Ch. 4: The Renegade

 "Thanks" I said as he offered hot coffee, seeing how cold the weather is. "I'm sorry about this Cole, didn't realise it was you," I said to him.

 "It's alright actually, I'd be surprised if you did recognise me," he said, "and I'm sorry about holding you at gunpoint, it was the only way you'd listen,"

 After he told me who he was, I was shocked. Cassie and I had been friends since high school, I only met Cole a handful of times during those years. Cassie told me he was in the military academy so he didn't really had the chance to come by. Ever since I've known Cassie, she loved Cole more than anything. She says that he gives her a sense of peace. He was her first best friend, aside me. They also have a striking resemblance, I don't know why I didn't see that before. I had every reason to trust him, mainly because Cassie would do the same and also because he's the last thing that remains of Cassie.

 We went to his house, which was a cabin a mile away from the lake. Since neither of us had anything to call home, I guess the cabin will do for now.

 "So these guys, what do they want from us?" I asked, dropping the mug on the table.

 "So you know how our parents died in that car crash seven years ago," he said, bringing out a laptop from the duffel bag in the corner of the room. I nodded.

 "Yeah, you and Cassie were on a vacation to your grandma's," I said remembering how torn Cassie looked when she stood at my door the next morning, cold and tired. I should have supported her more.

 "Kayla?" I zoned back in.

 "Yeah? Sorry what were you saying?" I said.

 He looked at me with concern, "Are you alright?" I felt guilty.

 "Yeah, I just spaced out a bit," I said mentally kicking myself. What Cole is facing could be worse than I can possibly imagine. Losing both of his parents, and then his twin sister would take a toll on him.

 He nodded and continued, "So as I was saying, the car crash was never an accident. Apparently, they were murdered."

 I frowned in confusion, "Wait, hold up, I don't get it. I saw the footage myself, the truck driver was drunk when it happened,"

 "That's what I thought too, but after Cassie died, I realised that they were murdered and the FBI tried to cover it up," he said.

 "W-wait wait, what do you mean after Cassie died? What does it have to do with Cassie" I asked thoroughly confused.

 "She knew our parents were murdered, so she started investigating. She never told me," he muttered the last part painfully, "I thought we told each other everything, we never kept secrets. I just don't know why she didn't tell me,"

 I reached over and held his hand, "Hey, I'm sure she had her reasons," he nodded and continued.

 "Two weeks after Cassie died, I received a call from someone named Ian. He said he was a private investigator and that there was something I needed to see. He told me to meet him at a hotel close to Cassie's apartment. When I went there, he gave me Cassie's laptop and told me everything. Then he told me how Cassie found out when she went to look for some documents in the agency and stumbled upon our parents reports. She could have dropped it back but instead she decided to read it again. That reminds me, you said you saw the footage,"

 "Yeah," I said.

 "Can you remember the colour of the truck?"

 I thought, "I think it was a yellow truck, why?" I said.

 "Exactly! That's what I saw at the scene too. But look at this," he said, handing me a file.

 I looked at it and frowned, "it says it was a blue pickup truck," I looked at him, "it wasn't a pickup truck," I said, remembering how the truck looked like an old van.

 "Exactly! It was a yellow box truck. But somehow, the FBI missed out that detail," he said.

 "How's that even possible?" I asked.

 "You tell me," he said, leaning back on the chair and staring at me.

 My eyes widened, "No way. You're saying there's a traitor in the agency" I said.

 He smiled, "Uh huh, and I also think," he said, leaning in, "you think so too,"


 The elevator dinged, and I walked out. Last night's conversation with Cole was still replaying in my head.


 "I have no idea what you're talking about," I denied.

 "I think you do, you just don't want to accept the fact that one of the people you've known for about five years could be a double agent," he said, "if not, how else could your back up teams receive a wrong intel just when you needed them the most?" He asked.

 "I...I don't know," I said not knowing what else to say. I knew he had a point, I just didn't want to accept it.

 "Earth to Kayla?" Someone snapped their fingers to my face, pulling me back.

 "Huh?" I said, looking up to see Derek.

 "Whoa, you look tired. Didn't sleep?" He asked.

 "Uh yeah, something like that," I said. I couldn't sleep because of two reasons, first was because of the conversation that night and second was that I knew I would definitely have nightmares about Cassie since I discussed about her that night.

 "I'm sorry about your apartment," he said, and for a moment I became confused until it clicked. I shrugged. "But if you need a place to crash, I have enough room to let," he winked.

