19- goodbye for now...

Crowen: hello everyone! My name is crowen:, the sub announcer for the rest of the round, our beloved world emperor roseph is not here to join us for now...for the second round, flare empire vs frozen heart, representative, alpha for frozen heart and Kiel for....flare empire.

Alpha: wait, I thout his team is sanderiral?....

Kiel enters the arena.

Kiel: what's up!, it's good to see you, you're confuse right?, sanderiral and flare empire is both the same thing.

Alpha: and here I thought you lied....

Kiel: hey..... What happened earlier? And why roseph is not here?

Alpha: that's my question too.... Let me explain after this round..

"SRARTTT!!" and the signal starts the fight is officially starting.

Kiel: I'll go easy on you.

Alpha: please don't!

Alpha dashes and tries to punch Kiel but Kiel Dodges it quick.

Kiel throws a small flaming needles to alpha.

Kiel: that needle will weaken your stamina and strength, what will you do now huh?


alpha charges a flaming needles that is much more than Kiel summoned, and throw it all at once to Kiel.

Kiel dodges it all needle by needle.

The audience cheer for both teams.

"Frozen heart!"


After the needles hit the ground, Kiel is already not in alpha's sight.

Alpha: where is he?, is he gone?

Alpha looks around him.

Alpha looks up and Kiel is already holding a massive ball of sun right on top of Kiel.

Alpha: no way!?

Kiel: give up now kid!

Maea step inside the arena platform.

Maea: STOP!!

Kiel stops his skill and landed down the arena in front of maea.

Maea: should shouldn't use that kind of skill in such a small place! Idiot!, it's our responsibility to keep the people arround here safe! Once that massive sun hits us, we'll be bruned alive!!!

Kiel: sorry I got carried away.

Alpha: phew, I thought I'm dead...

Maea stepped out of the arena and sit back to her bench.

Crowen announce.

Crowen:.... Both team is forgiven to tight once more.

Kiel stretching his arm.

Kiel:time for round 2?

Alpha: yep!

"START!" the fight begins.

Both of them dashes to each other and hit both of their fist, the impact make the ground cracked.

They give each other punches and a lot of flaming needles.

They both chants the same skill name, "FLAMING DOMAIN", it creates a large burning dimension, and both of their skill, CLASHED, and explode, the impact send them flying to the edge of the arena, almost outised the arena.

Alpha Slstabds on his feet and look arround to see if Kiel survive.

Alpha: where is he?

Kiel on the other side is standing with only his right hand is burned.

Kiel: y-you did it.... You've won.

Alpha is now moving to the third round.

Later, it's now evening, everyone is sleeping on this own headquarters in the Coliseum, alpha is alone outside their quarters, he's sitting on one of the audiences seat.

Alpha is thinking about the knife and the key.

Alpha: why roseph needs that key?, what's the purpose of it....

Kiel is finding alpha and saw alpha sitting.

Keil: hey! It's already midnight, so, tell me about what happened between you and roseph.

Kiel sit next to alpha.

Later, alpha is done explaining all awwhat happened this morning.

Kiel: that key.... Will open a new dimension..... I know him, he will use that key to invade another dimensions so he can gain more power.

Alpha: should we stop him??

Kiel: we'll have to.... But first with have to track his current location....

Kiel suddenly realize something.

Kiel: QUICK! Say to all of our friends that we have a emergency meeting!

Alpha: sure!

After alpha calls them, they're finally complete in a meeting room at the Coliseum.

Maea: what's with the meeting?

Azure: yeah, you never call a emergency meeting for awhile now....

Kyu: is about roseph?

Ryo: .....

Daedra: I can read kiel's mind...

Alpha, whale and caine is also here.

Kiel enters the room.

Kiel: hey everyone, we have a mission to do....I know that we all know that our boy alpha, have the dimension key right?

They all nod.

Kiel: and we didn't guard alpha enough, that roseph, just got his hands on the key and we don't know where he is now...

Maea: what did you just say?

Azure: it can't be..

KyuV we have to stop him no2 immediately...

Ryo: or else his gonna be more threatening than before...

Daedra: he will go to dimensions now?, Kiel, give me that mission.

Kiel look at daedra.

Kiel: are you sure?

Daedra: it will be hard to find him evry dimensions but if it save everyone... I'll do everything.

Kiel smiled.

Kiel: good to here... And remember.... if you manage to see him..... And invading a dimension with his military.... Don't hesitate, FIGHT HIM.

Daedra: I promise, to put an end on him.

And, at the same day, daedra is now entering a portal to enter a new dimension, they all gather to say goodbye to daedra.

Kiel pats daedra's shoulder.

Kiel: take your time, it's your most important mission so far.

Maea: good luck girl!

Maea jump hugged daedra.

Daedra: aw!, thank you.

Azure: if you see him.... Punch him right on his face! Got it?

Kyu: good luck.

Ryo: goodbye.

Daedra look side by side.

Daedra: where are those kids?

Alpha, caine and whale are late, and running, then they stop.

Alpha: where here!!

Whale: sorry we're late!

Daedra: alpha... Come here...

Alpha walks closer.

Alpha: ...

Daedra grabs and opens alpha's hand.

Daedra: take this bracelet....

It's a shiny ruby ring with a golden brace on it.

Alpha: what's this for?....

Daedra: it will enhance your fire power.

Daedra, jump in the portal.... And say "goodbye! ", for the last time.

She's no gliding through a massive portal space and now ready for her mission alone.

Kiel suddenly had an idea.

Kiel: we should all follows him.....

They're all surprised.