03- The death past

Arion: A plan you say?, I'm so excited to see your blood squirting out of your body

Arion said it with a creepy face while holding his knife tightly, alpha is preparing to fight arion, and suddenly, Arion vanished without a trail, alpha getting ready from where Arion is gonna appear.

"Where is he?? " Caine asked and shivering in fear, meanwhile , alpha is just standing and trying to Sense arion's movements.


look at your front!!

Alpha didn't notice that Arion is going for an attack in front of him, alpha didn't notice it and Arion is about to throw his knife to alpha.



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Alpha got slice on his face, he fights back but Arion was to fast and dodging all of hitting attempts of alpha.

Alpha: damn you, you'll pay for this!!

Arion: Oh yeah!? Show me then!

Arion is so fast that alpha can't even see his next move.

Arion: scratch me of you can!!

And suddenly, alpha uses the new fighting style that he and Caine learned to whale, he uses knige manipulation to attack Arion and match it's speed.

Alpha is chasing Arion by his knife manipulation, Arion didn't expect them to use such a good fighting, but he avoids all of the knives with his own fighting style, "speed sharp"

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(Back to the story)

Alpha: damn it! I can't control my knife speed anymore!

Caine: wait, look at Arion, can you see?

Alpha: what do you mean?

Caine: I saw him distracted in something, look his face has scratch!

Alpha: wait, this is it! I can use my plan here!

Alpha increase his knife speed with his last energy, the knife randomly change their own directions and Arion didn't expect it, Arion got cut on his arms, legs and feet.

Arion: Oh shit!, you got me there....

Arion fainted from exhaustion, whale catches Arion and carry him, "you don't have to challenge us.... " whale is worried, "But I have to.... " Arion answered.

Arion: I have to know if your group is skilled enough to fight the terrorist and I think I got my answer now.....

Whale: just like when we first met right?.... Bestfriend... *chuckle*

They went back to the hidden village to heal Arion from his wounds, but when they get back, the terrorist and some Serial killer already raided the whole village and leave nothing except burning house and hurt citizens.

Alpha: No way...

Whale: *mad*

Caine: *terrified*

They hide at their underground base to heal arion's wounds and to plan a attack to clear a part of a province with terrorist territories.

Alpha: Why this territory not together? Like they're apart.

Whale: in this world, terrorist are different from each other, like how skilled they are and like how advance their weapons are, the reason their territories is apart from each other is because they have different goals and plans to conquer the whole country.

Alpha: so that's our advantage right?

Arion: it's not.

Whale: Arion?, finally you're awake.

Arion: yes, they are apart but we still have another enemy in our way.

Alpha: the government?

Arion: yes, I spyed on the government palace yesterday and I heard something that I can't get off of my mind.

Whale: .....?

Alpha: ...?

Caine: .....?

Arion: they're talking about a some sort of a vaccine, that can cure terrorist.

Whale: some sort of.....

Alpha: vaccine??...

Caine: that can cure, terrorist...?

Whale alpha and Caine is shocked and they don't know what is actually going on, is there something that their government is hiding from the public, or something worst.....

Whale: Arion please explain.

Caine: .....

Alpha: .....


I hear them talking about a some kind of organization called, HIPNOSEAH, who controls people's minds and make them violent and always eager to kill, and I heard that, all of the terrorist are all just being mind controlled.

Whale: but who or what created it?...

Arion: the organization leader name is... ROZEN.... SEPHIROTH.....they call him ROZEPH.

Whale dropped his knife on the floor when he heard about the name of the organization leader, who actually is ROZEPH?, what does he want?, whale can't believe what he just heard and alpha and Caine was confused.....

Whale: the guy..... Who killed our entire clan..... Is.... Roseph.....

Arion: I can't believe it as well, and I leave after I heard enough.

Alpha: is there's something wrong?

Caine: who is he? Tell us.....

Arion: I guess it's time..... For you guys to know about our past...

5 years ago-kingdom of ferria)

5 years ago, terrorist doesn't exist at all until this happens....

Asleph clan killed by someone belongs to rosleph clan named ROZEN SEPHIROT, it didn't killed all in the asleph clan, he purposely ignore someone while murdering all of them except the kid he ignores.

The kid's name is whale, after all of that traumatizing murdering, he's just hiding in a house just waiting for the sunrise, a kid named arion is one of the roseph clan, he saw whale just hiding in a broken house.

Arion: hey, what are you doing here?

Whale recognize arion as a roseph clan because of his blue eyes, all of roseph clan have blue eyes since they are born.

Whale: stay back!!, you're gonna kill me aren't you?!!

Arion: No! I'm not...

Whale: it's your fault!!! All of you!!! Why did you do this to my family!!??

Arion: I'm sorry.....

Whale cries from sadness because he has nothing left in his family, the reason why one of the roseph clan killed all the asleph, is because someone is behind that murder plan.

Arion: it's not me.... It's someone named rozeph sephirot, he killed your family because our clan leader command him to.....if you don't know... I hate my own clan because they are murderers.

Whale: you're just saying it to get my trust and eventually kill me!!!

Arion: no I'm not!!, trust me! Let's find that guy who killed your clan! I'll help you!

Whale: ..... But

Suddenly they got surrounded by a group of guys holding a knife and they seem like being controlled.

Arion: WHO ARE YOU!!?

"We're the terrorist!!! We're declaring war!!" That's what they all say,

meanwhile at the top of a mountain far from asleph clan territory, a mysterious man secretly controlling the minds of the people surrounding whale and Arion.

Rozeph: it's time.... To make my own empire.... But first.... I have to get my first territory.

It was him, rozeph sephirot, he's the one who commands a person to kill all of asleph clan, his reason is to make his own empire and conquer the world by his own.

" I will continue what my father did, I will conquer the world for him"...that's the last word rozeph said before he vanished and never seen again until the future.

(After 2 years)

Arion and whale decided to create their own group, because at this time, terrorist is just starting to spread arround the country, the government of evry country surrounding Ferris is closing their borders.

After 1 year, Arion decided to leave the group for a while for a secret reason that he didn't told anyone and also his bestfriend whale.

(Back to the present)>>>


The Ergan, the group of 6 people, they manipulate the most powerful fighting style in the existence, they owned a their own kingdoms and they have the power to control the world from its rotation to how it will end.


we have to find all the 6 Ergan and ask for their help, the terrorist's attacks are getting worst everyday, we have to find them all before it's too late.


But who's gonna guard our base when we're gone?


It will be locked and can only be unlocked with face verification.


Wait so that means we gonna tell them to join our revolution??


I think they're not gonna agree with us.


Don't give up yet guys, I'm sure they'll agree.

Arion: I heard that one of the 6 Ergan is a critic, her name is MAEA the queen of WINTERIA KINGDOM, no one can convince her to make an alliance or become friends with her, she doesn't trust anyone.

Alpha: then let's find her first!

Whale: that's a great idea, the WINTERIA is just northeast and they maybe let us talk to their queen.