09- kiel's challenge

Alpha and whale is still standing and facing each other and waiting for Caine's signal, and after Caine counts, they dash to each other fist to fist and it send a small shock wave.

Alpha: that's so fast!

Whale: you never saw me do this!!

Whale keep a far distance to alpha, when he get far enough, he started to open his palm and point it to alpha.

Alpha: wait hol up!?

Suddenly A large ball of water appears on whale's palm.

Whale: BREEZEABUB, *Said coldly*

he let's the large ball of water energy shoot out and fly rapidly towards alpha.

Alpha: damn it!!


Alpha immediately use his dragonic fist to suck the large ball of water energy flying towards him.


-the fight finished by a tie.

Ryõ: okay, now you got my attention, alright I'll join you guys.

They head back to winderia kingdom and now they have ryõ as their new Allie and also go to the winderia kingdom with them as well. They arrived and immediately called a meeting at the meeting room.

Maea: I'm glad you all back with ryõ, now, we only have 2 members left, it's Kiel and phrilim.

Alpha: let's go for Kiel first he's waiting for us remember?

Maea: yes, let's get ready for our adventure, and we'll start leaving two weeks from now.

First 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊-

It's their first 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 of getting ready for traveling across the globe.

it's a kingdom called SANDORIA with their capital VALOR CITY this is where they going to. First they have to learn how to fight and think fast in a battle, because in sandoria,monsters appears on the sand suddenly and that's a danger.

Alpha: okay, whale and me are the attackers while you, have to doge our melee attacks.

[Information: "melee" is a sword, fist attack type and no magic or any effects added on it.]

Caine is the one who will dodge alpha and whale's attacks.

Caine: okay I'm ready!.

Alpha and whale dash and punch Caine, Caine Dodge both of it.

Whale: not bad!, but can you Dodge this!?, "TEARS!!!"

[Skill: Year, is a watter bullet attack that doesn't hurt but it weakens the body of the target]

Caine Dodge it immediately by teleportating to their back.





Meanwhile, maea and the other ho-rizon is having a tea together.

Kyū: so.... Who's gonna be the temporary leader of the ho-rizon?

Ryõ: I nominate myself.

Azure: oh no you don't!, you're the last leader of the ho-rizon and that's it, you're worst!

Maea: calm down cousin, let's be nice because our alliance is just getting newly established.

Azure: *pretending to cough* ehem... I'm sorry.

Maea: okay, let's talk about another thing like.... About the 2 remaining members that we can't find yet....

Kyū: Kiel is our target right? He's just hiding to his empire, sandoria.

Azure: it will be dangerous for those four teenagers to cross the harsh desert of sandoria, do they really need to come?

Maea: yes,we should be thankful for them because they are the one who's reuniting us for the peace of the world.

Azure: so now that we have a new empire called FERRIAN WINDERIA EMPIRE, we should talk about the new leader of it.

Kyū: so since ryõ and maea United their own country, then let's have them as two leaders then.

Alpha and the other three knock at the door where the meeting of the ho-rizon is happening.

Alpha: hey, we're done training!

Maea: c-come in!

They enter.

Maea: how's the training?

Alpha: it's fine.

Azure: so what are you're plans after reuniting us all?...

Alpha: well....

Whale: there's nothing to hide now, let's tell them. *whisper*

Alpha: *sigh* alright....







Everyone seemed surprised by alpha and his friends plan for the world.

Maea: this plan brings back old me memories of our meetings....

Azure: I can't believe alpha and ushave the same plans....

Kyū: the same plan that we tried to accomplish but failed is coming back...

Ryõ: I guess alpha will help us bring back the peace.

Alpha: what are you guys talking about?

Whale: allow me to tell the story.

Maea: well then.

Whale: A long time ago, when terrorism and wars is just starting, ho-rizon tried to end it as soon as possible, they tried everything they can but the terrorist didn't agree, the terrorist seemed controlled by someone elese's power.

Alpha: roseph?

Whale: maybe, and we still don't know what roseph's planning to do...

Azure: so you're saying that roseph was behind of all of this terrorism and wars?

Whale: yes, the first thing he did is kill my clan, which is the Family of asleph and then after that, wars began to appear.

Kyū: I get it now, it's all because roseph kill the Royal Family, countries begin to suspected each other and then it ended in a war.

Azure: we should and this before a world war happens.

Maea: so now that we know everything, let's now focus on future plans.





1 week passed, it's the day when they finally going out the country to find their next target, "KIEL" the tth ho-rizon member.

Alpha; hey, if we're gone, who's the one will be in charge of ruling the country?

Maea: ryõ will stay here.

Whale: alright, let's go to the desert!!

Azure: come on! The carriage is ready!!, we should leave now!

The carriage was ready, they officially leaving the kingdom of winderia and move to another kingdom, the weather is perfect for going out.

Alpha: well prove that we can accept your challenge kiel.

Alpha whisper to himself.

Whale: are you okay alpha?

Caine: *sleeping*

Alpha: I'm just thinking about the challenge of kiel...

Whale: don't worry, we can do this.