, please introduce your name and interests, and aspirations."

He concludes, picking up the list of student names laid on the desk. This is a really efficient school system, actually. Seating arrangements and names of students were taped to the teacher's desk so it's easy to follow along.



Aha! The blonde.

The fourth name in the student list.

The one sat on the third low, just by the window.

Some fucker named..

"Hello everyone, my name is Elijah Kalen Franc. You can call me Elijah. I like to watch people cook, and I'd like to be a doctor in the future."

Elijah Kalen fucking Franc. Fancy ass bullshit name. Though a closer observarion at the face of the blonde definitely shows that it's not the same guy as earlier.

Wow, Arel almost scammed himself.

After nodding and letting the student sit down, to then calling out another name, the ex-colonel finally sneaks a glance to his system screen.

[Stats check unavailable for : Elijah.]

Uh... Is this supposed to happen?

The red-eyed glances back up at the blonde, who was no longer obscured by his peers. Those clear blue eyes were locked into the papers on his desk. It's easy to tell Elijah was a smart kid, really.

Especially in this Advanced stream.

But still, being denied a stat check was new. Arel was worried it's because it's 'blocked' and the ex-colonel has to level up because he's too weak because COME ON.

HOW STRONG ARE THESE KIDS?? FOR HIM?? To be somewhat softlocked in this phase...


The red-eyed grumbles through his lips as the class finishes introducing themselves. What a kind bunch!

"Thank you for that, guys! Since it's still the first day, you can have some extra bonding time with your peers for this session!"

Until Arel said that. And then all the noise fucking erupts and now they're all rowsy and loud, and overwhelming.

Except for little mister blondie over there. What is he, trying to brood? It's not working with that code-breaking long ass hair or nerdy ass look. That's not a brooder, and Arel has to decide whether he's friendly or not in THREE, TWO, OOOONN-

Just kidding. He's not going to bother the kid if the kid ain't bothering him.

Instead, above all else, he needs to know when he can move up to the next level to check Elijah's ability out.

And probably that other blondie too, right? Slenderman?

[System online.]

It's convenient to be able to think about opening the system telepathically, or he'd look even more insane infront of these kids!

[Goal one -> Teach and lead.]

Part 1 - completion 98%

> Became a substitute teacher in Haliben High - 100% complete

> Interact with first 4 relevant characters - 100% complete

> Explore relevant vicinity - 95% complete

[Rewards for completion - Stat upgrade +500]

Is this a yay or nay? YAYYYYY!

YAY! So that means the teacher just needs to know the other blonde's name and a new place, right?

How hard could it be?