22- the new start

Inside the void dome in the middle of Moscow, roseph and alpha currently having their conversation.

Alpha: why did you bring me here?

Roseph: to see if your little plan to stop me from being powerful fail right in front of my eyes.

Alpha: what do you mean?

Roseph: simple, if I kill you here and now I will do your other friends next.

Alpha: no!!, I won't let you!

Roseph: But before all of that, I have to kill and absorb your power first.

Alpha: then try it now!!, COME TO ME, MY SWORD!! CAMAEL!!!

Alpha called out his sword, and run towards roseph and preparing to slash him.

Roseph shield himself with a 20 feet golden pillar surrounding him, alpha's sword somehow did not shatter.

Alpha chants his first sword ability.


Alpha's sword hit the golden pillar, the pillar cracked and break a part.

Roseph: NO!! no one has been able to break my golden pillars!... No.... I can't allow it!!!

Roseph chants his own ability.

roseph: first pillar!! RUSH!!!

all the heavy weighted golden pillars rush towards alpha like a falling meteor.

Alpha hold on tight on his sword and slash it all force up in the air, to slash all the pillars, the pillars then explode and shatter into a pieces.

Roseph eye's widen.

Roseph : no... IT CANT BE!!, NO!!, IM POWERFUL!!!, I AM!!!, I DON'T ALLOW IT!!!!!!

Roseph fall into rage, his now uncontrollable, a dark aura surrounding him while on anger and rage screaming.

Alpha: this is bad!!

Kiel and the others teleported inside the astral space, where roseph and alpha are in.

Alpha: Hey everyone!

Kiel: what's up with him?

Alpha: I just happened to hit his pride.

Maea: should we stop him from being in rage?

Kyu: let's do it before more destructions.

Ryo: let's end this now.

Daedra: I'm ready!!

Azure: let my wind help you all!!

Alpha looks back at roseph.

Alpha: let's do this!, the showdown begins!

Roseph's power turn into a darker version of it, his new power looks like a earth elemental magic with dark and golden magic aura.

Kiel: woah, that's dark!

Azure: it's.... Making me shake for some reason...

Alpha: we attack?

Kiel: you should attack.

Alpha: huh? Who? Me?!, why??

Kiel: we believe in you, you are ready.

Alpha: ready for what??

Kiel: to be a god.

The conversation become suddenly serious.

Alpha: a good? How? I'm just not from your world...

Kiel: attack him.

All the six hexagram body's glow, they're now transferring enough power to cast the most powerful spell.

Alpha: what kind of feeling is this....its kind of overwhelming....

Kiel: use your blade, cut through him with your full strength!

Alpha: OKAY!!

alpha slowly walks towards roseph, roseph is still on transformation state.


He directly stabbed roseph on his head, the transformation state ,the transformation stops and the evil aura vanished.

Kiel: you did it.

Alpha: how did-

The astral space cracked and shatters and the dark dome is gone, they got exposed on the sunshine.

"We defeat him!!" They all celebrate, they're now going back to their world and alpha and caine get transferred back to the earth's present time where they started at the building wall.

Alpha: we're back....

Caine: I'm glad we save them all.... But I miss everyone....

Alpha: I miss them too.... Whale, mei, keil and others.... I want to get back....

Caine: at least we did our goal.... To save their world..

Alpha: let's now begin our normal life again!

Caine: let's go! At the arcade!!