Ch. 9: The Past

*Few hours earlier*

Unknown pov

 "That bastard tried to trick me!" Don yelled, shattering the poor vase on the shelf, in his office.

 "Chill, besides you planned to kill him after all," I said with my legs on his desk while sitting on his chair, tapping a pen on the desk.

 "That was different, and I would've succeeded if it weren't for those girls," he said. That piqued my curiosity, I stopped tapping.

 "What girls?" I asked.

 "I don't know. He said they were just nobodies messing around, and he was gonna kill them. But I bet they were his men in disguise, waiting for the right moment to attack," he seeths.

 "Interesting," I said and resumed tapping. He narrows his eyes at me.

 "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the agency?" He asked.

 "Glad you finally asked," I said as I adjusted my cap, then stood up and walked towards him, "There's been a change in plans,"

 "What change," he asked cautiously. I smirked.

 "Your business is bringing too much attention, The Boss wants you to close it down,"

 "What? I-I can't, I invested most of my life in it. I can't just close it down," he panicked.

 "Well you should've thought about that before going on a shooting spree in a fucking construction site," I said calmly, stepping closer, "do you know how fucking risky it was to cover everything before the cops came?"

 "I-I...," he stuttered, stepping back.

 "And now," I said as I brought out the Colt gun that was neatly tucked behind me, in my belt. "I shall have to end everything,"

 "Please, please don't," he fell on his knees, begging. I reloaded the gun.

 "You said this business was your life right?" I asked, pointing the gun at him. He nodded frantically. "Well then, you're out of business,"

 "No no...," I pulled the trigger, shooting him in between the eyes. His blood splattered on my face.

 I brought out my handkerchief and wiped my face and hands as I took out my phone and dialed a number. I tucked the gun back in. The person picked on the first ring.

 "He's dead," I said. They hung up. I walked to the mirror and adjusted my clothes and cap. I looked at the framed picture of a woman and a five-year old girl on the desk. Poor girl, she doesn't even know what her dad has been up to. I tsk and walked out, humming one of my favourite songs.

 I walked into the elevator, still humming. I saw a hand hold the door as it was about to close. I slowly reached for the gun behind me. The door opened to a janitor. He greeted me and walked inside. I nodded and relaxed, and resumed humming. The elevator dinged and I walked out and left the hotel building, unnoticed.


Kayla's pov

 I sat down on a chair as Ava paced around.

 "So what are we gonna do now?" she asked.

 "We head back to Scorpion, and tell him what we saw," I replied. She stared at me.

 "Do you have an idea of what happened?" She asked as she sat down across. I looked around, scanning the place.

 "I have two theories," I said as I stood up and walked towards the dead body, "one, he must've had a lot of enemies being a drug lord so one of them killed him. Two, Scorpion might have sent someone else to kill him,"

 "It doesn't make sense, why would he do that?" Ava asked walking up to me.

 "I don't know, to set us up maybe?" I answered. She squats down.

 "I don't think so," she scanned the body, "this happened a few hours ago,"

 I squat down beside her, "Is there anything?"

 "Look, his palm," she said raising his right hand. There was a short cut on it. I looked at Ava.

 "The vase," I said as I walked to the pieces of a shattered vase, which was a few feet away from him, "he broke it,"

 "That means he was angry at something," Ava said.

 "Or someone," I reasoned.

 "Maybe the killer shot him out of anger while they were having a quarrel, and then ran away," Ava speculated.

 "No I don't think he ran," I said walking to the mirror, "blood stains," I pointed to the ground. There were bootprints stained with blood, from the body to the mirror, then it fades to the door.

 "So he deliberately killed him," Ava said walking towards me. We both stared at the mirror. Then my eyes landed on the desk.

 "Yeah...," I said softly, walking towards his desk and picking up the small picture frame on it, "he had a family...,"

 My head started spining. Faint images reappearing over and over again. I shut my eyes grabbed my head, "No no no..." Screamings, loud noises, lots of voices of what seemed like an argument. I couldn't get it out of my head.

Make it stop.

 I pressed my finger in my shoulder wound and groaned loudly. I focused on the pain but the images kept coming.

 "She can't be a part of this," a voice said.


 "This is who she is," another voice counters.



 I started stabbing the wound with something.

 "No! I won't let you do this!" the voice screams.

Stop. Stop. Stop.

 I felt myself being pulled towards something, like an embrace. I slowly started calming down. The screaming and headaches all stopping. I opened my eyes and found Ava hugging me. I looked around us, everywhere was scattered like an animal had raided it.

 "Wh...what happened?" I asked huskily.

 "Are you okay?" She asked as she pulled away from me. Her head was bleeding and her lips busted.

 "Wha...did I do this?" I said pointing to her face.

