Unknown pov
I drummed my fingers on the arm rest of the chair I sat on, my conversation with the Mafian leader still replaying in my head.
"I'm sorry I let her escape, s-she had help," I tried to justify myself. He scoffed as he twirled the glass of scotch in his hand. "It won't happen again," I assured.
"Again? So far you're useless to me," he said then muttered, "I don't even know why I haven't gotten rid of you yet,"
A chill went down my spine. "I'll get rid of them, I-I promise," I said.
"They're not my problem Mr Cornwell," he said, "you are."
"I don't care about your friend. You had one job, one job to protect us should anything go wrong. To keep us under the radar," he said and turned back, facing the view of the city from his office, "I guess I'll have to find another federal agent who's up for it."
"No...," I said as I noticed the sudden movement of his men. I have to do something.
I need a leverage.
"Makayla Reyes!" I yelled. He stopped his hand movement.
"Who?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.
"She's a federal agent, the one I've been trying to get rid of," I said.
"I thought you did that last year," he said.
"That was her best friend, and now I think she's out for revenge," I said, "I just didn't think she'd get so close so quickly. I thought if I broke her by killing her best friend then she wouldn't be a problem, you know, killing two birds with one stone,"
"Honestly Mr Cornwell, I don't care about any of that. If she's a problem, I'll take care of her. But for now, let's cut out the loose ends,"
"I think she's with the Camorra!" I yelled as I saw the men approaching. He stiffened.
"What?" He slowly asked. I smirked a little, knowing that I had him.
"I think she's a spy for the Camorras," I replied.
"Damn it," he cursed, "I always had a feeling they had someone on the inside," he gritted.
"It's different," I told him, "I think she actually have a connection to The Godfather,"
He turned around sharply, the familiar venom in his eyes blazing sharply, "Bring her to me, whatever it takes,"
I nodded, "I won't fail you this time."
I sighed. I thought I had a strong backing from the Costas, should the FBI find out about me. But now it seems I'm even fighting for my life. I didn't entirely lie when I said Kayla was connected with the Camorra. When I hacked into her social media profile, she had only one picture with two followers. A picture of her and Cassidy on the beach, which Cassidy took of course. She was never a picture person. Her only followers were Cassidy and someone named Anonymous. When I checked the person's profile, they had no followers, no content, just nothing. The only activity there was they liked and followed Kayla.
But that wasn't what got me suspicious. The picture they used as their profile picture was a tattoo of a serpent. The mark of the Camorra. I know Kayla doesn't even know about this since it was Cassidy who dragged her into the media about four years ago. And this person didn't just open their account then because they felt like it, they were keeping an eye on Kayla. Which brings me to the question, why would they be keeping an eye on her?
Then it clicked.
Were they trying to see how much they could trust her, before making her their spy? Because that's a typical Mafian thing to do. But why for four years? As I continued to think about it, the more it didn't make any sense.
"Boss, we caught a guy at the bar," one of my hench men reported.
"I told you," I hissed, "no business tonight."
"He was asking suspicious questions about the FBI," he said, "someone named Octavia Davis,"
I paused my movements, "Where is he?"
"At the steel room," he answered.
I stood up and limped a little towards the door. Kayla really did some damage to my face and some parts of my body like my left arm which is on a sling, but I'm fine everywhere else. She can't get rid of me that easy. I went to the steel room, he followed behind.
"Open it," I said to the two men guarding the door. They did and I walked in. I snapped my fingers and he turned on the lights.
A middle-aged man was tied up in a chair. He looked a bit bruised, I'm guessing they must've beaten him up before I got here. Not that I really cared. I dragged the other chair and sat in front of him. He stared at me expressionless. I tilted my head, a little amused. He just sat calmly on the chair and stared at me with no emotions. He raised an eyebrow at my head motion. No fear, no confusion as to why he's here, just nothing. He almost looked...bored.
I leaned in slowly, staring intently at him, "Who are you?"
He smiled, "That's not what you really came here to ask me,"
I clenched and unclenched my free hand, then leaned back, "You're right, I don't really care who you are. How do you know Octavia?"
"Now that's the question I'm waiting for," he said, "also the question I want to ask."
I sucked in my left cheek and signalled with my hand. My henchman punched him on the guts and face. "I'm asking the questions," I clarified, "now how do you know Octavia?"
"She's my sister," he said. I furrowed my brows. There was no records of her having siblings in her file.
"Not related," he added on seeing my confusion, "but I like to think of her as my sister,"
"What kind of relationship do you share?" I asked, more interested. He could get me to Kayla, through Ava.
"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," he said.
"Try me," I said.
Kayla's pov
I exhaled as I felt the chilling wind on my face. It was a full moon tonight. I was sitting at the front porch, on a double-seat chair with a blanket around me. I woke up because of the nightmares and couldn't sleep after that. But it's a good thing Mark had some nuts around to keep me company.
"Can't sleep? Me either," I whipped my gun over to the source of the voice very quickly.
"Easy there tiger!" Jerry said with one of his palms up. I relaxed and brought it down.
"You startled me," I said and threw a nut in my mouth, "want some nuts?"
He smiled and shook his head, sitting down next to me. "Allergy," he explained.
I mouthed an 'ohh' and continued crunching on the nuts, "I had a nightmare," I said.
"Oh," he said, "what was it about?"
"My best friend," I said, "she died on an operation a year ago,"
"I'm sorry," he sympathised. I shook my head and smiled a little.
"She hates cold nights," I said, "it sort of traumatised her." Then I inhaled and sighed, "Why are you here?"
He looked at me a little confused, "I couldn't sleep either"
I chuckled, "You had all the chances to escape with Ruby the minute we all went to bed," I turned to him, "but you didn't,"
"Well you said it yourself, you needed Ruby on this mission," he said.
"That's not enough reason not to escape," I said, "and I don't believe you're staying cause you wanna help,"
He smiled, amused and a bit...proud? I don't know, maybe I assumed it. But it looked like he was a little proud of my discovery. But then it disappeared like as if I imagined it.
"You're right, I didn't escape because I wanted those Costas to pay for the things they put my daughter through," he said.
I tilted my head back and scrutinised his face. Something feels a little off about what he said but I shrugged it off.
"Fine," I said, "but you do know this is dangerous?"
He chuckled, "You know, you do remind me of someone,"
"Hmm," I hummed and continued eating my nuts.
"Yeah," he said, "it's part of the reason I decided to stay back,"
"Lucky them," I sarcastically said. He smiled.
"You have no idea," he stated and stood up, leaving me confused. I sighed and dropped heavily back on the chair.