20- the future

They're still at the front of the portal where daedra previously entered.

They seem sad, and Kiel had an idea.

Alpha: we're gonna follow her??

Alpha seems shock.

Kiel: yes, we shouldn't let her fight alone... What kind of Allie are we?

Whale: that so cool!

Caine: so we're entering a new world now?

Kyu: guess we made the wrong decision.

Ryo: let's not talk and get in the portal immediately, she's probably in danger...

Azure: don't be so worried Ryo, it's not good to hear.

Maea: let's go!! I wanna see my girl again.

Kiel, let's go!

they all entered the portal at the same time, they passed out, and after a few seconds, they woke up, wearing a normal clothes and a wearing that only planet earth's have in the current year, it's a completely new world for them, except alpha and caine, they are all lieing on a football field.

Alpha opens his eyes and realize.

Alpha: no way! We're back!

Kiel also wake up.

Kiel: what's this place?

Kiel: what's up with this world?....

Maea also wakes up.

Maea: is this..hey aloha, you seem to know this world?

Ryo also wakes up and the rest of them.

Alpha: welcome! To our World!

Caine: let's explore together!

Kiel: Hey wait a minute, why did the portal take us to earth?

Alpha: now that you mention it....

Alpha realise something and surprise by his thoughts.


Kiel: how can you make sure?

Alpha: he could be anyone somewhere here in the city disguising as a normal person to blend in, so let's go and explore the city and try to find roseph and daedra.

Kiel: so we're splitting?

Alpha: yes.... Me, whale and caine will look for roseph at the market district, while all six of you will look for daedra at the park.

Kiel: how can we know evry location?

Alpha: feel free to ask a local.

And they've split into two groups.

They're finding everywhere and asking citizens but failed, until a news pop up at a public Television at a nearby building where alpha, caine and whale is finding roseph.

Whale: what's up with the news today?

"fresh news!, a wanted criminal named daedra, a kinda unique name, is being chased by the police, that's all for today."

Alpha: what the heck!?

Whale: quick!!, let's go and find her!!

Meanwhile, daedra is riding a motorcycle while being chase by the police.

Daedra: AHH!!!, All I do is stole a single gold Bar!!


Daedra: NO WAY!! HELL NAH!!

Daedra speed up her motorcycle, then he try to use her magic to shoot them, but she realise that nothing comes out of her hands.

Daedra: WHAAATTT!?

While she's speeding up, she stopped, she saw alpha, whale and caine running.

Alpha notice.

Alpha: hey! What the hell? What crime you just did!?

Daedra: CRIME!?, since when stealing a gold Bar is a crime?!


daedra: of course not!!, but, that means....

The police cars came and circle them.

Police #1: you're all surrounded!!, don't move!!

Alpha: oh damn we're screwed...

Whale: what should we do....

Caine: well, this will not happen, if someone didn't try to steal a gold Bar!

Daedra: my bad!

They ended up on a prison, they are currently at jail, they can't do anything.

Alpha: we're bored.....

Caine: if only we can pay for our crime, like actual money....

Whale: I hope Kiel and the others know we're in jail...

Daedra: they're here too??, and why are you guys follow me here anyway!?

Alpha: Kiel is worried about you so we all came here, and what's with the gold stuff?!, what's that for??

Daedra: you see, in our previous world, I'm the kind of person that likes gold.... I have an obsession with it...

Alpha: that's why....

Whale: now, how are we supposed to find roseph at this moment....

Alpha: I hope he doesn't control this country's government.... Say... What country are we right now?

Whale: I have no clue...

Daedra: I ask one local here, he said, I'm currently in Russia.

Alpha: seriously?!, that's why I feel cold!

Suddenly, on the TV at their jail cell, there's a new suddenly pops up.

"A new president of Russia has been declared!, his name, DEMITRI, and he declares war on the whole world so be WARNED!"

Alpha, Caine, whale and daedra surprised.


whale: SERIOUSLY!?


daedra: WHAT A BOTHER!!, but wait, what's a nuclear!?, it's sounds powerful!!

Caine: a nuclear is the most powerful weapons human has ever done in history, it can destroy, and make everything on its path into ashes.

Suddenly, the jail gate opens with someone standing in front of it, and it turns out it's mei.

Alpha: MEI!?, I thought you don't want to come with us so we left you!?

Mei: it's a long story, now quick!! I make the officers sleeps and earse their memories with all of you, now follow me!

They run outside the police station and on the roads.

Alpha: where are going??

Mei: the nuclear war is almost happening, we should find Kiel and the others to stop roseph from doing his plans.

They continue running, until they looked up in the sky and saw a shiny flying in the sky and it's like a nuke being launched.