Ch. 28: A Dangerous Plan

 I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, being blinded by the morning light from the window. I felt so tired to get up today. I should've slept earlier last night.

 I dragged myself up and reached for my cane beside the lampstand. Then went to the bathroom to freshen up. I went downstairs to the living room were everyone were in the kitchen, either drinking coffee or something else.

 "Hey guys," I greeted. They all replied with different 'heys' and 'sup'. I went and poured myself some coffee.

 "You look terrible," Ruby commented.

 "Way to hurt my ego," I replied, downing my coffee and pouring another one.

 "That's not what she meant," Ava said, "did you get enough sleep last night?"

 It's very weird seeing them agreeing on the same thing and not at each others throat but, I'm still trying to adjust to it. I stared at her a bit, and she really looked absolutely stunning in the morning.

 "Maybe...I don't know," I said a bit frustrated at my thoughts, "look, we need to start formulating plans on how to get to this Cira,"

 "It's not that easy," Ruby replied, "they've been at war with the Camorra for almost twenty years, any unidentified suspicious-looking person would be considered as a spy," she told, "and they do not like spys"

 "Which is why we need a solid plan," Cole said.

 "Actually, we need more than one plan considering what we're dealing with here," I said.

 "Let me ask again," Jerry said, "why exactly are we going after a dangerous Mafia lord?"

 "To finish what my sister couldn't," Cole replied, "and to find the bastards that took her life,"

 "And also get our freedoms back," I said and looked at Ava. "And remember your gain in this too," I said to Jerry. He looked at Ruby, who looked a bit confused.

 "So, now that we've settled the reasons, let's make plans," Ava said.

 "There might be a way to get to him," Ruby suggested. I sat on the counter.

 "We're listening," I said.

 "Every year each Mafian lord holds a cocktail party. It's kind of like a peace treaty...which never ends well," she said.

 "Why host a party with your life-long enemy?" Ava wondered.

 "That's what I thought the first time, until I realised that's how it's always been done for decades, even before these current leaders." Ruby told.

 "So it's basically an unsaid rule, maybe to honour their ancestors?" Cole speculated.

 "Exactly," Ruby confirmed.

 "When is this party?" I asked.

 "Tomorrow night," she said.

 "And you're telling us now?" Ava asked incredulously.

 "I just remembered okay," she defended.

 "We need to start coming up with ideas to infiltrate the party," Cole said.

 "I have one," Jerry spoke for the first time since the conversation. We all looked at him, he continued.

 "Why don't we dress up as waiters, that way we can get access to the main room where the Mafian leaders and other important personnels are," he said.

 "I don't understand, there are other rooms?" I asked.

 "Technically, there are two balls. The first one is just a normal cocktail party with many successful people, nothing suspicious. The other one is held in a grand hall, inside the building were every Mafians are," Ruby explained.

 "So the first one is a cover up," Ava clarified.

 "Yep," she said.

 "So what exactly is our plan if we get to the main building?" Cole asked. I smiled.

 "We kidnap one of New York's most dangerous Mafian lord," I simply said.


Mark's pov

 "Hey Amanda, any news on Bryan?" I asked.

 "Yeah actually," she said typing from her computer, "he's resignation letter came in this morning, along with his badge. Weird,"

 "What's weird?" I asked curiously. She stopped and faced me.

 "I mean, we've been trying to reach him for the last few days but he never showed up, now we got a letter this morning saying he quits. Something's just wrong," she whispered.

 "Maybe he just didn't take James suspension too well," I said, pretending to be oblivious.

 "Yeah but that doesn't sound like Bryan does it?" She said.

 "Um, can I see the last case he was working on?" I requested.

 "Sure," she said and stood up, walking towards the storage room. I stood up instantly and sat on her chair, logging into the FBI server.

 "Come on come on..." I said impatiently. It brought out everything about Bryan, from the FBI records to the internet. I brought out a flash drive and downloaded it, then logged out immediately. 

 "Is there a problem?" Amanda asked as she sat back down on her seat, handing me the file.

 "No I just wanted to see what I can do, since I'm free right now," I lied. She hummed and continued her work. I exhaled and opened the file, then my phone rang.

 "Hamburger," I said immediately as I picked up, indicating that my phone is being traced. Kayla sighed on the other line.

 "With or without fries?" She asked.

 "With," I said. She groaned.

 "And ketchup?" She asked.

 "No ketchup," I said.

 "Okay, 214 main street, delivery's in two hours," she said.

 "Anything else?" I asked. She hesitated

 "We need sausages," she said, "lots of sausages,"

 "I'll see what I can do," I said and she hung up.

 I smiled. I thought she had forgotten our little code. Old habits die hard. I dialed a number that I haven't called in years.

 "Yo what'sup Marky?"

 "Hey Josh, listen man I need a favour," I said.

 "What'sup bro, you went all ghost on me. Things good?" He asked.

 "Everything's fine, I just need a few machines. I'll come pick 'em up,"

 "Machine? What you wanna rough someone up? You know you could call me for this shit, anytime, anyday bro. I'mma let ma boys handle them," he said.

 "No no Joshua listen okay, I just need some machines, no one is getting involved. I'll be there less than an hour," I said.

 "A'ight man, I'll set 'em up. Just remember, black bros for life," he cheered.

 "Black bros for life, yeah," I said boredly and hung up.

 "Who's that?" Derek asked in amusement as I started packing up.

 "Just a friend," I said. He chuckled and raised his hands up.

 "Okay black guy," he said and I threw the rumpled piece of paper on the desk at him. Amanda laughed. I smiled and stood up, leaving.


Kayla's pov

 "You're late," I said as I walked towards him.

 "Yeah yeah I know," he said as he went round to the back of the van he came with. I followed suite. He opened it and I was speechless.

 "Whoa, where did you get all these?" I asked. In there were multiple guns and firearms.

 "You know Josh?" He asked. I nodded taking and examining them one by one.

 "The one you went to high school with," I said.

 "Yeah. He does a legal trade in armoury now," he said.

 "Really? Wow that's sick," I said.

 "So, where are you going that you need this many guns?" He asked.

 "Sorry, that's classified," I said.

 "Kayla?" He warned.

 "Fine, we're going to kidnap the leader of the Costa mafia," I said while looking at the glock in my hand.

 "Are you out of your mind?!" He yelled in disbelief.

 "See, this is why it was classified," I said.

 "Kayla this is a suicide mission," he told.

 "Which is why I'll be doing it alone," I said and faced him, "I don't want to put you or anyone else in danger,"

 "Do the others know about this?" He asked.

 "No, and I don't intend on telling them," I said.

 "Kayla, it's been risky enough letting you out there in that...snake pit, all in the sake of undercover, now you want to jump into the lions den?" He asked. I chuckled.

 "It's funny when you put it that way," I muttered. He groans.


 "Mark I'm gonna be fine, besides my plan is totally safe," I lied.

 "I know you Kayla, your plans are never safe. I get scared whenever you even come up with one," he deadpanned.

 "I'm beginning to think you knowing too much of me is becoming a problem," I said, "but I promise, this one's least no one including me will get hurt," I tried to convince him.

 He sighed, "I can't win this argument can I?"

 "Nope," I closed the van and tapped it twice, "thanks for the help though,"

 "Anytime," he said tiredly. I smiled and entered the van, and drove off.