Ch. 8: A Part Of Drugs

 I kept thinking about what Cole said as Ava and I, along with Scar, walked towards what I assumed to be Scorpion's suite. After the phone call with Cole, Ava came in looking tensed as ever and then shortly after, Scar came and told us that Scorpion sent for us. If Cassie predicted that she was gonna get killed sooner than later, that'll explain why she gathered all her investigations, locked them up in a safe that apparently only I know the code of and then entrust it to a private investigator to give her brother. It all makes sense now.

 We entered inside the room-which should be called an office. "Ah, my saviours. Have a sit," Scorpion said from the sofa he sat at.

 Ava and I glanced at each other, before sitting on the sofa opposite his. He opened a bottle of whiskey and poured some in a glass.

 "You know, I just realised that I don't even know your names," he said sipping the drink and looking keenly at us. I opened my mouth to speak, he chuckled, "Nevermind, so which one is Kira and, Haven," he asked. Of course, he ran background checks. Love you Amanda.

 "I'm Kira, she's Haven," Ava said.

 "Great. Oh, and by the way I just want to let you know that you guys were awesome last night," he cheered, "which is why, I'm gonna employ you both to work for me,"

 "Okay?" Ava said. He cleared his throat and motioned Scar who was standing beside him. Scar dropped two envelops on the table in our midst. Ava and I picked the envelops and opened it.

 "That, is $20,000 each, for both of you. You'll get another one if you finish a job for me," he said. Ava and I looked at each other.

 "What job?" I asked, as I broke the eye contact with Ava. He leaned forward.

 "Kill Don," he said. We turned our heads to him immediately. He laughed at the look on our faces and took another sip. "You see, Don was a very good client of mine. And last night he tried to kill me, though the deal went south but that was just another excuse he had to do it. Now I know for a certain that he's gonna try again, and I won't let that happen,"

 "So you're going to attack first before he has the chance to do so," I said.

 "Exactly! And that's your first job. Scar will give you information on where to find him," he said finishing the drink and pouring another one. Almost immediately, Scar handed us a bigger envelope. "I'll be waiting for the news tonight," Scorpion said.


 "So let me get this straight," James said as we facetimed, "he wants you both to kill a drug lord, that also tried to kill him,"

 "Yeah," I said.

 "I think it's a test though, to see if we can be trusted," Ava said. I nodded

 "Mmm, and for that he'll have to send someone to keep an eye on us," I said.

 "I don't know about this guys, you're about to kill someone-"

 "...No one said anything about killing him," I interrupted James, "Killing him won't be an option. Though I don't even know how he manages to get pass the law, these reports shows he's pretty lousy for a drug lord," I said, scanning through the files that Amanda sent.

 His full name is Donald Mikhailov. He's Russian, came to Chicago five years ago. He's parents were mafias but died in a massacre back in Russia, leaving him their fortune. He spent most of it in clubs and expensive assets. He was last seen two weeks ago at a pub, here in New York.

 "Besides, we can extract some information from this guy," Ava included.

 James sighed, "Just be careful. I'll have Mark on standby just incase anything goes wrong. And remember, this conversation stays between the four of us," he hung up.

 "So, how we gonna get there?" Ava asked.

 "With my car," I replied. She looked at me.

 "Isn't it registered under the agency?" She asked. I chuckled.


 We came outside the building, the fresh evening air hitting my face. Almost immediately, a Mercedes-benz C-class pulled up.

 "Thanks Nick," I said to the driver who threw the keys at me. I caught them and opened the trunk, putting our backpacks in. "Hope there was no trouble getting here," I asked Nick.

 "Nah, this baby was a genius all the way," he said and I smiled. That's my car.

 "This is your car?" Ava asked in surprise. I looked at her.

 "Yup, come on we gotta go. Thanks again Nick," I said entering the car, Ava sat in the passenger seat.

 "Anytime," Nick said before I drove off.

 "So how'd you get it?" She asked while I was driving.


 "The car," she said.

 "Oh, it was a gift from Mark and another friend," I said remembering when Cassie and Mark surprised me with it when I successfully closed my first case. I remembered telling Mark the day before how badly I needed a car because of the distance from my apartment to the agency then. I never knew he would act on it.

 "Was it the last behavioural analyst that died?" She asked cautiously. I jerked the car a little, surprised. She continued, "I figured out her death was the reason you kept being distant,"

 I nodded and continued driving. She stared at me before sighing softly, "What really happened?" She asked.

 "They didn't tell you?"

 "James said she died from an operation that went wrong," she said not taking her eyes off me, "but I know that's not the whole story,"

 I sighed. She deserves to know anyways, since she'll be stuck with me for a while. And I can't let her witness one of my episodes without knowing the cause. So I told her what happened that day, omitting the part of Cassie's confession. I don't think she has to know that.

 "Wow, I can't believe something like that can happen in the agency," she said, very stunned.

 "Why'd you think James wanted this to be a secret mission?" I asked.

 "That makes sense now. With the traitor in the agency, it would be very risky to go open on an operation like this," she said.

 "Exactly, so we keep our heads low for now," I said, pulling up to the building on the address. She turned and faced me.

 "I'm sorry about what happened to your friend," she said and I smiled.

 We both got out of the car, some of the street lights already up for the night. We went in. The receptionist, who looked a couple of years younger than us, was busy typing on her phone to even notice us.

 "Allow me," Ava said and walked up to her. I raised an eyebrow and followed.

 "Excuse me miss," Ava said. She stopped typing and stared at Ava for a moment, eyeing her up before resumed typing.

 "What do you want?" She said boredly, not taking her eyes off the phone. Ava looked down and sighed. Then she took the phone from her. "Hey-"

 "Your...," she said cutting the receptionist off and placing the phone on the counter, "attention,"


 The receptionist retracted her arm, obviously stunned and flustered. She cleared her throat, "Welcome to Hotel de rue, how may I be of service?" Ava smirked.

 "Much better. I am visiting a friend of mine who goes by the name Don. Do you happen to know which room he's in?" Ava said smiling. I just stood there watching them.

 "Didn't he tell you?" She said narrowing her eyes.

 "It's a surprise visit of course," Ava said rolling her eyes. I noticed the receptionist checking her out.


 "I'm sorry, I can't give you that information," she said. Then she leaned in and traced her fingers along Ava's arm on the counter, "but considering the circumstances, perhaps we could change that," she said seductively. I raised an eyebrow.

 "Of course, but after I'm done visiting my friend," Ava said, matching her seductive tone, "then maybe we could have a little... chat," she winked. Ugh.

 The receptionist smiled and gave Ava the room number, along with the keycard and her phone number. We walked to the elevator.

 "Well that went well," I said as I pressed the button. She sighed.

 "We should start thinking of another exit". I chuckled.

 We arrived at the floor. We took our guns out and walked towards the room.

 "Okay, this should be easy. You go in, I'll guard the door," I said. She nodded.

 She swiped the keycard and entered. I stood outside.

 "Kayla!" I heard Ava's muffled voice call from inside. I clicked the safety off and entered.

 "What th-," I said.

 "That's exactly what I said," Ava said as we both stare at the body on the floor.

 "Don's already dead,"