5. Battle for the Wolfs Den [ I ]

on place couple of kilometers from the main village of the Wolfsbane tribe arrived 200 man clads in armor with their weapon strapped neatly either in their back or in their waist, lies ahead of them are two massive mountain of rock split by a gap that only be able hold 20 adult man standing side by side, a sizeable gap great for defending and also the only way trough to get to the main village of Wolfsbane tribe except by the seas

Silver wearing his armor, he wore a steel breastplate on his left hand are steel armguard extending to his shoulders while on his right are padded leather for easier movement, he wore a long black woven pants with two short knife on both of his legs while the blade his father created lies steadily on his waist along with his short sword he used on his left, his white blondish hair stood out among the many men while he calmly stare at a distance looking at a camp not far from them

"do you think they notice us?" asked Ganga with two warriors who is one of the experienced man that are used to lead the White Fur group, "I don't know, but tomorrow they certainty would see us, either our dead bodies or our alive one standing still like a rock they would need days to pass" said Silver looking calm even against such an odd 

"MEN!! Tomorrow we will go and make our self to become a wall standing proud in the mouth of the cliff ready to hold of the Vloders men, shield by shield, shoulder to shoulder we will stood still for as long as we need to hold or until our brother finish their duties and crush the Vloders right from the back of their mother womb, but tonight I ask you to rest and get steel yourself up, as when the sun rises, the maid of Valhalla would either serve you drinks, or lament as you will not be able to let them sit on your laps yet" said Silver to his men, many has heard how he already give his input towards the war against the Bearkut so no one asked his sanity or his genius in warfare, and today would be the day they will see are the words that are floating around the tribe that the Prince of their tribe is really such a genius figure

after delivering his speech Silver turn back to face Bronfis one of the warriors from the White Fur group that his Father entrusted to guard him and be his personal guard when the time comes "Bronfis, I need you to take 10 men who is good at archery amongst the warriors, and I want you to get close as possible but not too close to reveal you position tonight, every 2 hours, I want you to shoot towards the enemy camp, if you hit and manage to kill or injure someone then its good, if not? then its also good, I just want them to stay alert of a sudden ambush, you understand? 1 volley of arrows every two hours, and relocate if you think your position is found okay?" silver said ordering the men to begin the physiological warfare

"but it will waste a lot of arrow by doing so sir, would it not be better that we get a bit more closer to them so it will be easier for us to have a sure hit kill?" suggest Bronfis seeing that his leader is about to send them to waste extra resource they do not need to waste he thinks, Silver having heard this stare at the man down for a bit then sigh "its good that you still look at me with enough respect to voice out your opinion and not just do it outright without even consulting me, and you may have think it will be a waste, but I would rather waste any amount of arrow towards the enemy just to hold them off for one more second then sending my men to die, every bit of resource that is spent will not be a waste, but no matter the reason, each brother who become a casualties will be waste in my book Bronfis" Silver explain himself calmly

having heard his leader explain his meaning behind the orders Bronfis see Silver in another light as he know that his leader is not the kind of person who seek instant glory by sacrificing men aimlessly "at once young Chief" saying four simple words, Bronfis called out some men and then walk out from the camp towards the dark night ready to begin his first order from Silver

all the older warrior who heard Bronfis way of calling Silver stood surprised and even some are seen to watched Silver more intently not because of jealousy but its out of respect, Bronfis is known for his loyalty and also bravery, even amongst the warrior who get to actually raze in the main Wolfsbane ship and plunder with their chief, Bronfis is considered one of the elite among them, and hearing that man called a boy that just turned of age no more then a month the Young Chief, did gave them a bit of a surprise

not even bothering with how the other warriors has start to look at his way differently, Silver spread out a sheet of goat skin that has been drawn using ash mixed with coal, "Yakts come and see this, would you be able to build this on both side of the cliff mouth I do not need it to be sturdy as a wall but I want it to be completed before the enemy attack this morning, use every barrel and cut down some tree to be used to building it, would it be possible?" asked silver looking at Yakts who run over to him and now watching the goat skin thinking of way to build it

"I might be able to do it, but it will be a stretch and please do not expect it to hold off more then 30 men" said Yakts after thinking for a bit and wondering why Silver has asked him to build such a structure out of nowhere, "I do not need it to hold the enemy, I need it to redirect the enemy towards us, as long as it can hold Ganga, Bjorfa and Ivanka full powered push, I will be satisfied" said Silver, the three men he named are the strongest out of all the wolfs in terms of pure strength alone, so Silver has made them the standard

"if so then I would finish it before the sun even rise, I hope you can still give the men that I need a rest before tomorrow battle as we will not be getting any sleep haha" Yakts chuckle and called out to his brother to start planning to build the structure that Silver asked

after ordering the men around to start preparing anything that he can prepare, Silver move to his own tent and start simulating all the possible outcome of tomorrow war, 'with all the plan set in motion, I just hope that everything will move out smoothly, well... its but a hope I will be pleased if the God above even heard the wish' he thought and get ready to rest wanting to prepare himself up mentally before tomorrow battle