Ch. 6: Excavation point

 I looked out through the window of the passenger seat into the night sky, thinking about what James said. I didn't want to tell him I already knew there was a traitor in the agency. For all I know it could be him, but my instinct's telling me it's not, and I trust my instincts.

 "You okay?" Ava said while driving.

 "Yeah, I guess," I said.

 "Wanna talk about it?"

 I turned and looked at her, "No, I'm fine," she hummed and tapped on the wheels. "You know, now would be a good time to know about you," I said. She chuckled. I smiled.

 "Okay, so what do you wanna know?"

 "I don't know, uh what was your life like in California, before you joined the agency?" I asked.

 "Um, it was a bit rough, lived most of it in the streets, had to survive you know. But then I was caught stealing at a park and handed to the police one day, the detective cautioned me and told me that if I didn't redeem myself in two weeks, he'll have to put me in jail. I was only 18 then so I changed, and started fighting crime, bringing criminals to him for two weeks and eventually he let me go, but not without making me promise that I'll continue to be good. After I left, I resumed my old ways not giving a damn about that promise until news came out that the detective was dead. He died saving a child in a crossfire. That's when I decided that I was going to honour him and fulfill that promise. So here I am," she finished.

 "Okay I'm not gonna lie, I was not expecting that," I said in awe.

 "Yeah I thought so, so what about you?" She asked. I choked.


 "Yeah, what's your life like here in LA?"

 "Oh uh nothing out of the ordinary," I chuckled nervously, hoping that she won't ask any further. She raised an eyebrow.

 "Look we're here," I said relieved of the diversion. She parked the car behind a truck and looked at me for a while before stepping out of the car. I followed her as she opened the trunk, brought out two duffel bags where our disguises were and handed me one. I took it and glanced around, before starting to take my clothes off. I turned to see Ava staring at me, or more like my stomach. I smirked, and started changing into the disguises.

 "Like what you see?" I asked. I could've sworn I saw her cheeks turn pink, but it was dark so I wasn't sure.

 "I've seen better, now shut up and change," she said.

 "Ouch, that hurts," I feigned hurt. She smiled and started changing too. We finished dressing and went back into the car. The plan was to dress like two women who was out partying and decided to make out in a quiet and empty place, which happens to be an abandoned construction site where the mafian guys were going to trade in. I wore a tank top with black jacket and black jeans while Ava wore a black crop top with red jacket and jean shorts and black combat boots. She really looked hot in it and she changed from a very serious agent to a very sexy woman. I couldn't stop staring while we were in the car until she cleared her throat, evidently catching me staring. I shrugged.

 "What? You look hot," I said. She chuckled.

 "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," she said eyeing me a bit, before handing over the comms.

 "Is that your way of saying I'm hot, 'cause I totally believe you," I said smirking. She scoffed.

 "Don't get all cocky now Reyes," she said putting on the micropods in her right ear. I mirrored her action.

 "This is Agent Davis reporting to Agent Cornwell," she spoke. I heard the small beep to know we're connected.

 "Agent Davis what's your status?" James asked through the comms.

 "We're at the construction site. There's no sign of any activity which means they are not here yet, and I suspect the shipment will start around 10, and this is 9:15 so we still have some time to survey the area and plant the cameras," Ava reported.

 "Good, It seems everything is going as planned. Once you're done, you both should go over the plans again and make sure it's solid. We placed a tracker in each of your watches so we can trace their locations once you join them," James told, then he sighed "this is where I leave you both, I'll be watching and listening to everything that's going to happen from the cameras. Kayla?"

 "Yes?" I answered.

 "Please be careful," he said softly.

 "We will," I said reassuringly, looking at Ava. I'll protect her at all cost, cause I won't let history repeat itself, and that's a promise.

 "Good luck," James said before the line disconnected.

 "Soo, what was that about?" Ava asked.

 "Nothing serious," I said. She nodded, sensing that I didn't want to talk about it and went out of the car to plant the cameras. I joined her.

 We went behind of one of the tractors as soon as we were done. "Alright, let's go over the plan," she said.

 "I just want to understand one thing," I said and turned to face her, "are we really gonna make out?"

 "Probably, it depends," she said nonchalantly. I stared at her wide eyed, in disbelief. "Of course not! You should've seen your face" She said laughing. I stared at her for a while and smiled. She stopped laughing.

 "What?" She asked.

 "Your laugh, it's beautiful," I said softly. She blushed, I smirked. She opened her mouth to say something but we saw a flash of light a bit far from where we were.

 "Shit, they're here," Ava said. Two vehicles drove and stop in the middle of the construction site, a few feet away from us. Four men came out of each car carrying a rifle, except two of which I'm guessing one should be the leader and the rest bodyguards. One of them had a long scar across his face. He spoke to a guard and the signalled the rest. Four of the riflemen separated and started sweeping the site.

 "Fuck" I cursed when I saw one of the men heading to our direction. The next few seconds happened in a blur cause the next thing I knew I was pinned against the tractor tire.

 "Shhh," Ava said, her face dangerously close to mine.

 "What-" she smashed her lips on mine, instantly silencing me. I froze, and only when I heard footsteps did I move. I cupped her head and kissed her back. She seemed surprised, but didn't pull out. I switched our positions so that her back was on the tire. I continued kissing her, pressing my body on her.

