Anomaly #2: Stopwatch

Category: Mild

Description: Anomaly #2 is a Vintage Stopwatch with bronze back cover that has an engraved Symbol of a leaf and a bird perching on it. The Watch is attached by a bronze chain with the symbols on the watch seems to look unintelligable and It's seems to only have one hand.

Anomolous Effects: The Stopwatch requires to be winded in the left and will make a distinct clicking sound once the hand is pointed at the top. Once clicked, Any active activities that are happening around seem to stop instantly. Clocks don't flow during this state, In which i assume that time also stopped as well. The effects of the watch has a duration of over 60 seconds, and once it reaches its full duration everything goes back to it's normal state.

Discovery: The stopwatch was given to me by a peddler, He was offering me something to buy and then he showed me the stopwatch for the prize of 5 C$.

I will show my documented records with the watch, I've documented the watch for the whole week and I will now show it below.

[Addendum #1]

Today is the first day of the week, It's now 06:00 Pm in the evening. I experimented with the watch earlier the afternoon at about 12:00 Pm, The entire environment around me feels so quiet and all i hear is just my heartbeat, I walked around outside my home and to a nearby city, Everything seem to be stuck in place, Cars not moving, People not moving or talking, and all concept of time has been stopped during this. After roaming around and analyzing everything, The duration of the watch stopped after 60 seconds.

[Addendum #2]

Today is 07:00 Pm wednesday, And I did more testing to the stop watch, Details that I notice mostly is the design of the engraved bird and leaf on the watch, So far this watch isn't branded with anything.

[Addendum #3]

The day is Thursday 08:00 Pm. I did my 4th testing with the stop watch, I roam around town to view if something change during this 4th attempt. I notice pretty peculiar events, During my Walk with the effects of the watch, I saw 2 hooded figures just standing there frozen in a nearby street lamp. They seem to wearing dark colored hooded robes, A yellow rope on their waist as a belt, And their face is concealed by darkness by their hoods. Time resume again after 60 seconds, And when i glance over the area where the Hooded figures we're at, They seem to disappear

[Addendum #4]

Saturday morning 05:00 Am, I tested the watch yesterday in the afternoon. And during the effects, I notice the same black hooded figures now just standing by the street and now there are 5 of them, As i try to get close to examine on them, One of the hoods of the figures suddenly flow. They flow like theres running wind, As I slowly back away to the figures and turn my back, I heard footsteps echoing behind me and as i turn around by surprise, I saw the figures are suddenly a inch closer to me with their hands now raised in the air, and now they have large serrated knives on their hands, I can finally see the color of their skin because of their expose hands and it seems they have grey colored skin sorrounded with red veins. They suddenly walk towards me despite the effects of the stop watch still occuring, I ran for my life as far away from the hooded figures, As soon as I hide away in a alley way, I realize that the effects of the watch is about to end within 10 seconds. So i waited in the alley way and hope that the figures lost me. and then the effects of the watch is finally over.

[Addendum #5]

Monday morning 03:00 Am, I am now done experimenting with the watch. Yesterday, I was tempted to use the watch again. And so I did, And when time stopped again, They are now... Inside the house. They are all blocking all entrances and exits in the house, I rush in a panick towards the garage and lock the door shut as i heard their footprints scattering around the house. While hiding in the garage, I notice that the robes of the figures look different, The color of their robes changed from dark to red, And they have the same serrated knives from before. As i was sitting on the garage waiting for the duration of the clock to end. Until i heard a sound, A banging near my car and then, Another red hooded figure popped out of the trunk and proceeds to crawl towards me in such a frenzy manner. It's eyes glowing bright green as it's knife keep on scraping the ground as it crawls. And as soon as it leap towards me with it's knife close to my neck, Time resumes and all seems to be back to normal.

[End of Addendum]

A conclusion to this anomaly is that it can be both safe and dangerous. It's anomolous ability to stop time is a powerful thing to have, But with the catch of those hooded figures to appear and seem to have malicious intent to the user who abuses the watch's power. They seem to have the ability to ignore the effects of the watch, while also only appearing if the effects of the watch takes place. Overall, I will stop using this watch for the sake for my own safety.

[End of Document]