23- Two worlds

It's been 5 years since the day we defeated roseph, things hasn't change since 5 years, until 1 week ago..... A large meteor hit near the Eurasia, its nothing like a normal meteor, things change after it hits, first, everyone begin to suspect something not well is happening, second, the half of the world turns into a warzone for some reason, and third and final changes, I and Caine got our Elemental powers back

,And today, I have found something interesting while investigating the meteor crater pictures.

[Present time]

Alpha is calling Caine to a cellphone.

Alpha: come on answer....

Caine answered the call.

Caine: hey, what's up?

Alpha: hey um, can you come to my house like right now?

Caine: alright, but why?

Alpha: I've found something.

Caine: alright I'm coming, just a sec! [End call]

Suddenly, a running footsteps heard in alpha's hallway before alpha's room, and someone knocked.

Alpha: come in!

Caine enters the room.

Caine: it's good to be your neighbor, I don't have to walk a lot just for your stupid calls.

Alpha: quick, I want to show you something, follow me.

Alpha and caine enters the bedroom, alpha opens the PC and go to albums, with a lot of pictures and informations.

Alpha: take a look at this photos.

A photos with the previous meteor and a mysterious figure like human glowing

Caine: the shadow is familiar.....

Alpha and caine suddenly heard on their minds, "COME HERE, AT THE BUILDING!! QUICK!! " the voice is distorted with a woman's voice.

Alpha: should we?

Caine: let's find this out!

They leave the house and run to find the building where they opened a portal 10 years ago.

Alpha and caine's hearing went blank for a second as they stepped on near that building.

"Put your hands and touch the wall... " they suddenly hear, alpha and caine hesitate to touch but put their hands to touch the wall anyways.

After a few seconds, they woke up on a familiar forest.

Alpha slowly opens his eyes.

Alpha: where.... Am I....

He stares around the forest and see Caine also with him.

Alpha: Caine wake up..

Caine opened his eyes and get up on the ground.

Caine:where are we?

Alpha: that's what I'm asking myself...

Alpha and caine's memories are coming back, they collapse, hours later, they opened their eyes and notice that they are in a hospital.

Alpha: am I in.... This is sandoria.... Isn't it... But how...

Caine wkaes up.

Caine: hey.... Is this...

Kiel steps in the room.

Kiel: you're awake alpha, it's been a while.

Alpha: Kiel-sensei?, but how!?

Caine: it's so confusing..

Kiel: come with me to the meeting room, I'll explain everything.

They follow Kiel, alpha and caine get welcomed by all their friends.

Whale greet alpha.

Whale: hey bro, it's been a while!

Alpha: hey long time no see!

They do fist bump.

Mei: forgetting me is rude.

Mei is behind alpha, alpha is surprised.

Alpha: hey mei it's been a while, are you doing great?

Mei: yeah but it's so happy to see everyone reunited again.

Caine greet whale.

Caine: nice to see you again whale.

Whale: hey, there's something that change on you.... Hmm, never mind, welcome back bro.

They all sit on their own chairs around the table, Kiel starts projecting the screen.

Kiel: hey alpha, remember the meteor that fall and hit your wrold before?

Alpha: WAIT, how did you----

Kiel: listen alpha.

Kiel: simple, there's a organization called "starkle" they are the horizon six's enemy, the strakle is our enemy and they attack us in sandoria's castle, while we trying to defend, one soldier from starkle launch a large meteor to kill us but daedra use one of her ability called PORTALÉ, and the meteor hit and enter that summoned portal, the fight between us and starkle ends but we have no idea where the meteor went, until we tracked it using kyū's eye's ability, called THOUSAND SIGHT, and locate it on earth, at the Eurasian continent, we try to contact you and Caine using Mara's telepathic ability and lead you both here in this world.

Alpha: hey, did you know that it change our half of our world?

Kiel: yes, it made chaps and confusion, that's why you're here, to fight starkle and other organizations out there.

Alpha: you mean you guys gonna go to earth with us?

Kiel: yes, currently, starkle's warship station is on earth using invisibility magic to hide to the skies.

Alpha: then let's not waist time and save the earth!!

Kiel: and one last thing, you can now freely teleport back to back in earth and win-terra without any problem.

Alpha: woah for real!?

Maea: yes we made it happened.

Suddenly, they all got teleported inside a massive starship 500 feet on the sky of London.

Alpha: wait!?, this is our starship??

Kiel: yep, welcome to HEXAGRAM, and we fight against evil, starkle, is our enemy.

Maea and the others are sitting to their command stations.

Caine: where's is this ship located?

Kiel: we're on earth, above your city, London above 500 feet of the big Ben, we're using the invisibility magic to hide.

Alpha: this is so cool!, but how did you guys get advance technology in just 5 years?

Kiel: that's a scmecret for now.

The starship fly smoothly above London, and enter the air space of France without getting detected by the government.