Ch. 11: The Mafians

 I tied my shoe lace and unlocked the door. I peered outside the room to see if Ava was awake. It's 5:30am so everywhere was quiet. Good.

 I was putting on a sweatshirt and joggers. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the button, careful not to make a lot of noise.

 "Going somewhere?" I spun around with speed and threw the dagger I always had with me towards the direction of the voice. It was still dark so I didn't know if I missed. But considering I didn't hear anything else means I did. I reached for the light switch and switched it on. Ava was sitting on the couch in her pyjamas, a cup of coffee in her hands and very close to her head was a dagger in the couch.

 "What the hell Ava! I almost killed you," I said as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

 "Yeah but you didn't," she said unaffected. Then she took one last sip, dropped the cup, stood up and walked over.


 "Why are you even out here, drinking coffee?" I asked.

 "Couldn't sleep," she answered. Well that explains why she looked so tired. Now that I think of it, she looked like she doesn't get much sleep at all. I wonder what's bothering her. I sighed. I've been too focused on myself to notice those around me. I made a mental note to ask her about it later. "Although I can't say the same for you," she added, pulling me out of my thoughts.

 "Me? I was just...going out for a jog," I said. She narrowed her eyes, then gave up when my expression gave nothing away. She went back to the couch and pulled the knife out.

 "Then why are you acting all suspicious?" she asked, twirling the blade.

 "I hate being snuck up on. Plus, I always carry that around with me," I said gesturing to the blade. She nodded, looking at it as she walked over.

 "Nice choice. It's really pretty," she handed it over. I became confused. It was just a knife with a steel black handle and silver design on it. Nothing special. But she was looking at it like it reminded her of something, and she looks conflicted. I decided not to dwell on it as I entered the elevator.

 "See you later," I said putting on my airpods. She nodded, still deep in her thoughts. I left.



 It was almost day break. I could see the sun rising from the horizon, as I jogged further.

Where are you Mark?

 I thought as I bumped into someone wearing a hoodie. I took out my airpods and started to apologise, but they gripped me on my arm and my first instinct was to flip them over to the ground. But I stopped as I spotted a familiar watch on his wrist.

 "Mark," I stated. He raised his head a little so I'd see his face.

 "Hey, I brought the drugs. Doc said they would lessen the headaches but if anything like this should happen again...,"

 "I know, I know. Thanks a lot though," I said as I took the backpack from him and checked it to make sure they were enough, "I should get going before Ava starts getting suspicious. That's the last thing I need from my partner," I said and turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm.

 "Kayla listen, I know now's not the time to ask but," he inhaled, "how are you?" He asked concerned. I softened at the look on his face.

 "Well, a little shaken up but, I'll survive," I joked. He smiled lightly and released my arm.

 "Just take care of yourself," he said. I smiled and nodded putting my airpods on and continued jogging.

 Mark and I met when I was a recruit. He was also new so we got along pretty well. Then I introduced him to Cassie and they became fast friends. That's how our friendship started. 10 months later, Mark confessed to me that he had fallen for Cassie. It was good news to me because he was a good guy, the kind I would want my best friend to date. Cassie was straight as a pole then, so it was a perfect match to me. I didn't know she had feelings for me then. But he later found out, and kept his distance. I didn't know all these until she died and he told me after her funeral. I half expected him to blame me for her death or hate me, but instead he took the responsibility to take care of me when I was a mess. After Cassie, Mark was the next best thing that ever happened to me.

 I entered the apartment as the elevator opened. "I'm back!"

 I flung the backpack on the couch, and headed to the kitchen where Ava was. She was all dressed up for the day, wearing a plain blue fitted top–that complimented her body by the way, and jeans. And she just finished making eggs and bacon. I smiled and took a bottle of water from the fridge. "I didn't know you cooked,"

 "Well there are lots of things you don't know about me Agent," she said as she served the food on the two plates she brought out earlier. I drank the water from the bottle.

 "Well," I threw the empty bottle in the trash can, "enlighten me," I sat on the counter. She looked at me amusedly and went towards the fridge, opening it.

 "I can assure you Kayla," she brought out a carton of milk and closed the fridge. She faced me, "there's nothing interesting about me," then she went and took a glass from the cupboard, pouring the milk in it as she said "Besides, I already told you everything there is to know about me,"

 "Not everything," I disagreed, hopping down, "You told me what you wanted me to know, which I believe is a very small part of the story,"

 She looked a little shocked, but quickly hid it by scoffing and walking to the living room with her food. I smirked.

 "Well you shouldn't conclude on that yet, especially when you're a mystery yourself," she said, turning on the TV. I stopped smiling. She's right, how would she tell me something when I don't even tell her anything. I sighed and walked towards my room.

 "I need a shower," I mumbled. Then I heard her chuckle and a faint 'yeah you do'.


 I looked at the mirror, drying my hair with a towel. I sighed and dropped the towel on the table. I stared at the pale, brown-eyed woman as she stared back at me. To be honest, I don't even know what I'm doing. There's a high percent chance the migraines could get worse and I could put us in danger because of it. But I know that I can't tell the agency that because they'll remove us from this mission, regardless of how dangerous it would get. Knowing how Scorpion reacted when Don betrayed him, I don't think he'll just let us walk out of this alive, knowing what we know. Besides, we don't even have any solid evidence or useful information to take these guys down. I glanced at the door. And I don't want to make the same mistake, just like last time.

 I came out from the room, all dressed. I was wearing a black hoodie and a black pants. Ava wasn't in the living room. I shrugged and went to the kitchen to microwave my food, and there she was. With my food in the microwave. It ding and she brought it out and placed it in front of me as I sat behind the counter.

