Alpha, caine and whale are walking down the forest finding a new camp to be safe, they walk across all 0f the forest but didn't find any good spot until they came across a hidden village inside the forest, it has a small population but they somehow surviving. The villlage leader named "Royce", he welcome them to the village.
Greetings travellers, welcome to the small and hidden village of scerenea.
Aloha, Caine and whale rent a house to live in their new Village, they're planning to stay there for a few weeks and hope that they survive this bloodthirsty world.
we're not sure when those terrorist will attack, but if that happens, I'm gonna teach you guys first my fighting style.
What fighting style are you using?
Caine: please teach us!
It's called knife manipulation, I can control the direction of a knife being thrown and I can control it while it's mid air.
This his fighting, and that's just the first known fighting style yet, but in there's more to know in their future adventures.
Whale explains how to manipulate a knife hoping that alpha and Kaine will understand..
What is knife manipulation?:
Put all of your energy in one place which is the hand where you're holding the knife that you're manipulating.
wait for the wind to change its direction to the direction when you throw the knife
Throw it into the air and start saving your hand in any direction you want the knife to go, don't forget to put your energy in your fingers and palm to manipulate it properly or else it will came back at you and maybe stabbed you.
It's seems easy and not difficult at all, but for alpha and Caine, it's a whole final examination. Alpha and Caine start to training, they first need to know how to put all your energy in just one place and after that they can move on to the second part, they started training on a rock a big boulder, they have to pull it and at least move it a little, if they manage to pull that big boulder, their energy will be strengthened and they can finally manipulate their own energy.
Damn this boulder is sure heavy!!
Alright I'll give it another try!
Caine pulls the boulder one more time and failed, he already loosing his energy instead of strengthening it, it can take a few try.... It's about a week now, and none of the two didn't pull the boulder, so they charge up their energy first by running up and down hill and pull the boulder a few more times, alpha and Caine both pull the boulder together.
RAAAA!!!!! WE!! CAN!!! DO!! THIS!!!!
They're both trying their best to pull the boulder at least an inch, and suddenly, a flow of energy going up to their hands and palm, and they use that energy to finally pull the boulder successfully.
They're exhausted from this training and now, they're both dehydrated and needing a water, whale runs to them to give them a water and to recover.
A few days later, they are now moving on to the next training which is knife throwing and wind control. It's hard to predict the wind and sometimes there's no wind at all, they wind finally blows and the training starts.
*throws the knife and almost controlled it while it's mid air*, oh damn it!
Almost there, but put more energy and wait for a the wind.
*throws the knife and almost controlled it mid air*
Just keep it up guys both of almost did it, just keep it up and learned to controlled both of your energy and throwing strength.
The training is almost done the only thing left
Is to perfect it, and mastered it completely,
but how can they mastered it properly?, they can mastered it by
Defeating 5 terrorist using the fighting they learned,
It will be tough, but for attempting to kill 1000 terrorist to escape, is much tougher
So they have to face all the hard work until they get their
Own goal.
This goal can change soon, there's more put there that alpha, Caine, and whale didn't know.
They explore arround the village for a bit, they have no idea someone is already watching them from behind.
hey, are you sure we have to kill 5 terrorist by ourselves?
He asked whale worrying about himself and alpha, but whale
Gave them a special knife, it has red and black aura surrounding it.
Whale: it's for both of you, it will be useful in future battles, that's officially yours alpha, and that's also yours now Caine.
After that, alpha and Caine leave and find 5 terrorist to defeat, they kept finding and finding until it's night time, they attempt to go home but they got ambushed by 5 terrorist blocking their way.
"Give us your money or you will see death! ", the terrorist warned alpha and caine to give their money to them.
" We will never!, let's have 2v5 instead!" They challenge the five terrorists to have a 2v5.
(Fast forward)
They defeated the five terrorist ๐๐ฆ๐ฅ alpha's arm is bleeding and they have to get back to hhe hidden village quickly.
Whale: welcome back!, I guess you succeed the final training.
Yep, we did but the problem is alpha is bleeding.
Whale: I'll get the first aid kit ASAP!
(Time Skip)
5 months later-
Terrorist killed count: 58
Injury count: 10
Location: hidden village
Meanwhile it's
Seems like something is going on with whale.....
is that the map of this world??
that sure is!, I found it in the soil and it's dirty so I clean it.
So there's a country here?
100 in total, some of countries here are peaceful and have no yerrorist, I can't believe we can't leave this country.
Alpha and Caine is shocked from what they heard, they seemed like they're prisoned in their own country.
Is this country have a dictatorship?
Whale: its not.... The terrorist surrounding the border and they will not let anyone to escape.
Who do they think they are!, this is unfair!, this whole country needs to fight back!
We're actually fighting for freedom, don't you remember?, the only rule is to kill or be killed, you kill them first before they did it to you.
Alpha: and why not fight back all together?, let's build an army!
Sounds easy right?, no, they have eyes everywhere, and the government don't even bother the terrorist in their own country....
We have to build an army but hidden.... That's it!!
Caine came up with the idea to build an underground base that is out of sight from terrorist.
Whale: we never think of that before?, how do you guys build underground base in your world?
Alright I'll explain.
Caine: so that's how we do it?
What do you mean? We share the same class back to earth!
Oh yeah right!
Whale: done!
Alpha: what do you mean done, we haven't even, star-ted..... Yet?...
You're an architect in a whole new level!
Wait I am!?, oh thanks!
They went inside their new underground base, and it's so wide that you can fit the entire army of the USA in that single room.
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You guys take the admin room where we gonna stay.
So what should we name ourselves?, the revolutionary?
Alpha: what a great idea!
Let's call our group, "THE SHARP REVOLUTION" we'll kill them all free this country and throw away the leadership of the useless dictator!
Caine: yes let's get started recruiting!
They are now recruiting for members, they have to find the best members for this revolution, the y have to venture out of the forest and go to the cities to find members.
So they wait a few days to get ready to venture out the forest and went to the city to find someone who want to join,
while they're walking down the forest, someone is already watching their evy move. The mysterious guy who is spying on alpha and his friends is still following,
Do you guys, feel something?
I thought I'm the only one, don't look at the back, someone is here with us.
Should we run?
They walk like they're not noticing the feeling of being followed, but they kept moving until they reach the city outside the forest, it's an abandoned city.
They saw someone sitting on a stone bricks, and sharpening it's knife, it turns out it's whale's long lost friend, they got separated when there's are war going on between terrorist and anti-terrorist back then.
So I have a visitors huh?
Hey Arion is that you?
Whale?, w-where have you been?, a-are you alright?
Yep, I survive the war, and now we're starting a revolution together with this two new friends of mine.
Alpha: hey there!
Caine: yo.
Hmmmm..... Alright I'll join.... But in one condition.
The condition is, alpha and Caine have to fight Arion, they just have to scratch him and Arion can finally join, sounds easy?, no, Arion is the most skilled person that only whale only the one who knows it.
Caine: but how we're supposed to fight you? Where just finished learning our fighting style and we're not that good at it yet!
I can't join such a week group, if you want me to join and show me your skills and strength by fighting me.
Fight you say?, Caine, we're gonna fight him, don't worry I have a plan.