The refree said it was a very good attack but fortunately the spectators were safe but the arena is destroying,so we have to postpone the next match and schedule it to 1 week after, and we returned to our room,liora said maybe we should try talking to Nyra and make her join our group,I said but why,she said because of the next round,I asked her what is the next round going to be about,wait I remember something you said to me what was it,yeah you said the their round was an survive or kill round but why are we fighting against veylans,she said well they must have changed it and have thinked that this was an either too strong for them on both mentally and physically,if the tenebrans had transformed into spirit demons,When a Tenebran evolves into a Spirit Demon, they undergo one of two possible transformations:
1. Physical Strength Evolution – Their raw power surges dramatically, but only in a single stat, such as strength, speed, endurance, or defense. It is rare for a Spirit Demon to enhance multiple stats at once, making those who do exceptionally rare and dangerous.
2. Noctis Core Evolution – Instead of physical growth, their Noctis Core undergoes a transformation, granting them the ability to cast spells and wield abilities akin to a Veylan mage. This evolution allows them to harness the full potential of their nightmare-born essence, manipulating their powers with greater finesse and versatility.
Though both paths are possible, the nature of a Spirit Demon's evolution is unpredictable, shaped by the nightmares that birthed them and their individual experiences.
Or they were just too weak to be able to make contestants demonstrate their abilities to their fullest..I said to her ok,she said the next match is your's,I said to her what but no one informed me of anything,she said dummy you have to check the mail you get look I have one too,it says my next match is just after yours,great I will be doomed with bad luck,I said to her when did I do anything that is considered unlucky,she said I was just joking, you are way too cautious,think about enjoying life you only get one,I said to her what if we had another one but we just forget about the past one,she said look thats probably the reason you can't talk to someone,I said to yeah yeah,she went outside to the cafeteria,I went to my spiritual world the book said you are here at last,I asked him what did he meant by that,he said I now know my name,it is Maledictum Grimoire...[TO BE CONTINUED]