Ch. 5: Hello Partner

 "So I've decided that you will not be going to this undercover mission alone, not after what happened. Agent Reyes meet Agent Davis, from the BAU in California. Agent Davis meet Agent Reyes, she would be your partner in this mission," James said, introducing me to the woman.

 "Are you kidding me?! I can do this on my own I don't need a partner," I said. James knows how much I hate having partners on any mission ever since Cassie died. And even though it's necessary, I always take Mark with me. So why is he doing this.

 "Yes you do, and Agent Davis is your partner in this mission besides, we don't have a BAU since Cassie, so if I were you I'd start getting acquainted," he said and went out of the office, leaving the both of us.

 I sighed and sunk into the chair. I hate having partners. It always remind me that I can't always protect them, like I couldn't protect Cassie.

 "Sooo, I guess I'm not very much wanted here," the lady said, standing up. I had even forgotten that she was still here. She was pretty, dark-haired, forest-green eyes and around my height.

 "Oh...uh you are, it's complicated," I stuttered, "Makayla Reyes, but call me Kayla. I'm an SSA," I said extending my hand out.

 She smiled and took it, "Octavia Davies, but Ava is fine. I'm a behavioural analyst, but you already know that," she said. I walked her out of the office.

 "So what do you know about this mission?" I asked.

 "Well James briefed me about it earlier. He said it has to do with taking down a Mafia group and also investigating who funds them. He suspects it's a politician or a business tycoon, either way we're to find out," she said.

 "Yeah, you sure know your stuff. Lemme introduce you to the rest of the team," I said, taking her to the bullpen.

 "Alright everyone meet Agent Octavia Davis, my partner for the mission, Agent Davis meet Agents Derek Moore, Oliver Jones, Amanda Blake, Bryan Cornwell and Mark Connor," I introduced.

 "Hi, and Ava is fine actually," she said.

 "Hi Ava, welcome to the team," Amanda said placing her hand over her shoulder. I went to my seat and sat down, watching them.

 "Soo, you're Kayla's partner uh, that's...weird," Mark said looking at me. I shrugged.

 "Yeah I kinda figured," she said.

 "Don't mind him, his just jealous that it wasn't him. They're best friends," Derek said, "I'm Derek by the way, ," he stood up and extended his hand.

 "Bro she knows," Oliver said. She chuckled.

 "Yeah, so uh where are you from?," Derek asked.

 "California, I was transferred here," Ava said.

 "Oh I see," he said, nodding his head, "so do you like brunch or...,"

 "I'm gay," she said. I nearly fell from my chair laughing. Derek face was priceless, he's mouth was hung open as he stared at her. Bryan choked on his coffee. Amanda smiled.

 "Walk away dude, just walk away," Bryan said, laughing.

 "Atta girl, I like you already," Amanda said. Derek awkwardly sat down. "C'mon, I'll show you around. Don't worry, Derek just likes flirting with any girl he sees. But I love the way you told him off, we could be best friends, don't ya think?" Amanda said as they both walked off to the elevator.

 "You didn't tell me you were having a partner," Mark said with his brow raised.

 "Yeah I just found out myself," I sighed.

 "Remind me again, why haven't you started the mission?" He asked.

 "We're still getting everything prepared. If we wanna join them we have to be them first, so we're working on a strategic point were I–and apparently Ava–will 'accidentally' meet them and get accepted with our fake identities which Amanda is still working on. So patience is all we need right now," I said. He mouthed cool.

 "Hey Bryan, busy again?," a voice said, which sounded familiar.

 "Not really, wanna grab lunch?" Bryan said. I turned.

 "Hey agent Reyes," she said. I groaned. It can't be her again, how does she even get in here?

 "What are you doing here?" I asked.

 "What? I just came to visit my boyfriend, right Bryan?" My mouth dropped. She has a boyfriend? And her boyfriend is Bryan?

 "Dude she's your girlfriend? Are you crazy?" I asked, still shocked.

 "Woah, watch it Kayla. Ariel is my girlfriend and I see you guys have already met?" Bryan asked. So that's her name.

 "Yep Bryan, she was kind enough to walk me to the gate on Monday," she spoke before I had the chance to say anything. Mark coughed. "Right, and also Miles,"

 "Babe who's Miles?" Bryan asked, something flashed through her eyes but quickly disappeared before I could make out what it was.

 "That would be me, since she never guesses my name right," Mark grumbled.

 "So when you said you had friends, you meant your boyfriend Bryan," I said.

 "Yup," She said.

