Odin POV-

-tisp of Blue hair like the purest water with the green colour at the tip like the sparkling sea. He has two different colour eyes. His left eye is Icy Blue while his right eye is vibrant green like the leaves of Yggdrasil which represent Life. His both eyes are like there is storm brewing in them. He has tan skin.

The most different thing about him are the marks on his fingers. He has marks on all the ten fingers. They look like rings. When I try to look into them I could not see anything but the endless flowing sea of cosmic energy. I left it to that. It is not a good thing to mess with something you don't understand.

I tried to take him to Njord and his brothers to let them see him. Keyword being tried. Because as soon as I took two step away from his Mother ten pairs of small White Wings grow from his back and he flew away from my arm to his Mother.

While we were shoked at this he just giggled at our faces. He tried to hug his mother with his Mother with his small arms. Frigga just laugh at his behaviour. Well we both know now he is going to be mama's boy.

I think his wings represent his control over Air Currents and Shock Waves. Well that is for later when he gets his domain. What I do know that he is first Norse God to fly without any outer help.

I said to Frigga, ''Since our young prince is not going to leave your side I am going to call our sons and Njord inside.

Frigga nods her head and said , '' Skadi please help me sit.''

While they were getting ready I went outside and call them in. Thor ran to Frigga and asked, '' Are you alright mother.''

Frigga smiled and said ,'' Yes my son. I am good.''

Then they all looked at child amd became surprised, '' Father is that wing he has?'' Loki said.

I replied,'' Yes Loki looks like your new brother is capable of flying.''

Thor looked prideful and said,'' Look I told you he is just like me. He can fly too.''

Loki said,'', But he is better than you. He doesn't need an hammer to fly.''

Thor didn't even acknowledge it amd went to the child,'' He is so handsome. Father what is his name. ''

Njord asked, '' Yes my friend what name did you decided .''

Frigga looked at me and said, '' Husband I think you should name him.''

I thought for sometime then remember all destruction that he caused through his awakening. Then I took him in my arms and said, '' He is going to bring destruction to the evils of the world and salvation to the good so from now on my son you will be know as-




Njord said, '' Fearsome name. Old Friend. ''

At night there was celebration on the occasion of Perseus's birth. Frigga doesn't want to leave Perseus's side but I convinced her to come for sometime because Perseus is sleeping. I told her that I will put more soldiers on door. Skadi also left Zoe and Anna there. We left all the handmaidens there.

I put more than 100 soldiers on door gaurding it. But secretly I also put a enchantment there to inform me if someone entered inthe room with bad intentions.

We were all enjoying, drinking and dancing But suddenly I felt someone enter Perseus's room with bad intention. I shouted, '' Thor someone has enter your brother's room to harm him.''

Before anyone can utter a word Thor was on his feet. He swung his hammer and flew to our new son's room. We all followed him but when we went there we found nothing but the bodies of all the soldiers stationed there and Thor frozen on the spot. We feared for the worst. But when we entered the room we saw the destroyed body of Stone Giants.

It is impossible to count the number but there are almost more than 300 Stone Giants. When we look for our son we found him sleeping and two daughters of Njord are standing in front of him as if to protect him. All the hand maidens are also there.

And then there is this Spear hovering in front of both of them. It is a silver spear with a blue ribbon connected to its top. This weapon is powerful, very powerful. The only weapon in the entire Asgard that is as powerful as this is My Sword The ODINSWORD, My Spear GUNGIR and Thor's Hammer MJOLNIR .

And the way it is hanging in the air it proves that this weapon has a will of his own. It has a intense Light power. It also Possess this pure kind of power that is as comforting as it dangerous.

Frigga tried to go to the childerens but it didn't budge from its place. After sometime sensing that we mean no harm to the childrens the weapon retreated and went inside My son.

So this is a soulbound weapon. That means it will grow stronger with Perseus. But that's for latter. We all went to the childrens to make sure that they are okay. When I tried to go to Perseus the glare I received from my wife I knew I am going to sleep on the couch for weeks or maybe months.

Njord sensing the moment put an comforting hand on my shoulder. Then we went outside , '' Tyr what are the conditions of soldiers.''

Tyr replied,'' They are unconscious and out of danger. It must be some kind of sleeping poison. ''

I told him to send them to infirmary. This attack was from the Stone Giants. They live under Asgard. So no one came from outside. I will investigate it myself why did Stone Giants did that.

Anna POV-


There is a celebration on account of Percy's birth. Our mother and Queen Frigga is also going there. So they decided to leave all the children in one room.

I am very happy finally I am going to see my Percy. It's more than a year since I saw him. When our mother took us into his room we found him sleeping. And like always he was drooling.

Zoe giggled after seeing him and I couldn't stop myself from laughing too. Our mother said,'' Shhh! Don't make any noise Prince Perseus is sleeping. He is new child. He needs rest.''

We became quite then mother left us in that room. They went on the party. I started poking him. Zoe said, '' Stop it! Let him sleep. He needs it. You will wake him up.''

I replied, '' Don't worry. I know him. He will not wake. He is heavy eater and heavy sleeper. ''

We spent our time poking him and talking to each other. He looks so cute sleeping dressed in blue colour cloths. Like a prince but then I remember He is a Prince.

Suddenly we heard voices outside. Like people are falling. We try to listen but we couldn't. But then suddenly door opened and-