Avril's POV
The the past week has been quite the worst time of my life ever. I kept thinking about Jonathan and how he turned out to be a jerk.
I've been smiling in front of people but when I was alone in my room I cried myself to sleep.
This all sounds stupid but I really loved that dude even though he turned out to a jerk. Like how do I get over the fact that he's no longer in my life. How do people deal with heartbreaks anyways.
I never really thought I'd really experience such a painful thing.
I'm seated at my newly found favorite spot in all of Derrick's house,the terrace. I really like the view here it's so breath taking. I mean I never really noticed how beautiful sunset can be.
This is literally my first time spending time outdoors that I even start noticing things I've never really noticed before.
I now know why my mom loved going for walks in the evenings. Walks are simply something that I remember that always put a smile on her face. Even though my she always smiled, there was just something different when she came back from one of her walks. I guess I know now. It had to do with her love for nature.
Looking at the sunset from this view is really something. It's something so out of the ordinary.
"Hey there," I hear someone behind me say and I'm immediately pulled out of my daze. It's doc
"Oh hey Doc," I say
"Hey you seem lost in thought. What's up?" He asks
"You'll probably laugh at me when I tell you what's on my mind." I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Try me," he says smiling
"Well it's just that this is my first time being outdoors for a long time and it's made me realize I've been missing out on some things." I explain to him.
"And what may those be," he sounds quite intrigued.
"The beauty of sunset and maybe just nature itself. It's quite mesmerizing I should say." I say
"Oh, so you mean to say that you have never really noticed sunset before?" He asks surprised
"Hey don't judge me. It's not my fault that I've always been moving in a car. But when mom died I usually was found indoors and never visited places." I explain myself.
"Oh sorry about that," he says suddenly sounding pitiful.
"Oh no it's cool," I say "at least I'm noticing that now. You don't have to feel pity for me. Really."
"Sorry but I couldn't help myself but feel pity for you. As in you've clearly missed out a lot." He tells me
"So what may help you with?" I ask because I know he came looking for me.
"Well I came to tell you that my friends and I going to Samfya this weekend to just take a break from everything before I go back to school next week." He says
"Okay," I answer not really sure what he's driving at
"Well I would like you to come with us," he says and I'm quite surprised by his offer.
"Me? Join you? But why?" I ask perplexed
"Well I just thought it would be such a nice getaway for you from all this drama. I thought it would help you get over Jonathan. No don't give me that look. I know you're still not over him. No one heals from a heartbreak in seconds," he tells me
"Please Avril just think about it," he says "I promise it'll be good for you. Besides you'll be able to see the sunsetting at the beach and it's more beautiful than up here."
"Alright I'll think about it." I tell him
"Thanks," with that he leaves
What the heck. I was seriously not expecting such an offer but how will I accept it. Accepting it will be more like revealing my biggest secret ever.
Oh gawd where's Mary? I need her like right now.
"What do you mean you can't go?" Mary asks after I feel her in on everything that Derrick told me "girl this can be the time of your life. Do you know how beautiful Samfya beach is. Girl I've been there before and I will not lie to you it's a place to die for."
"But Mary seriously how do I go on a trip with my boss and four of his friends. Friends that I literally know nothing about. I just can't." I defend myself
"Honestly speaking Avril if you don't go on this trip I'll not speak to you for the whole of the three months that I might have here." She threatens. What in the world? Is this how to force one to go against their will.
"Mary, please don't do this to me. I can't really go on this trip. I have my reasons." I say almost on the verge of crying.
"Why do you suddenly want to cry?" She asks clearly surprised at my behavior "is there something you're not telling me? A didn't we promise we wouldn't be hiding anything from each other?"
"We did," I say tears now streaming down my cheeks.
"What the heck Avril?" Mary blurts out "what's going on? Did I do something wrong? Why are you suddenly crying like crazy?"
"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier but I can't really spend a long time in a car." I say still crying
"What do you mean by that?" She asks still confused at what's really happening .
"I've never really told anyone this, not even Rose. But I'm I'm afraid of traveling by car especially on long distances."
"Wait, how come? Didn't you always move by car back home?" She asks still confused
"I did but it was only on short distances." I tell her
"Girl you're confusing me right now. Can you elaborate more on what you mean?" She says clearly becoming frustrated.
"Well since you know? The accident that took my mother's life, I haven't really liked traveling by car. I guess you'd say I have a post traumatic disorder.
I know it doesn't make sense to you but I was only able to move by car back home because I only moved short distances and I always had my bodyguard by my side.
I always freaked out that's why I always sat in the back seats because if I sat in the front seat I'd be reminded of my mom's death." I finally let out my biggest secret
"Oh my goodness Avril I didn't realize this is what you were going through," she says enveloping me in a hug "but don't you think you need to get through your fears? I mean you can't live being scared forever."
"I know but how do I do that?" I ask sniffling
"By opening up to someone like young master and seeing how they would be of help." She tells me "I know he's doing neurosurgery now but he's a great life couch. I'm talking from experience. I'm pretty sure he'd find a way for you to get through this. If you keep living in fear you'll miss out a lot
"Are you sure he can help me?" I ask her
"Yes I am. He helped me when I was going through a rough patch after my dad left even though he was young back then."
"Mhm. Now stop crying and think about what I've said,"
With that she leaves me with my own thoughts
You know what she's right I need to get over my fears.