07- map quest

Alpha: hi, it's me, alpha, it's been 2 months since that battle between us and aaldore, right now, we just got a quest from maea and zure, and they told us to find the special map of this world for our better navigation, off course they'll come with us..... Right?.... Right??.....

Maea: yep that's true, but we're just gonna watch you and your friends, you guys are on your own if there's an enemy, it's a test it you are worth to protect the world.

Alpha: seriously.....

Arion: don't worry, we can do this!!

Whale: yeah! We're stronger together you know!!

Caine: I don't know if I'm ready.....

Whale: oh come on! It will be fun!

Alpha: fun or maybe a disaster?....

In the middle of their talk, suddenly someone knock the door and they have no idea who it is.

Azure: maea.. Have you invited someone else?....

Maea: this presence. .. I can feel a familiar aura.....

The knocker opens the door, it turns out it's maea and azure's friend and a former ho-rizon member.

Maea: kyū?!

Azure: long time no see.....

Whale: KYU!??, the former ho-rizon member before it collapse!?....

Alpha: who??

Arion: kyū, the former EARTH ho-rizon, we currently have ice and wind.

Kyū: I heard that you guys reuniting the ho-rizon..... So I came here to join.

Alpha: wiat is that a wolf behind him?

Kyū: this is Kenji, my summoning wolf.

Whale: master kyū...

Kyū: call me kyū instead Dont say master..

Whale: okay... But... Can you join us??

Kyū: that's why I came here.

Maea: oh wait, can you help us find the special map hidden in the dragon's mountain?

Kyū: ph, so you're giving this teenager a master class missions?, tsk... Tsk...

Azure: they're not just a normal teenager.... You'll see.

Kyū: *sigh* alright let's go then..

They enter the forest where they should start hiking up on the mountain. Whale and Arion are carrying all their bags because that mountain is so high that it will take 2 days to climb.

Alpha: it's already almost night?

Maea: you're right.... I guess we should build a camp over there and rest.

Maea points her finger to a public vacant camp site. They build their own tents surrounding the campfire.

Kyū sniffed and smell danger, one of his ability is to sense nearby enemy by just making contact on the surface or ground, he can smell danger from 1000-1000km side by side.

Azure: what is it kyū?...

Kyū: shh..... About 2 people are coming.....

Alpha: should we get ready?....

Arion: I can sense it now....

Caine: *sacred as always*

Kyū: summon wolf!.... *summons his wolf*

Kyū uses his summoning to help him whenever a fight happens soon.

Information: Kyū's wolf can do earth magic,just like kyū who summoned him, they can also make combo attacks together, they're like best friends.

Kyū: they're here.....

Two monsters appears in the shadows, kyū's wolf Un-summoned, and alpha attacks the two monsters at the same time.


He punched hard both monsters but it didn't work their flesh have shells that couldn't break easily, it even send shivers down alpha's spines when he hit them hard.

Alpha: AW, AW AW!!!!

Arion: you should be careful, that's a monster called shellszor, they're really tough.

Kyū: alright I'll try with my sword.....

Kyū pulls out his sword called Ōkami no ha (狼の刃) or "wolf blade"

Kyū: alright....

He swings his sword and it send shock wave that can break hard stuff like rocks and even mountains (half of mountain).

Kyū: FANGS!!!

That ability is called "fangs".

The shock wave hit the hard shell of shellszor, it explodes intensely that wind bursts everywhere and it was so loud.

(Let's just say this is how it looks like in aerial view)

It's a large crater, that is cause by kyū's fang technique, that's an example of an ho-rizon member true power.


Azure: why did you use such a powerful attack for only two weak monsters?...

Maea: *sigh* nothing change with you, nothing change....

Kyū: my bad, I still can't use my power right.

Alpha: he's an ho-rizon but can't control his abilities??

Azure: alright then, I'll use my repair ability to bring back the flat forest where it should be.... Right here on this crater!!!


-repair/rebuild ability

This power will be able to repair anything destroyed by just a touched.

The landform starting to came back from being flat and full of trees, the moon suddenly had an eclipse.

Maea: An eclipse?!

Alpha: this time? Really?

Azure: come on guys let's sleep in our newly built tents and also, that's normal eclipse so stay calm.

Whale: kinda weird....

Meanwhile, A girl with pink braided hair is watching the moon at the top of the mountain, she's just quiet and peaceful.

-5 hours later, it's morning and alpha wakes up, he saw whale sitting outside near the extinguish campfire.

Whale: good morning.

Alpha: sup..*yawns*

Whale: still tired?...

Alpha: yeah....

Maea also wakes up and wakes up the others, they continue hiking up th mountain to find the special map.

Alpha ask maea while they're hiking.

Alpha: what's the purpose of that map we're finding?

Maea: well, its a digital map called "DERYAD" it allows you to see and locate hidden place and other kingdoms arround the world and see a kingdom that is on war, there's a color coding for war and peace, RED for war and BLUE for peace, a country will turn RED means it's on war and BLUE means it's on peace.

Alpha: then why is that matter if we know they are on war?

Maea: that's means we can also see who's attacking us In the territory we're in.

Alpha: we're currently in earthean and ferrian border right?

Maea: *nods*

While in the middle of hiking, a dragon blocked their way and said "defeat me so you can proceed to the next quest. "

Alpha: so we have to do quest to reach that map huh... What a drag.

Kyū: alright I'm gonna fight him.

Kyū fights the dragon and finished it with a one technique called "Rock slash" it made the dragon's head fell off.

Kyū: let's go to the next quest.

They walk straight to the next checkpoint, the next checkpoint is the one who protects the special map from being touch.

Whale: so this is the last quest?....

A girl with pink braided hair appears in front of them, it's a guardian of this mountain and the only way to get the special map is to defeat her in a 1v1.