Anomaly #1: Murder Tapes

Category: Mild

Description: Anomaly #1 is a optical disc with a name that is written in blue marker in which read "Ways Of Murder", The optical disc is encased in a black DvD case that has the exact same title as the disc.

Anomalous effects: Once the disc's are being played, It will display multiple tape recordings of people being violently tortured and murdered in different brutal ways. Each time the disc is being played, Different recordings with different people are gonna be show each time the tape is being played in different attempts.

Discovery: The disc was found in a abandoned car in the middle of the woods in the state of [Redacted]. The disc was found at the back trunk covered in a plastic bag.

I will now show the logs of the tapes with the time durations, Along with descriptions that show whats happening in these time stamps.

Log #1

00:05: The Video is showing little bits of static.

00:14: The Screen now changes into a title card that has the title "Ways of Murder" along with a blue backdrop.

00:23: The title now changes to "Johnny's nightmare".

00:26: It now shows pitch black with red text that says "I".

00:35: Now it shows a white caucasian man that seems to be wearing nothing but his white underwear.

00:38: The man is wandering around a room with very dim light.

00:43: At the center of the room is shown a Wooden chair, It was shown as the light is swaying back and forth.

00:49: The man is screaming the words "Help me!" for about 5 times, As he scratches his head and keep on walking around.

01:03: The man is now running out of frame of the camera. afterwards, sound of slamming is heard as the man is screaming in pain.

01:13: The screen now abruptly shows a black screen. The sound of wood being repeatedly tapping on the floor is heard, As muffled screams are heard.

01:25: The screen is now showing the same room, but now the man now sitting on the same wooden chair with his hands being cuffed on the chair arms, His mouth covered in duct tape, And his whole body covered in blood.

01:39: The lights goes dark as the mans muffled screams are heard.

01:46: The lights returned and the mans fingers seem to be bent upwards, with his fingernails removed and the joints of his fingers are now poking out to his now broken finger.

01:52: Slashes and lacerations suddenly appear on the mans body, One of the slashes seem to fully amputated the mans left arm.

02:01: As the lights are off again and the sound of a firing nail gun is heard.

02:12: The lights lit up again showing the man now covered in nails on the top of his head, Cheeks, and shoulders.

02:25: As the swaying light stood still, It shows a clear detail of his deteriorating state. The cuts and slashes are on his chest are carved with a name that says "Johnny".

02:30: The tape abruptly ends.

[End of Log]

I did multiple testing with the disc and it shows multiple people experiencing different death's and torture, I will summarize them in order of documentation.

- A Woman being mauled by 3 bears.

- A Man slowly getting decapitated with a chainsaw.

- A Man being drowned in Animal guts in a large Silo.

- A 24 hour duration recording of a Man being skinned Alive as he is sitting in a tub of Lemon juice

So far those are the recordings that I manage to document, I stop midway through testing due to how much variety the disc shows with it's anomolous effects. For a first Anomaly, It's a pretty rough to start but this is just the beginning on how much Anomalies might be out there.

[End of Document]