08- ryo

Alpha: I'll try.

Freya: alright,there's one rule in this challenge, who ever gets in the other side or in my back, you win and you'll get the map, sounds easy right?

Caine: are you sure about this alpha?

Alpha: I'll just try.

Freya pulls out her long sharp sword called "CAMAEL", it has power of flame just like alpha's power but only freya's sword have a flame power,and not her.

Freya: plus!, I can give you my sword.... Mr alpha.

Alpha: alright then let's do this!!

Alpha charged up his flame powers on his fist, it's rapidly flaming and heating up.

Freya: *stare*


alpha uses his new flame technique called dragonic fist, his fist flames turns into a vision of a dragon head, the flame will turn red. Alpha attacks on a high speed towards Freya, Freya didn't avoid it, instead, she uses her index finger and stopped alpha by touching his forehead while he's too near to her.

Alpha: S-seriously?!!, she an it a guardian!!, she's a God level!!!

Freya smirked.

Freya: you can't get pass me, I won't even let you get the map-

Alpha: Just kidding!! *wink*

Alpha uses the explosion that was supposed to be used when Freya stoppepd alpha from being fast, the explosion makes alpha won the map and a sword.

Freya: *hurt* a-aw!, alright, here's your map, and your sword. *kneel*

Alpha: no! No need to kneel... Hehe....

They get back to winderia castle and looks at their new map they got.

-at the winderia castle-

Maea: listen everyone, I just got a new information from my spies that is spying near every scattered territories of terrorist, and they saw a man with a blue cloak and red hair and the terrorist guarding and serving him.

-A sketch from my spies proves what they see.

Alpha: isn't that roseph?

Whale: *shocked*

Arion: so what else your spies see??

Maea: my spies, hears the meeting of the terrorist, the leader with red hair said they have a plan to expand more of their territory and build their own Nation soon.

Alpha: a nation?

Whale: that bastard never stopped.

Arion: I still don't know why roseph wants power so much....

Maea: so here's why we're having a meeting, first, to fight an enemy that is building a nation, we must fight it with our own nation as well.

Alpha: own nation...

Whale: quiet*

Arion: that's a great idea, but where we will get all the money to fund all military weapons and other defense weapons?, and also a money to feed people??

Kyū: If you don't know, ho-rizon members are all rich and powerful so we can just buy food and feed people everyday.

Maea: so, we need to have an alliance on west and east countries, so that's why, Alpha, Caine, and Whale will travel back to ferrian to talk to the leader of ferria and hope they will respond in a good way.

Azure: and I gonna come with alpha to watch them.

Maea: great! You guys can leave tomorrow and me and kyū will guard the winderia kingdom while you guys are gone.

It's the next day, and alpha, whale, Caine, arion and azure is about to leave the winderia kingdom using a carriage.

Whale: I'm so excited to see the king once again!

Arion: yeah, the last time we see him is when the time when he save us from the civil war of ferria....

Alpha: hey, me and Caine have no idea what's going on right now!

Caine: *nods*

Azure: alright, I'll explain who is the king of ferria.

- the king of ferria, RYÕ HIDEYOSHI, he's smart and a good leader for ferria, he's also a member of ho-rizon, his power called "GREAS" it's the power to control plants, including grass, flowers, and more.

Alpha: could he be from our world....?

Alpha whisper to caine.

Caine: he have a Japanese name so I guess he is?....

They arrived at the ferrian kingdom entrance, they have to check in before entering. And then after the checking in, they flew towards the ferrian castle near the forest that where alpha and caine saw whale.

Alpha: alright guys, there it is, it's time to face the king itself!.

Suddenly, a grass tentacle grabs all of them mid air, they can't move or do anything, suddenly a guy with green hair showed up at the front of them floating.

Ryõ: what are your businesses here in ferria?

Azure: calm down ryõ it's me!!

Ryõ: Azure?... It's been a while.....

They continue the talk inside the ferrian castle's meeting room.

Ryõ, is sitting on the front of them while alpha and the others sitting while facing ryõ.

Ryõ; alright, so you guys came here to Riuinite the ho-rizon and make an alliance and be a one whole Nation?

Azure: exactly.

Ryõ: very well, I guess I just have to..... Wait, but first, I have to test your subordinates or friends or whatever.

Azure: they are the one who want to Riuinite us and they need our help to end the global terrorism.

Ryõ: oh is that so?, alright, you, black hair with a yellow jacket, you go and your friends outside, I have to test if you guys are strong enough.

Alpha: do all ho-rizon members have trust issues? *whisper*

Ryõ; what did you say?

Alpha: Nothing!.....

They went out side and go to a massive Coliseum at the back of the forest.

Alpha and whale are the first one to test their ability to each other, while ryõ is watching them on the commentator's room.

Alpha: okay whale, nothing personal here okay?

Whale: understood....

Caine is the referee for this round.

Caine: alright, ready!,.... 3....2....1!!!