 "What the...hey both of you, stop," the man said as he approached. I pulled back as we fought to catch our breath.

 "Looks like we were gonna make out after all," I whispered to a very dazed Ava. The man grabbed us both to where the gang were as we pretended to protest, then he kicked us at the back of our knees making us to kneel down in front of them.

 "Sir, I found these two making out behind the tractors." he said, "there's no one else here apart from them,"

 "Sup," I said but was met with a punch on my face. Well that did not go well.

 "Kill them," the man which I assumed is the leader said.

 "Whoa whoa whoa hold up, now I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said. I felt Ava looking at me.

 "And why is that?," the leader said. I took in his appearance. Dark hair tied to a smooth bun, light brown eyes, a clean moustache and a little beard, a tattoo on the neck right below the ear. He's around 6 foot tall and is Italian, judging from the accent. I could tell his the type that doesn't like to get their hands dirty, so leaves it for his men.

 "Because...I'm someone with a very special set of skills, you wouldn't want to kill me," I said smirking.

 He tilted his head, giving me a better view of the tattoo, "Are you indirectly begging for your life?," The tattoo was a drawing of a snake and below it was the number 6. Now that I think of it, the guy that caught us making out had the same tattoo at the back of his right hand. I'm guessing it's some kind of a trademark or crest.

 "Is it working?"


 "Damn it," I cursed, then turned to Ava, "Alright your turn, convince them,"

 "Why should I?" Ava, now aware that I was stalling, played along.

 "Because I just did," I said.

 "And it didn't even work. Can't you think of a lie that's more believable?"

 "Hey! That was not a lie,"

 "We both know it is honey,"

 "Shut it! Both of you," the leader said. Then the scar man beside him whispered to him. "Finally, they're here," the leader said smoothening his hair.

 A black mecerdes pulled over few feets away from us. Four men came out from the car, only two were armed. The third guy looked like a right-hand man to the fourth one which I'm assuming is their boss. He should be the other dealer that was meant to be here.

 "Took you long enough Don," the bun guy said, "I was starting to think you wouldn't come," he said, shaking the new guy's hand.

 "Traffic," Don said, "Got the goods?"

 "Scar," the leader called. The scar man which I believed his name was Scar–ironic–went back to their car, brought out two suitcases and gave it to Don's right-hand man who in return gave him a duffel bag. Don glanced at us.

 "Who are they?" He asked.

 "Oh, just some nobodies I found messing around," the bun guy said, "don't worry they'll be gone soon,"

 "Uh excuse me? We have identities," Ava said to my amusement. The two men turned to her. I guess I'm not the only one amused.

 "Oh they won't matter darling," the bun guy said smirking. I felt like punching that smirk off his face. Don chuckled and turned to his guy who opened one of the suitcases. It was filled with small bags of white substance, I'm guessing drugs. The right-hand man tore one of the bags open and tasted it. He spits it out and shakes his head to his boss.

 "You know Scorpion, One thing about business is fulfilling every bargain that is made," Don said as he loaded a cz combat gun, "So tell me, what is this?" He asked referring to the suitcases.

 "What are you talking about?" The bun guy asked, confused.

 "What am I talking about?" He chuckled humourlessly, taking a bag of the substance, "it's salt!" He yelled, throwing it on the floor.

 Scar squatted down and tasted it, "It is salt sir," he said standing up.

 "How's that possible?" Scorpion asked. I smirked knowing Mark had a hand in this after all, it was all part of the plan.

 "You're asking me that?!" Don seethed.

 "Listen Don, why don't we calm down and rearrange this meeting tomorrow. I'm sure there was a mistake somewhere," Scorpion said.

 "Too late," Don said, pointing the gun at him and fired. I dived and pushed Scorpion, the bullet hitting me at the shoulder. Ava kicked the gun away from Don's hand. Then some men came out behind the excavators and started firing at us, protecting Don. Ava picked up the gun and started shooting at them, giving me coverage as I helped Scorpion to the other side of the car he came with. Scorpion's men fired at the gunmen.

 Ava rolled to our direction and hid with us at my right, Scorpion in the middle, our backs against the vehicle.

 "I'm out," she said, throwing away the gun.

 "How many are they?" I asked, checking my wound. I grunted.

 "Seven. Five gunmen, two snipers on the excavators," she said.

 "Snipers?" Scorpion said.

 "I guess they weren't planning on you leaving after all," I said to him, "I need a gun,"

 "I don't even know who you are, why should I trust you?" He asked.

 "Cause you don't really have a choice now can I get a gun?" I demanded. He turned to Scar, who was hiding beside the other car with three other men by our right. Three men were already lying dead.

 "Scar! I need three guns!" Scorpion yelled. Scar nodded and took two of the dead men rifles and threw them to us. Ava caught them and Scorpion snatched one from her. We stared at him.

 "For insurance," he said. I sighed and turned to Scar who was having problems getting the third one without risk being exposed.

 "Tell him to give me a handgun," I said to Scorpion. He told Scar who then threw a Beretta. I smiled as I caught it. My favourite.

 "I'm gonna take down the snipers while you cover me," I told Ava, "What's their positions?"

 "Two gunmen northeast, another two 11:00, one at 12. A sniper on the excavator at the left, the other sniper at the right. I'll draw the gunmen out, you shoot the snipers," she said.

 "Okay on my count, 3…2…Go!" I yelled. She stepped out and fired.