I asked the man with the red rings on his hands,why are they doing slavery he said we are short on labours or u would have seen ghouls too(ghouls are born from peoples worst nightmares) cut his head into 9 pieces as there were 9 races being in slaved I started to cut everything that came into my path I don't have any reason to do this nor I am related to them but it's just.., I had flashback of my previous world I was abused by everyone who had a bad day they would pick my nails one by one every day and there were none left they would just put me on fireworks,as I was rememberd it something was coming my way it was like Drago( half dragon and half human)he was so fast he had already grabbed my heart and burst it, but I was still alive I checked my heart it wasn't there it was crushed but I was standing I felt some energy above my abdomen It was like something gathering in one place or should I call it the core everything thing has a core but only some can use it fully, I didn't know all this I felt like someone was residing in my body too, the Drago rushed to kill me but I was seeing everything in slow motion and I was sensing everyones breath going away I cut the Drago's soul and his body so he wasn't able to reincarnate and I left the place,I went to the place with the most dense energy to meditate,I thought how was I able to know all this I felt like I have been here before, like my soul was a part of this world, as I approched the area with dense energy, some Guards came to me to stop me I cutted them, I went to the highest building to search for the ruler of here and there was someone sitting on a chair his name was fortofiyo, It was a shitty name but as I went to kill him he too was matching my every move it was very hard to kill him, so i ran away to kill the citizens,I killed everyone including the children's,I didn't like their faces,he casted a spell on me for me to not run away, as he was seeing his citizens die, I stabbed him in the back but...[TO BE CONTINUED]