Whispers of the past

The power of the Sword settled down in Mikel, a comforting presence rather than an overwhelming one.

His sudden feeling of connection with the Sword deepened. It was not just the holding of it it was something deeper, an understanding of the blade he was holding.

He could almost feel the echoes of the past welders, their triumph, struggles resonating within the metal. 

"Your trials are not yet over my child" an old man said, his voice echoing. "The Sword chooses it's welder and it also guides them. Listen to its whispers for it would lead you on the right path." 

Mikel listened hard to the Sword trying to figure out what it was saying to him. At first, the images he could see were blurry. 

He could not even make an image with it. The only things he saw clearly was a palace.

It was in distress, people here and there with hope and distress written all over their faces. He felt he was definitely getting a hand of it. 

The whispers were still not clear but he was sure they hinted a direction. One image stood out and it was a tree. 

It was really tall and almost reaching the sky. It's branches were huge, long and massive.It could give shade to thousands of people and still have more shade left. 

He saw a figure kneeling underneath the shade as if in distress. "I see a huge tree and a figure under it" 

"Yes you see correct my son" said a pale looking old man. "That tree you see is actually the Guardians Grove, a place of ancient powers." 

"That is where you would find the hint to your next movement" "Buh how would I gat there" Mikel asked with a hint of confusion in his voice and facial. 

"The Sword would lead you there" said the silver haired woman. With that, all the spectral heroes dispersed leaving Mikel all alone in the chambers

It became it's original form, the lights on the wall continued flickering and their shadows eluminating on the wall. 

"Listen, listen, listen!!!" Those words kept whispering in his head. He headed out of the chambers. 

On coming outside, it was like a new life has been born. The air outside tasted more magical and adventure itself filled in the air. 

It was way deserted than he left the lands tho. "How bad could all these go?" He wondered to himself. 

"Listen right?? Kay I'm listening. Where do we go next??" He asked the Sword as if communicating with human. 

He continued to walk miles after miles practicing with the Sword as it had warned him that there was danger up ahead. 

While practicing, he also discovered that the Sword was actually not ordinary it had some hidden truth about him in it. 

The Sword was himself. It was an extention of himself. He could feel the power flowing inside him and he definitely didn't resist this time. 

He continued his journey till he reached a forest, a very thick forest. He looked at it in awe and said "so something like dis still exists???" 

He entered into the forest and instantly knew that this was not just an ordinary forest and he'll surely have his first true fight here. 

He smiled to himself and walked ahead not long after, an arrow was shot at him buh he dodged with ease and brought out his sword. 

He knew it was time to fight. To fight for his life, the right of the Sword and for the people of Hyrule. 

Suddenly, three figure emerged from the bushes their movements fluid and precise. They were clad in black and their faces were masked up. 

Each held a syringe filled with viscous glowing liquid. The lead figure spoke his voice a low hiss "give me the Sword and I'll let you go." 

"For your own safety, I'll advise you to leave." They kept on coming closer. "Well I warned you for a start." Mikel said 

With that, the Sword pulsed faintly with an inner light. The first attacker lunged a blur of motion. He aimed his syringe at Mike's neck. 

Buh before the Sword could pierce his skin, he intercepted the attack the flat of the blade deflecting the syringe. 

The glowing liquid splashed harmlessly on the forest ground. The Sword seemed to have taken possession of Mikel. 

The second attacker moving with surprising speed, attempted a sweeping kick and aimed at Mike's leg. He reacted this time dipping low to block the kick. 

The force of the impact reverberated through his arm but the Sword adsorbed the energy converting it to warmth. 

The third attacker seeing that his companions failed, he resorted to a different tactics. 

He threw some blades which Mikel dogded with ease buh the attacker was fast enough to lunge a kick at Mike's abdomen. 

He staggered back a bit. The other two on the floor stood up quickly and went behind the third. 

More men came out of the bushes and stood behind him. "Little boy, I've given you enough time. I will not withdraw anymore." "Feel free to express yourself Sir." 

With that, the battle began. Exchange of swords, men flying here and there and soon enough, the battle came to an end with the Guardian of The Sword standing victoriously. 

"At least I warned you guys so it's a fair game." He said with a smirk. The whispers then returned. 

They led him like a gentle breeze, pushing himin the direction to go. His steps were guided by unseen forces. 

His journey then took him through varied landscapes.

He crossed vast plains were the wind whipped at his cloak, and navigated treacherous mountain passes were the air grew thin and the paths narrow. 

He met with other travellers, some friendly while others just being themselves. 

He heard tales of the Great Calamity, of the monsters that roamed the land and destroyed the remnants of Hyrule a once civilized town. 

He continued his practices, sharpening his senses and reflexes, learning to channel his energy with the Sword, unleashing bursts of light and energy that could repel even theost fearsome creature. 

After tireless days of journey, he saw a huge tree from afar and he was sure that was the groove shown to him in his vision. 

As he drew closer, he could feel magic eminating from the air. He got to the gates and the air there was heavy with magic, ancient magic. 

He got into the place carefully, very mindful and cautious of his steps. He then went straight to the truck of the tree as if expecting someone. 

There, he saw a young lady. It was the one from the vision earlier. Her head was bowed as of she was in so much distress. 

He felt a surge of strange connection to her. He cleared his throat and she rose her head and looked up. She was indeed a beauty. 

She wore a very simple travel cloth and her eyes were full of sadness. Her hair were mid length black buh it fitted her so.

She had a round face with a pointy nose and nice sets of teeth.....

He cleared his throat again and asked "who are you?" "I am Olivia the princess of Hyrule and you are??" Mikel was in great shock. 

He had always heard a lot of stories of the young princess buh he had never seen her. Along with the stories, he also heard of her outstanding courage and bravery. 

"I am Mikel" "Hmm I guess you were led by the whispers?" she said with a lot of wisdom in her voice. 

"Yes the Sword led me here for I am on a quest to find the one who would return Hyrule to its lost glory." 

"Your are the one. After all, the Sword chose you." she smiled this time around. "I guess so and I would be needing an accomplice."

"I would gladly accompany you and be there with you every step of the way." "Thanks. I'm sure that's what the Sword wants." 

"it is written and it is fate. No one can change it not even me." "I can still hear the whispers" "so where do we go from here??" 

"it wants is to go North and fight against the darkness there." "so North we go?" "Yeah I guess" 

"Well lead the way guardian and I your humble associate would follow." "As you command mhi lady." 

With that, Mikel and Olivia set off to the North to fight the evil dwelling there so they could restore Hyrule.

They both had their minds set for adventures and any danger that might wanna threaten them.