The TRIALS (3)

She said no dummy it's an technique,I said to her is your technique that powerful that It could make someone able to talk again,she said yeah,I asked her if she's gonna sleep on the bed,she said no thei time let's sleep together,I thought to myself that something is very sus or she is hiding something from,maybe she got some treasure that can recognize it's after dual cultivation,I told her no,even though I was given a chance but there was something off about her, we went to sleep,I was pretending to be asleep I was on my guard and I accidentally went to my spiritual world I asked the book what he was to say about her strange behavior,the book said I will give you an technique but you have to understand it's use on your own I asked him what did he mean by that, suddenly the techniques information flooded into my mind, it was about an man who didn't have one hand he had only his right hand,when he became aware that no one was gonna help him,he made and oath that he will be most powerful swordsman in this worlds History,when the first time he picked up a sword he couldn't even swing it properly but he was dedicated to prove that You're not talentless—you just need to polish yourself, and your talent will shine through. He swinged his sword everyday until he couldn't stand and when he couldn't stand he would just swing his sword laying down he repeated this process until he transcended to heaven and he killed many lowly gods in heaven but he also killed,CHRONOS,SURTR andTIAMAT but since after than incident he is nowhere to be found,I asked the book what was his name,the book said he didn't had a name but the people called him as "GODBANE SWORD SAINT" I asked the book so is this his technique and he said no if you had that technique you could die by just learning it, because he was cursed by the heaven's,I said then what is this technique,he said it has something to do with the ring on your head,I said the ring on my head,he said If tell you more something's gonna HAPPEN, I asked him what is gonn- I was suddenly back in the real world,I suddenly saw that liora was acting strangely,I skse dher is she okay, she turned her whole neck behind to me and said you are delicious....[TO BE CONTINUED]