The awakening of the strongest

I was trying to regain my body's control but something was stopping I haven't seen anything like this the ring around my waist was transformed into the swords but my body throwed the white sword and with the broken sword my body ripped the criminal liver and my body grabbed it's ear and tore it out I was terrified of what my body was doing ,when the criminal died I regained control of my body I started to question what did I do,as I was trying to process everything, the man with rings around his hands came and asked me ur just entered RYNX a zone which u can only enter by being dead we putted the talismans of resurrecting on this cave for u to just get glimpse of it, is asked them it's just like ui right? He said yeah pretty much but now u will have to speed up the training process because in 6 years the trials gonna start and if u win u will get everything u want u can have immense power so get back to work, this time understood the quest and the man left, and I began to meditate when I went into my counciousness I saw that book again as I got closer to it I said u are here again this time he didn't speak as I touched it, something like a technique came into me I now knew how to weild the swords and the power I was chosen as the successer of the dragon clan,they chose me because all others were killed but I didn't have immense physical strength nor I had any psychic powers ,I was a swordsman I knew how to go with the flow of energy that is the reason for powers,I was just wondering what am I gonna do if I win the trial I don't have anyone to go back to nor I have anyone to protect, at this time someone tapped onto my shoulder and woke me up it was the criminal, he had Peirced my heart but I didn't care, I didn't care for his powers I transformed the ring and with the blue color sword I cut him in half and I woke up to get food but I wasn't hungry nor thirsty I went back to meditate but I couldn't so I tried to cut the cave and it worked I was out but what I had imagined the outside world to be like,it was nothing like that, there was slavery and the horn people were commanding humans and others lowly races to labour for them I was furious....[TO BE CONTINUED]