Avril's POV
"Hello," May speaks on the other side of the line "who's this?"
"Hi May, it's me Avril," I say hoping her phone isn't on loud speaker and that she's alone. I don't want things going wayward
"Oh my goodness. Cous? How are you doing? Is everything okay where you are. God I miss you so much." She says too many things at once
"Hi there favorite cousin. To be honest I don't know how to answer your so many questions," I say teasingly
"Sorry," she says sniffling "I just got too excited. But how are you doing?"
"I'm just okay how about you?"
"I'm alright. Are you really okay? I mean even after uncle froze all your bank accounts."
"Everything is just fine. Don't worry about me." I say truthfully. Oh I'm definitely more than fine except for the fact that my first love betrayed me.
"Alright I trust you. Anyways how's Jonathan?" She asks and I wish she didn't because I mean I was hoping she wouldn't go to that topic.
Well May and Rose are the only family members who know about my relationship with Jonathan because they're the only ones I trust.
"He's fine but he actually turned out to be a jerk." I tell her.
"Why what happened?" She asks worriedly
"Well he told me he never loved me and that he only dated me because I'm from a rich family. But now that I ran away and have nothing he cannot continue dating me." I explain to her just like I've been explaining to anyone who who needs to know.
"Oh my goodness is he stupid? I guess there are a lot of scumb bags in this world. I mean who would have thought he'd turn into such a social climber. I'm really sorry cous. It must be hard for you right now?"
"It's fine. I'll get through this I promise." I say finally deciding to ask her what's going on with her "M I have something to ask you."
"Yeah sure, ask away. What is it?" She asks sounding delighted at the fact that I'm asking her something. Oh if only she knew that what I'm about to ask her something that may make her sad.
"So," I say choosing my words carefully because I really don't want to make her upset "I spoke to Rose today and she told me you don't seem too fine. She said that it's not a sickness that it might have something to do with you know? Your emotions. Is everything okay M?
"Not really, " she says her voice cracking a bit "my life is a complete mess right now A. I don't really know what to do."
"What's really happening? Could it be something to do with me? Are dad and auntie pressuring you because of my flee. But you didn't know I was going to flee. So why the hell are they pressuring you about it?" I ask her but seriously if this is really what's going on then I don't think I'll continue hiding.
I planned to run away quite alright but I didn't tell May or even Rose that I was going to. So why should I let people suffer for something they didn't know
"No, A it has nothing to do with you. It's all entirely on me." She says in between sobs
"Hey why are you crying?" I ask her worriedly "tell me what's bothering the beautiful lady May?"
"Oh A I don't even know where to start explaining? It's really complicated." She says while still sobbing
"Oh my this is serious I think I'll have to come back home. I don't think I can bear to hear you crying like this."
"No, A you have your own life. You can't sacrifice it for me. The problem is mine and I'll have to solve it on my own."
"But M you're clearly hurting and you want me to stay put. Are they forcing you to get married? If it's that then I'm starting of right away."
"For Christ sake A listen to me," she says crying even more "look it's my fault that I I'm gay and my mother is upset with me because of this. You don't have to come and get your life ruined by these people. I mean you ran away because you want a life of you own and why then should you lose it because of me."
"Wait what? M you're gay? When did this happen? Did you discover it just now or what?" I ask clearly surprised at this how in the world did this happen? Not that I think it's wrong or what. How am I only finding out now? Did she realize it just recently or what?
"Well I discovered it when I was fifteen."
"M that's like six years ago and you didn't think of telling me this back then. Why have you hidden this from me for all these years? Did you not trust me at all?" I say hurt at the fact that she's hidden this from me for such a long time.
"A I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I couldn't bring myself to tell you back then. I just thought that...."
"You thought that I would judge?" I interrupt "M you of all people should know me better than anyone in this world. I can't believe you thought of me in such a way."
"I didn't, I swear," she says " it's just that I thought it was going to pass. I thought as though it was just a phase. Not that I thought you were going to judge me or anything.
A you're my most trusted cousin and I hate the fact that I hid such a big thing from you. I understand if you're upset with me."
"Honestly speaking I am upset with you but I can't be upset with you at a time when you need me," I tell her "so how did auntie find out for her to be upset with you?"
"I told her myself. I didn't want to keep hiding in the shadows. I wanted to come clean. I didn't want her finding out from someone else." She says while sniffling "please forgive me cous I didn't mean to hurt you by hiding it from you too."
"It's really fine May. I can't stay upset with you for a long time after all you're like my elder sister."
"Thanks for understanding,"
"I promise I'll come and visit you once I've settled everything. You need to be the strong willed girl that I've always known and if you ever need to talk to me just give me a call. I'll be always be there to listen."
"Thanks. You're the best."
"It's my pleasure. Always remember that I love you okay?"
"I love you too baby girl." She's says and I think she's smiling.
I love this girl. I always have. She's somewhat like my ride or die