Ch. 12: Ava

Ava's pov

 She's hiding something. I know it. I glanced at her looking out the passenger window as I drived. There's something she's not telling me, and it's eating her up. She seems nervous, which is ironic considering her reputation. Yes, I did my homework before coming to New York as her partner for this mission. And from what I read, she's a star agent in FBI's records, and a very confident and intimidating person. Correction, was a star agent-well, after last year's incident. I remembered when I sat in Agent Cornwell's office on my first day here, annoyed because she was running late and I had other things to do, like pick up my bags that the idiot driver they sent left in the airport after assuring me it would be brought to the apartment and treated with great care. Never trust a cop with anything.

Where is she?

 I checked my watch. Just then, someone opened the door and behold, the most gorgeous lady I've ever seen walked in. Okay I may be exaggerating a little but she was gorgeous. She wore a black pants and a blue shirt with a button open and a loose tie hanging around her neck, making her even hotter as she sat down and crossed her legs. She didn't seem to notice me as she focused her deep brown eyes that held nothing, except annoyance towards Mr Cornwell. But her eyes, they were almost empty. Void of life to be exact, except the annoyed look she gave Mr Cornwell.

 "What is it James?" Her slightly deep voice said boredly. I snapped out of the little trance she put me in and prepared to introduce myself, just like I practiced in the mirror three hours ago. But Mr Cornwell spoke first.

 "So I've decided that you will not be going to this undercover mission alone, not after what happened. Agent Reyes, meet Agent Davis from the BAU in California. Agent Davis meet Special Agent Reyes. She'll be your partner in this mission,"

 "Are you kidding me?! I can do this on my own, I don't need a partner," she said in anger. I sighed. Seriously? She's getting a new partner and they didn't even think to inform her beforehand. No wonder she came late, because she didn't know it was a fucking meeting.

 "Yes you do," he said, "and Agent Davis is your partner in this mission. Besides, we don't have a BAU since Cassie, so if I were you I'd start getting acquainted," and with that, he left. Well, that wasn't the welcome I expected.

 "Sooo, I guess I'm not very much wanted here," I said, about to stand up.

 "Oh...uh you are, it's complicated," she stuttered, I smirked. Maybe she's not that confident as I thought she was. "Makayla Reyes, but call me Kayla. I'm an SSA," she said and extended her hand.

 And I gladly took it, "Octavia Davies, but Ava is fine. I'm a behavioural analyst, but you already know that," I said, enjoying the strawberry scent coming from her. She walked me out of the office.

 "So what do you know about this mission?" She asked me.

 And we got along just fine-or at least that's what I thought. I sometimes find myself wondering how she had such perfect lips, until I actually tasted them. And honestly I didn't plan to kiss her. I just wanted to come up with something to make us look like we weren't spying on them and kissing her was what came to my mind. I really didn't expect her to kiss back, considering it was based on instinct. But she didn't seem to mind.

 Speaking of that, I feel like whatever she's hiding from me has something to do with what happened yesterday. She seems nervous, which is very unusual because she never is. Well since the last 48 hours I've been with her. She's always confident and hardly ever shows any emotions. She also seemed very calculative and perceptive. But today, for some reason she's been on edge. And always seems to be unconsciously rubbing the ring on her index finger. She never takes it off.

 "Everything okay?" I asked which pulled her out of her thoughts.

 "Mhmm," she hummed, "Actually, no," she turned and faced me. "Do you think Scorpion already figured out we're cops?"

 I don't think that's what's bothering her though, but I figured she'd tell me if she wanted to. So I continued with the silent change of subject.

 "I don't think so, besides if that was the case then why keep us alive," I said.

 "Oh," she whispered. Was she disappointed? "I just thought he'd know since he realised we knew he's identity,"

 "Well either he doesn't, or is a really good actor," I said. Why does she sound disappointed though?

 "Which is why, I'm gonna do this my way," she said, "don't worry, it's totally safe," she added quickly. I raised an eyebrow. "...ish"

 I scoffed. "I should've known you don't follow orders," She smirked.

 "Welcome to my world were I don't usually play by the rules,"

 "Yeah well let's hope it doesn't kill us before you actually do," She chuckled. After some time, she asked me to stop by a cafe, since we were desperately in need of a coffee.

 "So," I said as we sat down, "I didn't know you speak Italian,"

 "Oh I don't," she sipped her coffee and groan a little, probably because of the lack of it. And she's a coffee-addict, I could tell.

 "But you clearly understood him,"

 She seem to think about it for a moment, "Yeah, I think so," she said softly. I quirked an eyebrow, but she seem to be trying to understand herself too. Weird. "Must've heard it somewhere though,"

 "Maybe Scar knows," I said, she looked at me confusedly, I explained, "you know, about our identities," She hummed and focused her thoughts on that possibility, while I drank my coffee.

 "Maybe," she said. Then her phone dinged. She frowned as she checked whatever was on it. I looked around the cafe. I'm sure Scorpion has a lot of people keeping an eye on us. It could be a waitress or a customer, or those two men pretending to be gay two tables in front of us. I chuckled. They should at least try to be discreet and not read the menu upside down.

 ", I have a personal question," Kayla said all of a sudden. Well that's interesting.

 "Go on," I sipped my coffee.

 "You have a best friend, and you both have been through thick and thin together. Then she travels to somewhere far away, where she lost contact with you and all she left before going was a letter and a safe. In the letter, she told you that she was solving a mystery and everything she did was in that safe, but she didn't tell you the code to open it. Instead, she designed the safe that it could blow up should anyone try to open it without typing in the code, and in the letter she tells you that only you would know this code. And you've racked your brain for anything but nothing seems to work. What else will you do?"

 That was oddly specific. "Honestly, I was not expecting that," I said, "but I'd start with the places we've been,"

 "And if you've already done that?"

 "Then I'll go with catch phrases, or pet names?" I said.

 "And you've done that also?"

 I sighed. "Then...probably–I don't know–names of meaningless things?"

 "Meaningless things," she muttered to herself.

 I nodded. After sometime, she checked her watch. "We should go," I said.


 "So do you have your answer?" I asked as we walked towards the car. She sighed.

 "Maybe, I'm not sure though. I mean it could be anything," we entered the car.

 "Well, let's hope you crack that safe before it self-destructs," I said. She stared at me, lifting an eyebrow. I chuckled and started the car. "Your story wasn't that vague,"