 "Thanks," I said as I dived in. God I hadn't realised how hungry I was until now. Ava seem to notice because she chuckled and sat down next to me and slid a glass of milk I didn't notice, next to me.

 "Eat up, we have to report back James," she said. I forgot about that.

 After I was done eating, she called James.

 "Agent Davis, what's our status," James said. I rolled my eyes.

 "Good morning to you too," I mumbled sarcastically. Ava shot me a look. 'What?' I mouthed.

 "Don was dead before we arrived. We assumed he had a lot enemies, considering his reputation," she told him, "because he knew his killer well enough to discuss with them," I tilted my head, "well, quarrel with them,"

 "So you're saying he had a disagreement with his killer," James said.

 "Pretty much, yeah," I answered.

 "And this person probably killed him out of anger," he added.

 "Well, not really. The patterns shows that the killer knew what he was doing, so he deliberately killed Don after confronting him. We haven't told Scorpion yet," I said to him.

 "He'll know eventually though, it's on the news," Ava pointed out.

 "But you'll need to gain his trust. You'll have everything you need in your apartment. Trackers, flash drives–just incase, weapons, and an undetectable airpod, so we'll be listening, and other gadgets. Amanda is still running a recognition scan on the tattoo, we'll let you know when something's up. Anything else?"

 "No, we'll take it from here," I said. He hummed and hung up. I looked up to see Ava in a deep thought.

 "Hey," I said, pulling her attention back, "you okay?"

 "Yeah," she nodded, "Scorpion's probably expecting us, I think we should be going," she said and stood up, heading upstairs to her room. Okay, something's definitely going on with her. I don't know if I can still trust her. I looked at her direction. But then again, she hasn't given me a reason not to. I shrugged.


 "He's waiting for you," a bodyguard said and guided us to the same room we went to last night. We didn't change our clothes. Ava wore a grey jacket, while I was putting on a face cap.

 "Welcome my angels, I've been expecting you," Scorpion said, sitting behind the desk as we came in, his foot propelled on it as he held a a glass of whiskey. Scar was sitting on the sofa Ava sat on last night. He was wearing a black suit and coat, looking formal. Something tells me he's more than just Scorpion's right-hand man.

 "Yeah Todd over here told us," I said. Scorpion looked at me confusedly. He was wearing a black button shirt with the sleeves folded up every and a grey suit trousers. And his hair in a smooth bun. In that position, he looked like a Greek god.

 "My name's not...,"

 "Anyways...," Ava interrupted the guard, giving me an inquisitive look. I shrugged mouthing a 'what?'. She sighed and continued, "I assumed you've seen the news,"

 "Yes, and you both did a great job. Have a seat," Ava and I looked at each other. Right, he doesn't know yet. We sat down on the two chairs in front of the desk.

 "Sorry about last night, I was just...anyways forget about it," he said.

 "Um, about Don...," I said.

 "Ah yes, quel figlio di puttana," he cursed and sipped his drink. Ava looked quizzically at him.

 "Oh, it's Italian for 'son of a bitch'," I whispered to her. She faced me with the same expression.

 "I heard the news, and you both did a clean work. The police couldn't find any fingerprints. Well done!" He exclaimed, very pleased. Oh I'm sure my fingerprints was everywhere, considering I trashed the place. But James probably took care of it.

 I was about to tell him that we didn't kill Don but Ava kicked my leg, beating me to it. "Actually it was a very simple job to do so, no stress," she smiled. I silently whimpered and held my leg discreetly.

What the hell was in that shoe?

 "Are you okay?" Scorpion asked me.

 "Mm hmm. Yeah, totally fine," I smiled widely, which probably came out as a wince. He looked at me weirdly, but continued.

 "Since you've completed this task, here are your rewards, like I promised," he brought out two envelopes from the desk drawer and placed them in front of us. We opened them and sure enough was some bundles of dollar notes in it.

 "Whoa," Ava acted surprised, "it's a lot of money babe,". My eyes twitched a little at the last word. Babe? Seriously?

 "Yeah it is," I said and laughed excitedly. Scorpion smirked and drank the whiskey in the glass.

 "You should work for me, full time," he said, dropping the glass on the desk, "as my personal um...hit-women. You already know what I do so," he sorta proposed.

 Ava and I looked at each other. I honestly thought he'd never ask, I mean that's why we were here anyways. Plus, I don't really think he'd take a 'no' for an answer and let us live so we didn't really have a choice.

 "Okay, as long as there's more of these coming in," Ava said, waving the envelope. He smiled and stood up. I saw Scar standing up too from the corner of my eyes.

 "Seems like we have a deal. But first, I have an unfinished business to attend to tonight, and you both will accompany me," walked towards a built-in cabinet I didn't notice was there before due to the wallpaper camouflage. Smart. He opened it and there was a safe inside. He typed in the passcode.

 "What is this business?" Ava asked. He paused, as if she said something dangerous.

 "Never ever ask a mafian about his business, Miss Anderson," he said, in a low tone, "ever,"

 Ava and I froze. I slowly reached for the dagger tucked behind me. He smirked. The safe required a retinal scan, so he leaned in and scanned his eyes which unlocked it. He opened it.

 "Come on ladies, it's pretty easy to figure that out," he said, taking out a small file and handing it to Scar, along with a key. Scar tucked it beneath his suit coat, "the tattoo, the appearances, the accent, and all that shady stuff. Frankly it won't take a genius to put those pieces together,"

 I exhaled. "Yeah right, it doesn't," I said. That was close.

 "So," he sat back down on his chair, pouring himself another drink, "I'll be expecting you both here tonight at 8," he said and waved his hand, ending the conversation.