meeting the stranger

"Haha." I laugh as my mom tells me a joke "oh mom you always know how to make me happy."

"I'm glad I can make you happy." She's tells me her smile as bright as the daylight.

"Yeah I'm glad! Watch out!" I scream as a truck coming from the opposite direction as our car loses its control and it hits through it making the car flip a few times before hitting the ground.

Suddenly pain rushes all around my body making every movement I try to make a living hell. This is the most pain I've felt in my whole entire life.

I look to the side of the driver's seat to check on my mom and my whole world crumbles as I see my mom's head laying on the steering wheel blood gushing from it.

"Mom!" I call her out but she does not answer.

"Mère!" I call out again but this time in French.

"Madame Emily Moreau Chansa Réveillez-vous, s'il vous plaît!" I scream but she still isn't answering. What's with this woman why isn't she answering?

"Mom please wake up." I say tears running down my cheeks "oh no mom please don't do this to me. Mom wake up s'il vous plaît. What about Rosie she's only ten you can't leave her just yet. Lady wake up for Christ's sake!" I continue crying

"Wake up! Wake up! Miss! Wake up!" I feel someone shaking me to wake up and I do.

I lay in my bed sweating and shaking from all the trauma from my night terror.

Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up who was that waking me up. Nobody gets to wake me up from my night terrors then who the hell was that.

I slowly open my eyes and look around my room and as I turn to the right side of my bed I meet a pair of the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. I take in the full features of the owner of the eyes and I find a very handsome guy sitting on my right side of the bed. I take in his whole appearance and apparently he's got some abs

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I scream at the fact that there is a stranger in my room. "Who are you and what are you doing in my room!"

"Hi my name is Derrick Banda." He says his voice as calm as the still waters "and sorry to burst your bubble miss but this isn't your room."

"What the heck man what do you mean this is my r....." I cut midway my sentence coz hell dude is right this isn't my room. What is this place anyways and how did I get here?

Wait, realization just hits me straight at my brain as I remember everything that happened yesterday. From the wedding, to the running away and the being hit by something really hard. Wait I'm still alive? How didn't I die?

"Please don't tell me you are one of my father's men." I say as I remember clearly that my father sent his men to chase after me.

"I'm not," he says " I don't know who you're. How would I know who your father is."

Woah this is so cool. A person who doesn't know who my father that's surprising. As in who in Kabwe doesn't know the legendary Mulenga Chansa. Okay this is so amazing. Unless dude over here is lying.

"You sure?" I ask suddenly not trusting the guy.

"Yeah. True to life miss....." He doesn't finish his sentence clearly indicating that he wants to know what my name is

"My name is Lusubilo Avril Chansa." I tell him as I look at him to see if he'll show any hint of knowing me. To my surprise dude's eyes don't show any signs. Could be genuine.

"Nice to meet you Miss Lusubilo," he says

"Enchanté monsieur Derrick."

" Pardon me?" He asks. Oh crap I tend to forget that not everyone understands French that's why I use it sometimes.

"Oh sorry I meant to say nice to meet you Mr Derrick" I tell him

"Oh, what's this language you're using. Sorry to ask but I think it's the same one you used when you had your nightmare?"

"It's French."

"Okay " is all he says and I'm grateful he didn't ask about the so called nightmare.

"What hit me yesterday?"

" My car. Sorry about that."

"Oh no it's not your fault I was the one not looking where I was going. I should have been more careful."

"Still I hit you and I should have also been more careful while driving."

"Alright let's not argue about who's fault it is. I guess we're all to blame for the accident. One more question why did you bring me to your house instead of the hospital?"

"Well my house is closer from the place where I hit and plus I'm a Medical student doing my final year of neurosensory so I know how to treat a person who's been hit by car."

"Oh so in short you're a doctor."

"Doctor in training" he corrects

Derrick tells me to rest as he leaves the room and he says if I need any help I can just ding the bell on the table beside the bed and one of his house helpers will come to my aid.

I tell him thank you and he leaves.

I stay in the bed embracing the pain as it goes all around my body and the uncomfortability of the wedding dress gnawing at my insides.

I finally tell myself that I cannot take this so I ding the so called bell and I wait for whoever is on the other end to come to my rescue.

Oh so Dr Derrick Banda is a golden a spoon after all. What a small world we live in. I had to meet another golden spoon. Couldn't it have been better if a silver spoon's car hit me instead but no it had to be golden spoon.


Knock! Knock somebody knocks on the door and I don't need be told who it is coz I know it's one of Mr Golden spoon's helpers and so that is why I tell them to get in.

Immediately the person enters they go like "OMG Lusubilo Avril Chansa is that really you?"

I look at the person trying to figure out if I know them from somewhere or not. All I see is a very petit brown skinned girl who probably is two years younger than me.

I don't need telling you what color her eyes are because apparently every Zambian or African has brown eyes.

She has very long curly hair not really different from mine. The only difference is that her's is brown and mine black.

"I can't believe it's you OMG I never thought I'd see you in person. I didn't know it was you that young master Derrick brought in yesterday. Oh my goodness I'm so sorry he hit you. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you have a headache?"

Oh Lord this girl is really talkative and I'm not really sure which question of hers to answer first so all I find myself saying is " I'm fine don't worry."

" Alright if you say so. Oh sorry where are my manners. My name is Mary Phiri. " She beams

"Nice to meet you Mary. I'm Lusubilo Avril Chansa. " I tell her my name not that she needed to be told

She chuckles and asks "how may I help you?"

" I was hoping you can lend some change of clothes. This thing is irritating me." I say pointing at the wedding gown.

"Oh sure. I'll be back soon," she says leaving the room and coming back ten minutes letter with some clothes in her hands.

She gives them to me and I tell her thank you.

I try removing the stupid gown on my own but I fail coz the moment I lift any part of my body my whole body hurts and so I ask Mary for help and she gently helps me push the damn dress off my body.

After what feels like an eternity we finally remove the dress and I put on the buggy sweat pants and the buggy hoody that Mary gave to me.

Oh Lord she even knows what type of clothes I like to wear.