 "It's okay, it was just an accident," she said. I back away in horror.

 "An accident?!" I yelled in disbelief. A pain shot up in my head immediately. I groaned grabbing it. Ava rushed to me.

 "Don't, come any closer," I said raising my hand. I fell, sitting on the floor, "I need my bag, it's in the trunk," I said as I throw her the keys. "Hurry,"

 She ran out and came back few minutes later. I grabbed the bag and opened it bringing out two small bottles and a syringe. I filled the syringe with the liquid in one of the bottles and gave it to her.

 "Inject me, now before it gets worse," she injected me with it. Then I felt an immense pain all over me, my whole body shaking. I yelled. Then it all calmed down.

 "The other one, now," I said. She got the other bottle, filled the syringe with it and injected me. I closed my eyes and exhaled, a wave of calmness washing over me. After few minutes, I slowly opened my eyes. Ava was staring at me, all kinds of emotions on her face but they were mostly confusion and concern...and fear. She was scared.


 "We should go," I said as I tried to get up.


 The ride back was silent. Ava drove. I looked out the window and stared at the buildings.

 "So are you gonna tell me what happened back there or are we just gonna keep pretending you didn't just bring down that room," Ava said, her eyes still on the road as I faced her. She was tapping on the wheels.

 "I'm sorry about what happened," I said. She looked at me and pulled over.

 "So that's it?" She scoffed, "Kayla it looked like you had a mental breakdown and then what looked like a seizure. God! it looked like you were dying! Or more like killing yourself. What the hell happened?!" She asked. I could see how scared she was.

 "I-I don't know," I stammered, "one minute I was staring at the picture and next I couldn't get these images and arguments out of my head,"

 "You don't know? Cause it seemed like you were prepared for it," she said referring to the drugs and sighed, "Kayla you were stabbing yourself with a ballpen. What's really going on?

I can't tell you.

 "I had some issues in my past...and it affects me," I half lied. She stared at me for a while.

 "Look I know we just met and I probably shouldn't be asking you all these questions, but I just want you to know that whatever that's happening you can trust me,"

 I looked at her, it was then I noticed how pretty her eyes were. In those forest green eyes held concern and assurance. I nodded slowly. She smiled.

 "Let me get your wound treated first before we leave," she said reaching for the glove box. I held her hand before she opened it.

 "No, I'm fine. Let's just go," I said. She looked at our hands, I slowly removed my hand from hers.

 "I can't leave you like this," she said.

 "I'm fine okay?" I sighed, "look I'm alright let's just go," she nodded and drove off.

 We went to the address Scorpion gave us, which was a night club. It was guarded. After giving the bouncers our fake names. They guided us to the VIP section. I guess he owns this place.

 We entered a room. "Wait here," one of them said.

 "Not what I expected the venue to be," I heard Ava say. She was sitting on one of the sofa, far end of the room.

 "Yeah," I said, exploring the place. There was a shelf where he kept a few things, and close to it was a small desk. I walked towards the shelf, tracing the items on it. I was about to leave until something caught my eyes. There was a vase on the shelf, it had an imprint on it. I turned it to have a better look. "From, The Camorra," I whispered, reading it.

Why does that name sound familiar.

 "Beautiful isn't it?" A voice said just behind me. I turned to see Scar. He just stared at the vase. When did he get here?

 "Yeah, I guess," I said, stepping aside. He picked the vase.

 "It was made by a famous ceramist in Japan, from the finest clay in the 1800s," he told, "there are only three in the world, making it very expensive. This one was given as a gift to Scorpion,"

 "Oh," I said, not knowing what else to say. He then looked at me, before keeping the vase.

 "But you know just like this vase, it can still break regardless of how expensive it is. And when it does, it becomes nothing," he said staring at me. What does he mean.

 "Okay?" I said. He chuckled.

 "Enjoy the privileges Scorpion gives you for now, because soon enough you will break,"

 "What are you talking about?" I asked, glancing at Ava. He stared at my wounded shoulder briefly, before continuing.

 "You see, I don't think it was a mere 'coincidence' that you both happened to be at the construction site last night," he said stepping closer, "whatever it is you're planning, I will find out. And when I do, you will regret coming here,"

 "Ahh, there they are. Is my friend trying to scare you again," Scorpion said, standing beside the door. Scar smiled at me.

 "No, I was just giving them some tips on how to behave," Scar said, emphasizing on behave.

 Ava stood up and walked towards us. "We went to the address you gave us, Don's dead," she told him.

 "Excellent! This calls for a celebration, on the success of your first job," he said excitingly. I think he's high. Ava looked at me, reading my mind.

 "Why don't you both rest for the night, we'll continue this tomorrow here, at 10," Scar said, guiding a blabbering Scorpion outside.