Odin POV-

'' Hemmimdal do not allow anyone to enter in Asgard. Only let the people of Asgard be back but after checking them for every thing.

Keep an eye on everything that's happening in the nine reals. I want every detail that's happening. Understand. ''

Hemmimdal replied,'' Yes, My King.''

I turned to loki,'' Loki no one knows about the secret doors and space rift of Asgard better than you, Keep an eye on it. I do not want anybody to enter from those rifts.''

Loki replied, '' Yes Father.''

I turned to Thor and Vidar and said,'' Thor and Vidar, You two will take warrior three and all other soldiers and keep patrolling entire Asgard for any suspicious activity.''

Thor replied,'' Yes, father.''

I turn to Tyr ,'' You take soldiers and make sure the palace is safe.''

And lastly I turn to Baldur and said, '' Baldur, you stay with your mother. Make sure no harm comes to her.''

He replied with a nod. He then asked, '' Father, is there some problem. For so much security. Is it related to our new Family member.''

I said, '' Yes son. As you can see his domains are responding to his call. But what you don't know his control over one of his domain. If the enemies of Asgard found out about his this domain they might try to hurt him.''

Thor gets angry after hearing this. But before he can say anything Loki put his hands on his shoulder to calm him. Loki then asked,'' What domain are we talking about father?''

I replied, '' Loki your new sibling has domain over the one of the most powerful forces in the world. LIFE . ''

They froze, then Tyr asked, '' Life is a powerful domain. But is it that dangerous father. ''

I replied, '' Yes. My son it is dangerous. Very dangerous. Just imagine bringing life to inanimate objects, creating monsters to fight for yourself, curing the sicks, bringing people back to life, creating new species, manipulating emotions of people. Domain over life just not mean this. It means your brother will have control over everything that happens in one's life. Just imagine the possibilities. His powers will only be hindered by his imagination. ''

After sensing the gravity of the situation they understood the meaning of such level of security. But suddenly Thor started laughing. We all look curious why he is laughing.

Seeing our faces he explained,'' I am just thinking Father. Even before being born he is making our enemies restless. When he will grow up into a fearsome warrior he will put fear of the God in them.''

We all understood what he is saying. We all had a small smile on our faces.

Thor then said,'' He is just like me.''

Loki asked ,'' How brother?''

Thor replied,'' Look his domains are responding to his call even before he is born. Just like me. ''

Loki then smiled cheekly and said, '' I wish he doesn't grow up to be as airhead as you.''

All my sons laughed at this. Thor became angry and asked, '' What did you say, Loki?''

Loki replied, '' Nothing brother. ''

Before this matter can go any further I stopped them and tell them to follow through given orders. After they left I started to think what to do again. Being a king is not easy.

Zoe POV -

It's been 7 days since perseus's domains are acting up. He is going to be born at any time. We went to meet Queen Frigga with our mother. Her stomach's glow is almost blinding now but surprisingly it doesn't hurt anyone.

We played with her for sometime. Seriously acting as a child with a adults brain is not easy. But I cannot say I don't enjoy it. A life without any responsibility, without any tension is a good thing.

Anna on the other hand is very restless for sometime. She just can't wait to see him again. Seriously she is crazy for him.

'I am not crazy for him.' Anna scremed with red cheeks. I just laughed.

I replied,'' I know you are not crazy. I am just saying you miss your seaweed brain.'

Anna said ,' Yea. That's true. Well no problem. According to mother queen Frigga is going to give birth in some days. Mostly two or three days.'

Yea just some days more and he will be with us. I can't wait.

Frigga POV-

Some days has passed since my son started responding to his domain. Yea his domain. Its a boy. You ask how do I know perks of being the Goddess of Motherhood.

Today is the day he is going to be born. So I order everyone to get prepared. For these last few days our son is trying to help me. It amuses me he is not even born yet he is trying to heal me.

And don't let me start on these inanimate objects. They are hilarious. They are better than any maid. They always talk never leave me alone. Trying to make me laugh. Whenever I need something it will come to me by itself be it water, fruit, food, dress or anything.

My son is so caring. I just can't wait to hold him in my arms. I felt it that the time of the birth is near. I called a maid to call all the necessary people and get all things ready for birth. I also ordered them to tell my husband about the birth.

Odin POV-

It's been three hours since Frigga went into labour. Her screams can be heard by the end of my Palace. My sons, Njord and I are here outside the door. Skadi is inside with Frigga.

Since Frigga went into labour the bizzare incident that were happening from last seven days have become more restless. The shaking, The storms, The trees everything became much more stronger.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Njord. He said,'' Don't worry my friend. It is not the first time that she is giving birth.''

Tyr said ,'' Yes father. Mother and child are both going to be alright. Just calm down. ''

''I know. I know. '' I replied and sat on the side chair.

After sometime the screaming of my wife stopped. The door opened and a woman from medical department came out.

'' Congratulations, Your grace its a boy. Mother and child both are in good health.''

We all smiled. Thor hugged Loki and Baldur. Njord clapped me on the back ad said,'' Congratulations, Old friend.''

I hugged him. Then he told me to go inside. I went inside and saw my wife. She was tired but alright. I kissed her forhead and asked,'' How are you my love.''

She smiled and said,'' I am fine.''

She then showed me our child. When I saw him I knew he was going to be the most handsome God. He has-