Inside the hexagram Starship, alpha, Caine and whale are getting ready to be on the front lines.
Alpha feel something, like he feels something is missing, a old friend that they trust but betray.
Alpha: what happened to him now....
Whale: are you saying something there alpha?
Alpha: I just think.... What happened to arion?....
Caine: now that I think of that too.... Where is he now? His master died..
Whale' I don't know either but I hope his fine...
"EXPLOSIONS", starkle already fire their guns and Canons.
Kiel: EVERYONE!, prepare to backfire!!
" ROGER!" They said at the same time, hexagram send mecha armies to fight against the starkle's mecha soldiers.
Alpha, caine and whale got teleported outside the starship midair, and they're floating in the air.
Alpha: woah! How can we not fall?
Caine: cool!
Whale: this is good now we can fight fairly with those flying bots.
At the starkle's starship, inside, the commander named Noah ashenwolf and his co-commander named aria, watches alpha on a screen.
Noah: what a surprise, who's that boy on hexagram's frontlines?
Aria: he's alpha seraph archeon, and the other boys with him is his best friends.
Noah: alpha.... My eyes, I can see his elemental flames inside of him, it's so bright and strong, but sadly, that power belongs to me.
Aria: you command sir.
Noah: Attack him with our best soldier.
Aria: you mean Arion?
Noah: yes, right now ASAP!!
At the battle area, alpha is struggling to maintain blocking a mecha's sword attack.
Alpha: This mecha's sword is heavy!---
Whale came to slash the bot at its back and it burned to particles.
Alpha: wow, thank you!, but how can they die like that?
Caine: yeah robots don't just turn into ashes by just a sword slash...
Kiel speaks through telepathy.
=Kiel= : Alpha, they're not normal bots, they're made from a skill called summons, made from they're creator, Noah ashenwolf, he's our enemy right now.
Alpha: woah!, you mean the starkle commander is Noah aashenwolf, well he's strong, what else he can do?
Kiel: he can manipulate time, so be careful.
Alpha: seriously?!, can we really fight him?
Kiel: you have our trust, just remember, if you're at the point of loosing, we're here to back you up!
The flew quickly towards starkle's starship, as they reach near the enemy starship, they got blocked by a shield called "territory", a magic barrier to protect a soldier and a starship.
Alpha try to make a cut through the Territory but it's to strong.
Alpha: I can't get through!
Whale: oh crap, how are we supposed to attack the main ship now??
At that moment, Noah slowly walks and stopped behind them, he's wearing a tuxedo with a kong black cape swaying on the wind.
Alpha, Caine and whale freezes, they can't somehow move, and their lungs tightening.
Alpha: what t-the.... Who.... What's happening!
Kiel suddenly appears and slash Noah behind.
Noah quickly move away.
Noah: well, it's Kiel, the hexagram's commander.
Kiel: why are you here??
Noah: you really want to know?
Noah smiles mischievously.
Kiel: do you think this is a game?,give us the clock fragments back now!
Noah: do you think I'm the person who will easily get fooled by someone like you?, well no I'm not that person.
Kiel: damn it, if you use that to travel back in time to kill him so he will never be existed, do you think it's the only way??
Noah: Alpha's whole clan killed my own clan and it's unforgivable, someone like him SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN EXISTED!!
Kiel and Noah's magic burst and clashes to each other, they move to different places up in the sky while continue fighting, alpha, Caine and whale manage to move after Noah gets far from them.
Alpha: woah, good thing we're safe!
Caine: Kiel is the best!
Whale: why just stand here!?, let's help Kiel!!
A group of bots blocked their way "no one interrupts master while his at a fight. " the bots said.