01- the knife

Magic, blood.... And knife, and territory, this four things doesn't related, but happens in this world, the world of "flavon" a world hidden from dimensions.


Meanwhile, our main characters are on their way to this world, soon they will find a way to enter this world,

But first let's go back to the earth, it's the main characters home and planet...

A teenager named Alpha, he is buying some books to read when he get back home, meanwhile, there's another teenager named, Caine, he's about to enter the same store as alpha.

They bumped into each other and alpha's book fell on the floor, of course caine helped alpha to collect he's books on the ground.


thank you for helping!


no problem bro.

They become friends and hang out together for a few hours, they go to the arcade, football field, and play basketball after.

Four days passed and alpha is going out again to buy a new book to read because, he's a fan of fictions, meanwhile, Caine is going out as well for a morning walk.

They met each other a few minutes later and have a walk for a bit, and suddenly caine stepped on a random knife on the road, caine pick it up and keep it for himself.

Caine randomly stabbed a wall with the knife he get from the ground and it suddenly opens a portal that leads to a new universe they never seen in their whole lives,

Caine and alpha is so confused of what's going on, they try to enter it and they did, after entering, the portal

vanished and they are now trapped on the new dimension.


what the heck is going on?!


what kind of place is this?....

They're both full of confusion and their hearts beats so fast, at their back, someone is watching them carefully.


hey who are you?

The mysterious guy watching them, came out from hiding, and introduce itself to them.


H-hello, my name is whale, Im here because I hear a noise coming from this direction, are you guys are terrorist?

Whale didn't hesitate to ask the question, in this world, terrorist is the Amin target.


We're not.


yes were innocent!, we just came here accidentally....


alright, come with me, I'll take care of you two and also, teach you guys how to live in this world.

They went to a camp in the middle of a forest, it's called "Knife clan" , in this world, you have to make a group of At least 4-10 members to fight against terrorist because fighting along in this world is hard.


I just made this camp, it's called "knife clan" if you guys want to Jon and fight together, just ask me....

Caine: what fight??

Alpha: ...


Hmm, well in this world you have to kill terrorist, they are the bad guys, you have to kill them or else they will become a larger group.


but we don't know how to fight....


And can we even trust you?


That's why you two are here, I'm gonna teach you how to fight.... And also you can trust me.

Alpha is not trusting whale at all and didn't even join the training with whale, he leaves the camp and went to a nearby river to snigg some fresh air.


Why I'm here, I'm supposed to be on my house right now.....i don't even want to fight.....

Meanwhile at whale's camp, Caine and whale are having a sparing together, and suddenly, a terrorist appears and attack whale.


Caine, run!! I'm gonna fight this guy, you should hide!!

He said while fighting and trying to stabbed the terrorist but failing because the terrorist is too fast while


Whale get his arms cut and Caine is just freezing in fear, and now, the terrorist is heading to stabbed Caine.

Meanwhile, alpha hears something and feels like something is going on in the camp.

Alpha: I think I should go back, I think I actually needed to fight....

Alpha came back from the river side, he saw whale's arm cuts off, and Caine is just standing there in fear.

Alpha: HEY YOU!!

The terrorist change it's target and running fast towards alpha, alpha uses his a little bit of skills in knife and use that skill to stabbed the terrorist right on it's chest.


Alpha! Good thing you're back!!

Whale: good... Job alpha....

Alpha helps whale to cover up his cut arm, Caine is just sitting on a chair, thinking how they can survive this world with only three members.


I think we should recruit more members.


yes, I'm thinking that too, but for now, let's just move location for now, if another terrorist finds out we're here, we're screwed.


Let's go somewhere high up the mountains?


The terrorist main base is in the mountains so we have to go somewhere hidden and full of trees and resources.

Alpha: alright let's leave tomorrow.

Whale: oh yeah, I didn't tell you guys yet, you can get back to the universe you're previously in, but only if you killed 1000+ terrorist.

This a good news, if they killed 1000+ terrorist, they can now leave this world and maybe never came back

They are still stuck at this world, but after the incident, they decided to keep moving and maybe one day they will leave this world permanently.

It's been three whole days of finding a new camp but still can't find any spot to live, they came across a strange cave and sleep there for the rest of the night and to have energy for tomorrow, after another 3 days of finding a camp and hiding from terrorist, they saw some roofs and houses down hill, whale was confused on what's going on down hill and find a village hidden in the woods.

The village is surrounded by trees and mountains but it's kind of abandoned.