 "Babe I'm hungry, let's go eat," Bryan whined, but her expression falters a little, almost unnoticably before she smiled. Then they left.

 "They look good together," Mark said, staring at their backs.

 "Yeah, but something's wrong," I said.


 "Something feels off,"

 "What are you talking about," he asked confused.

 "I don't know but I feel something is not right about their relationship," I said.

 "Okay I'm just gonna pretend that you didn't say any that and for once can you stop using those detective instincts on people," he said, "now I'm in the mood for some chocolate bar,"

 "You don't even like chocolates," I said.

 "Yeah but people change," he said and left.

 But there's something really off about Bryan and Ariel's relationship. It's probably me imagining things or my 'detective' instincts going out of control, let's keep it that way.


 "So what's your role in the team?" Ava asked as we both sat at the at the bullpen, and she sat at my left.

 "Uh not much, I'm just good at analysing a situation and coming up with different ways to solve it, so...,"

 "That's bullshit," Mark said as he came and stood at where we were, sipping his chocolate drink, "that's not the only thing she's good at," he said smirking.

 "Mark," I growled. He grabbed a chair and sat down,

 "She's very skilled at combat, expert shooter, knows about a hundred ways to kill a man, and specializes on interrogation a.k.a torture," he finished and sipped his drink.

 "Woah, that's sounds...,"

 "Dangerous, I know," I interrupted her, glaring at Mark. He stood up and raised his cup at me, smiling.

 "I'll let you guys continue your conversation, I've got a case coming up," he said and left.

 "I swear I'm gonna kill him," I muttered, she chuckled.

 "You know, I was gonna say cool, before you interrupted me," She said.

 "What? Wait, you think that's cool?" I asked.


 "Oh," I said and sunk back in the chair, looking at her.


 "It's just...I've never met anyone who thinks it's cool thing," I said, "they tend to get frightened, or run away but they never thought it was a good thing, or cool," I said.

 "So what?" She said, leaning in, "You don't scare me," she whispers. Someone cleared their throat.

 "What do you want?" I asked.

 "Hey Kayla," Ariel said, grabbing the chair Mark left earlier and sat on it, "who's your new friend?"

 "How did you know my name and how are you still here?"

 "Bryan mentioned it before we left, remember?" She said. Oh. Ava chuckled. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" Ariel said.

 "Why should I, we barely even met," I said.

 "But we have, you know my name, I know yours, so we're practically friends,"

 I sighed, "That's not how friendships work,"

 "Sorry to interrupt but James needs us in his office in 5," Ava said and left to the office.

 "You heard that, gotta go," I said, standing up, actually relieved.


 "Do me a favour, leave before I'm back," I said before leaving.


 I entered the office, seeing only James, Amanda and Ava inside. "Where's the others," I asked.

 "It's just us Reyes, have a seat," James said, I sat down next to Ava.

 "Okay so this is it, you both are aware of how dangerous this mission is, which is why it would be a secret operation. No other agent knows of this mission except Oliver, Bryan, Mark, and the three of you, but only the four of you know in details...,"

 "Hold on, the four of us? We're only three here," I said confusedly.

 "Mark, he will be your back up if anything should happen. Amanda already has your fake ID ready and also your profiles incase they decide to run a background check, so get ready, you'll be moving tonight. There's a shipment happening in the lower town tonight, that's where we'll execute the plan. Any questions?"

 "No sir," we said.

 "Good, you're dismissed. Not you Reyes," he said as I was about to get up. I sat back down. He stood up and went round the table to the door.

 "Remember yesterday when we had that conversation?" He said.

 "Yeah," I said, slowly standing up.

 "You were right," he said turning around, "we do have a spy in our midst,"

 "But you said...,"

 "Forget what I said. I've been thinking of how the backup teams got an order from my desk that they should come back because it was a false alarm, but I never gave that order. So whoever did it must be an agent close enough to know my ID number and password,"

 "So you're saying that the person could be one of us?" I asked.

 "I'm saying that it could be someone from the team, except you and Ava. You were with Cassie when it happened and Ava is well, new."

 "But it's over now,"

 "Yes, but the traitor is still here and we haven't caught them yet. So that's why I want you to keep the details of this mission a secret, you along with Ava, will only report to me. I already told Amanda not to disclose anything to the rest for safety purposes, and I trust we won't be needing Mark any time soon so he doesn't have anything to tell. And I know his your friend and I'm not saying he's the spy, but please don't tell him anything yet," he said.

 "Okay," I said. He sighed and held me on both my shoulders.

 "Be careful, I don't wanna lose another special agent," he said.

 "You won't," I said.