 I tilted my head and studied him. I've known Derek for months now, he's basically the newest on the team. He's an expert shooter, hardly misses. He's also an expert in bombs and the likes. He always flirts with anyone at any chance he gets. Though he's the most annoying in the team, he's a bit dumb. Only a smart person would know how to double cross the FBI, so I ruled out Derek.

 "Thank for the offer, but I think I'll pass," I said.

 "Is he bothering you again?" Amanda said, walking towards us.

 "No Amy I got this," I said chuckling.

 "You sure? Cause I won't hesitate to kick his ass, just say the word," she said.

 "Geez I was just trying to help. Sometimes I wonder how unfortunate I am to seat across you," he mumbles.

 "Don't act like you don't love it," she said.

 He smiled, "No I don't," he said. She smacked his head, "Of course I love it," he said chuckling nervously. I laughed. They turned and looked at me with smiles on their faces.

 "Awwn look Derek, we made her laugh. I guess you're not that bad of a clown now." Amanda said. He stopped smiling.

 "I need to go," he mumbles before leaving. Amanda and I laughed.

 "You just had to hurt his ego now," I said. She shrugged.

 "What? It's always fun. You're talking like you didn't just laugh too," she said.

 "Fine, you got me," I said smiling. Then she looked at me curiously.

 "I heard about your apartment, I'm sorry," she said, "you should come to my place and stay till we figure something out,"

 "Thanks but I already have a place to stay," I said. She nodded and looked at me with concern and something else that I couldn't place. I smiled at her and she smiled back, before heading to her desk. I went to mine and sat down.

 I looked at Amanda who was sitting diagonally from me in her cubicle. I've known her for about five years since I joined the FBI. She was here before me. She's the tech analyst in our team, and she's good at her job. She's smart, pretty and very observant. She fits the qualities of a traitor. But I don't get why she would want to hurt me. Ever since I know her, she always feels obligated to protect me. She has saved my life more than once, so I don't get why she would hurt me. But then again, people change so I won't conclude yet.

 I turned and looked at my left where Oliver sat. I've also known him for five years. He came to the agency a week before me. He's good at biology and anatomy but sucks at combat. He doesn't say much and is closed off. He don't seem to be the type that would want to be a spy. But you'll never know.

 Then there's Bryan, James younger brother. He's smart and intelligent and very social. He said it was due to his experience as a street kid. James told me he ran out of their home when he was sixteen, and only came back two years later when their mother died. He and his brother are now like best friends. Now, he knows how to pick different locks, knows many ways to capture a criminal, and he's also very good at combat. He could be the spy, except he has no reason to betray his brother. But I can't be certain for sure.

 I groaned, I'm basically at a dead end here. I can't come up with a suspect, they all seem guilty and not guilty at once. The only thing that seems to connect is that we're all SSAs. 'There has to be something I'm missing here', I thought.

 "Boo!" Someone shouted in my ear. I shrieked.

 "What the hell!" I shouted and turned to see Mark laughing. I calmed down and chuckled when I noticed others were giggling too.

 "You looked like you went to Jupiter, so I had to bring you back. The earth still needs Makayla Reyes," he said. They giggled more.

 I smiled, "Hey Mark," I said.

 "Hey, are you alright?" He asked. I groaned.

 "Why does everyone keep asking me that," I muttered. "I'm fine," I said.

 He nodded and punched me hard on my arm. "Oww! What was that for?" I asked, rubbing my arm. That hurts like hell.

 "That's for not answering my calls last night. Did you know how worried I was? I had to ditch my date and rush to your apartment, and you didn't even have the decency to call me back, instead I had to know you were okay from some agent. Don't. Ever. Do that. Again. Understood?" He emphasized, poking me at each word in the last sentence.

 "Yes dad," I said sarcastically, but soon regretted it. Ever since Cassie's death Mark has always been there for me. He kept fighting for me, giving me a reason to move on. Though no matter what he does he can't replace Cassie, and he knows it. But he's presence in my life is something that I'm grateful for. I know he's not the traitor because I know he wouldn't want to hurt me. That reminds me, I forgot about his date. I mentally facepalmed myself.

 "Mark I'm so sorry about your date, I totally forgot. . ."

 "It's okay, she wasn't even that pretty anyways," he said nonchalantly, flipping the file on his desk.

 "But that doesn't change the fact that I didn't fulfill my promise. Just let me make it up to you," I said.

 He sighed and turned to look at me, "Fine, but we're not going to the gym," he said.

 "That was one time Mark, one time," I said, smiling.

 James knocked on the glass door of his office, gaining our attention. He gestured to his office and pointed at me, mouthing two minutes. I stood up, arranging the file I was reading.

 "Well, I gotta go, I have a feeling James isn't letting me off the hook with this new mission around." I said. Mark chuckled.