The TRIALS (10)

I said to him what type of shitty name is that,he said aye don't ever talk to me like that I was the trump card of SETHRIS VAREIL I said to him who is that,he said I also don't know but he was as my host,I asked him so do have any idea where he is now,he said no I only remembered this much,oh yeah I also remembered a physical technique,I asked him is it related to any type of physical enhancement,the book said yeah how did you know?,I said to him you are in my spiritual world of course I can hear anyone's thought's,he said it's an technique where you will undergo physical transformation,I asked him will I be transformed into an tenebran or whatever type of beast,he said no your physique would be strengthened,he said now Kay down on your back,I gonna transfer it into you but it is your responsibility to fully comprehend it,I said at least let me know the techniques name before I die,he said it's name is "Force born" the book said now shut up,he transferred it into me and I died and he kept reviving me over and over,and thanks to him I comprehended the technique,he said now I gonna go to sleep,I asked him you are a book how can you sleep,he said I am not any book I am the almighty malediMaledictum Grimoire is said to him yeah yeah,he said I exhausted my power by helping you,I said ok bye,I went back to the real world,liora was sleeping bedside me,Ayo this is not a romance novel,I got up from the bed and asked liora what was she doing with me,but she didn't answer,when I got close to her it was a body double technique,I went to the cafeteria,I saw liora and went to ask her how did she make a body double of herself,she said it was an technique they were teaching this for five defense talismans,I said teach me to,she said no,I learnt this on a mage script,but if you insist I can teach it to you quickly,I said to her when did I insist,she said let's go to our room,when we reached the room she said lock the door and take off your shirt,I said what are you thinking I am just a pure soul you can not do this to me,she said just do as I say,she said now lay down,she wrote some spells on me and boom there was my body double,i asked her what can it do she said it can take your aura and make it look like it has the same power as you but if some dog even bit it once it will vanish.....[TO BE CONTINUED ]