He was surprisingly weak,I said to her,she wrote that you can also hide your aura with some technique's but they also have to be very concentrated,I said can I also do that,she wrote yeah if you focus on just hiding strength then yeah,and I am gonna talk to you with telepathy,I said but you can't talk,she came close to me and put her hands around my neck,she was shorter than me,and suddenly time started to sowo down and she took off her mask and she kissed me..I was in shock that my first kiss was gone,she told me that now we can talk to each other without saying anything,I said but I can't use telepathy she said no need to all of your thoughts I can read it and not your memories,she said listen to the refree,I said ok,he was talking about the first round,I didn't listened to him,she told me that pay attention,I said I am going to sleep,she told me ok we will see,I woke up and there was no one everywhere was darkness and liora wasn't with me I think i was stranded, suddenly Liora came up to me and said let's go,I said ok but where,she said to the first round,I said hop on me and tell me location,she said to the highest point,I said but how can I see in this darkness,she said just listen to me,I said ok,she said one your left,we suddenly fell down in some Raven,I felt some energy I followed it, we were suddenly going up and she said run faster,we reached the top and It was not dark anymore,we saw an house,It had a sign saying go in,I said to her should we go,she said yes,I said but isn't this a little bit suspicious,she said your just worrying too much,we entered the house,there was an dog,and the dog was barking at liora,I said liora is there something you are hiding from me,she said no why would I,we found someone he said his name was albertu,he also said that he was the owner of the house,he said if you want you two can sleep in the room upstairs and also don't make too much noise,I said what, she said let's go,we went to the room she said let's sleep,I said wait a minute you can't talk right? Then how are you talking?...[TO BE CONTINUED]